
Strange problem with modified Android Snake example

Hey all, this is quite an elaborate problem for me that i've been trying to figure out for a while now. Even explaining it is a little difficult for me but i'll give it a try. I am using a gutted version of the Snake Android sample. Pretty much I am using the TileView class verbatim and am only trying to display a few tiles on the scree...

What causes 'NullPointerException' in this piece of code, reading Excel cells?

Hi Intellects, I'm using Apache POI for reading Excel. I've been asked to store the cells into MySQL 5.1. While I'm reading Excel cells, I've been thrown NullPointerException. This is my code snippet : int rows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); for(int r = 1; r<rows; r++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(r); ...

Help. Getting exception executing PostMethod.getStatusCode()!

Couldn't figure out why I'm getting Null pointer here : System.out.println(method.getStatusCode()); !? method initialized and successfully executed! Any ideas? Sample code here. I'm using commons-httpclient-3.1.jar PostMethod = new PostMethod(url); LogInHelper.logRequest(httpClient, method); try { ...

Problem reloading a jar using URLClassLoader

Hi Folks, I need to add plugin functionality to an existing application for certain parts of the application. I want to be able to add a jar at runtime and the application should be able to load a class from the jar without restarting the app. So far so good. I found some samples online using URLClassLoader and it works fine. I also wa...

NullPointerException when running multiple Action events

Purpose of the code : Create two Buttons(button1 and button2). When User clicks button1, change the text of button2. When User clicks button2, change the text of button1. Here's the code I'm using : import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class multiAL { JButton button1; JButton button2; JFrame frame; ...

Strange null pointer exception

Hey Guys, I've got the following global array... public static float camObjCoord[] = new float[8000]; I've got a method feeding values into its indexes I'm sending them like so... layers.addcube(-6, -2, -6, -2); i is a class variable declared as.. int i = 0; and layers is declared as... GLLayer layers = new GLLayer(this); Bu...

Null pointer exception before Activity.onCreate() when using custom Android ImageView

I have a customized ImageView that works fine in one application. I've transplanted it to another application and am getting a null pointer exception prior to either my activity's onCreate() method or my customized ImageView's constructor being invoked. So far, I am unable to determine why it works in one app and not in another. Eclipse ...

Null pointer exception when using Bundle to pass data

Hey guys, I've got a float array camObjCoord declared as.. public static float camObjCoord[] = new float[8000]; I'm then filling it's indexes in a class that does something like the following.. camObjCoord[1] = 2.5; I'm then calling makeview() public void makeview() { Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, GLCamTest.class); ...

strange Java NullPointerException with autoboxing

Run the following Java code: boolean b = false; Double d1 = 0d; Double d2 = null; Double d = b ? d1.doubleValue() : d2; Why is there a NullPointerException? ...

Is it feasible to create a NullObject for every class? ( with a tool of course )

The NullObjectPattern is intended to be a "safe" ( neutral ) behavior. The idea is create an object that don't do anything ( but doesn't throw NullPointerException either ) For instance the class defined as: class Employee { private String name; private int age; public String getName(){ return name; } public int get...

Java Null Pointer Exception on JLIST

OK so I'm trying to output the current string from an array that was put into a list... However when I click on the list I get a NullPointerException... :\ Help? :) import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class lisTry extends JApplet implements MouseListener { public static...

Java NullPointerException

I tried printStackTrace and I have coverted everything to static (I think)... however, lines 17 and line 38 are the problem... because of this error: You picked up: Pickaxe java.lang.NullPointerException at item.addInv( at item.main( Description: Can be used to mine with. Press any key to contin...

Strange Null pointer exception case.

StringBuffer sb=null; // Some more logic that conditionally assigns value to the StringBuffer // Prints Value=null System.out.println("Value="+sb); // Throws NullPointerException System.out.println("Value=" + sb != null ? sb.toString() : "Null"); The fix for this issue is encompassing the ternary operator in brackets: // Works fine...

How come invoking a (static) method on a null reference doesn't throw NullPointerException?

I wrote this program in Java public class Why { public static void test() { System.out.println("Passed"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Why NULL = null; NULL.test(); } } I read that invoking a method on a null object causes NullPointerException, and yet the above program doesn't? Why is this? Am I n...

Is it okay to throw NullPointerException programatically ?

Hi, When there is a post-condition, that return value of a method must not be null, what can be done ? I could do assert returnValue != null : "Not acceptable null value"; but assertions could be turned off ! So is it okay to do if(returnValue==null) { throw new NullPointerException("return value is null at metho...

Null Pointer Exception when assigned a View to an Activity?

Hi there I have built an activity to handle gestures in my Android game and want it to respond to a gesture anywhere on the screen but I am getting this error on the Log: 07-27 13:55:07.268: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(751): java.lang.NullPointerException 07-27 13:55:07.268: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(751): at

Why null == 0 throws NullPointerException in Java?

It was very confusing to me to observe this situation: Integer i = null; String str = null; if (i == null) { //Nothing happens ... } if (str == null) { //Nothing happens } if (i == 0) { //NullPointerException ... } if (str == "0") { //Nothing happens ... } So, as I think boxing operation is executed fi...

What's the best way to avoid lots of "if (obj != null)" in Java code?

Possible Duplicate: How to avoid != null statements in Java? Share your thoughts.. ...

Android Notification NullPointer

I want to create a notification and I have this bit of code that worked before but now gives me a null pointer at the last line. Any ideas as to what may cause this? I know it may be hard with this bit of code that I have provided, I just need a hint as to what could possibly cause this. private void showNotification() { CharS...

How to solve a Null Pointer Exception when trying to populate a ViewStub?

Hi there, for quite a while I have been trying to solve an issue with a Null Pointer Exception while populating a ViewStub. What I am trying to do is within a SlidingDrawer that contains some imageButtons and ViewStubs to fill in the ViewStubs when an ImageButton is pressed. I have been following the ViewStub Class Overview to create th...