
application that uses OAuth and javascript

I am planning to create an app that uses JavaScript and it needs to use OAuth to authenticate user for a website. Can anyone help me out please? Any sample code? I know about the Google Code Javascript OAuth library but I am not sure how to implement that.. ...

Trying to OAuth to Twitter and return back to http://Localhost:port

Hi folks, i'm trying to OAuth to Twitter and it then returns back to our localhost:port (eg. http://localhost:6969). I'm also trying to use Linq2Twitter. When I try and setup my application in Twitter, it's not allowing me to set the Application Website. Website. Callback URL. to be http://localhost:6969 So, how can i make twitte...

OAuth using twitter for iPhone... ?

I have a authenticationTokenKey and authenticationTokenSecret and consumerKey and consumerSecret, but i still dont know how to use them to send updates to twitter ... I do not want to use MGTwitterEngine .... HELP !!!!! ...

OAuth vs. Portable Contacts for importing contacts

We are currently using an outdated screen scraper gem to import contacts from gmail/yahoo/etc. I want to update this to use the new OAuth based APIs so users don't have to enter their credentials on our site. I'm really intrigued by the work Plaxo is doing with Portable Contacts which Google also supports. It feels like that is a good...

Why do users have to enter a 7-digit twitter PIN to grant my application access?

I am implementing some ruby on rails code tweet stuff for my users. I am creating the proper oauth link...something like http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=y2RkuftYAEkbEuIF7zKMuzWN30O2XxM8U9j0egtzKv But after my test account grants access to twitter, it pulls up a page saying "You've successfully granted access to . Simpl...

Twitter Application - OAuth or Classic Login?

I am building a twitter application that is currently using the classic login instead of OAuth. Does Twitter have any plans of deprecating this? I chose not to do OAuth because it is still being piloted as a beta. ...

Keep getting OAuth::Unauthorized error when using oauth and twitter ruby gems

I am using the ruby twitter gem and oauth to gain access to users twitter accounts. In my code, I have: unless @user.twitter_authd? oauth = Twitter::OAuth.new('token', 'secret') session[:twitter_request_token] = oauth.request_token.token session[:twitter_request_secret] = oauth.request_token.secret @twitter_auth...

Zend Framework: Zend_Oauth and Zend_Service_Twitter

First of all, I am able to successfully authenticate using Oauth. I am using Padraic's tutorial found here: http://blog.astrumfutura.com/archives/411-Writing-A-Simple-Twitter-Client-Using-the-PHP-Zend-Frameworks-OAuth-Library-Zend%5FOauth.html Now, my problem is that I already have a Twitter model using Zend_Service_Twitter. But since Z...

Perl Net::OAuth problem

I'm trying to use the Net::OAuth module to authorise with the Yammer API and I have the following code snippet, pretty much taken from the Synopsis on CPAN. $Net::OAuth::PROTOCOL_VERSION = Net::OAuth::PROTOCOL_VERSION_1_0A; my $q = new CGI; my $request = Net::OAuth->request("request token")->from_hash($q->Vars, request_...

How to use Twitter as the Login for a Website

We are developing an asp.net 2.0 web application in that user can sign-up or sign-in using twitter account. when the user click on the twitter button, it should take you to the twitter login page. after your login is successful twitter should able to forward me back to my page webpage. Please let me know. eg. twitter ...

Where do I put the "Allow Access to MyNewCoolApp?" screen in OAuth

Hi, i'm trying to get an OAuth server working but i'm kinda stuck a bit here because i've got it to get a "request token" but I don't know where I put this screen in. I'm using the library for PHP from http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/php/ Thanks ...

401 Unauthorized using oauth-python-twitter

Hi all I'm trying to implement "twitter oauth" in appengine(python) using http://code.google.com/p/oauth-python-twitter. I use the following code to redirect the user into twitter: twitter = OAuthApi(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) request_token = twitter.getRequestToken() response.set_cookie('request_token', request_token.to_string...

Replacing Classic Login with OAuth for a single user twitter bot

My site uses a php function to tweet an update whenever an event occurs. Right now I'm using the classic login technique, so the username and password for the associated Twitter account are just hard-coded in. The function looks like this: function sendTweet($msg) { $username = 'username'; $password = 'password'; $url = 'http://twitt...

Issues POSTing XML to OAuth and Signature Invalid with Ruby OAuth Gem

[Cross-posted from the OAuth Ruby Google Group. If you couldn't help me there, don't worry bout it] I'm working on integrating a project with TripIt's OAuth API and am running into a weird issue. I authenticate fine, I store and retrieve the token/secret for a given user with no problem, I can even make GET requests to a number of serv...

What are the advantages to the OpenID OAuth Extension over OAuth?

Why use the proposed OpenID OAuth Extension over another OAuth-based protocol? Discovery doesn't seem to be a feature. Although the consumer only needs a claimed identifier to start the authentication process, any authorization will still require that the consumer knows the access token URL, signature methods, and have a shared key/secr...

How can I use OAuth and PHP without using the oauth-php library?

I need to build a script that uses OAuth authentication to connect to Foursquare's API, but oauth-php library is too complicated. Any one page scripts that don't use MySQL? I would rather just use cookies. ...

Using oauth and twitter to authenticate actions with php

Im learning about oauth and i have my application setup and im able to authenticate my account and get my token, but im curious how i use this to authenticate an API call? Where before im using http://username:[email protected]/whatever.xml What do i do now with my token to authenticate? ...

undefined method 'add_acts_as_authentic_module'

Hi, i've added code config.gem "authlogic-oauth", :lib => "authlogic_oauth" to the environment.rb file in my app and got error undefined method 'add_acts_as_authentic_module' for ActiveRecord::Base::Class is there any solution to solve it? ...

How Does Twitter's OAuth System Work?

I have got a demo script that lets me authorize with my app and sends back my token. But all this crap is confusing as hell. I have always used username and password in my CURL or simpleXML functions to authorize the API call. What the hell is going on with this oauth thing by comparison? I get that i will store the token, but what do ...

Is there any simple way of interfacing with Twitter/OAuth using PHP?

I am losing my mind here. Im looking at a beginners OAuth php package that has a 700 line file. Im used to using 10-12 lines of CURL or just a couple lines with simpleXML to get the same data. Is there a very meat and potatoes way to convey the concepts of interfacing with twitter via oauth without totally alienating someone? Im u...