
OAuth - Consumer secret in open-source applications

I'm creating a Wordpress plugin for collectively managing a Twitter account. I want to allow the user to add accounts via the Admin panel similar to the way twitterfeed.com does. However, the only way I can see of doing it is to get the user to sign in to their account, register the application under a unique name and paste in the ...

OAuth Signature Mismatch issues in PHP

So I've been trying to use OAuth to connect to Google APIs. I've succeeded so far in getting the Token Secret. But when I try to make a request to one of the data APIs like https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data and sign the request - i'm getting some errors. I used the OAuth Playground (http://googlecodesamples.com/oauth_playgroun...

oauth while learning various twitter methods

I'm experimenting with this method "users lookup" from the Twitter API. Is there any way I can directly type the url in the browser and see the results? I am logged into Twitter, but I get the error message "basic authentication is not supported" when I type http://api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.xml?user_id=12863272,3191321,9160152,82...

Two-legged OAuth Provider Ruby

Does anyone know of any examples of a two-legged Oauth provider in ruby? Preferably one done using the oauth gem. Thanks. Edit: I was able to solve this, it was surprisingly simple, which explains the lack of examples. ...

Writing an API for Rails OAuth provider

I'm having trouble figuring out how to write an REST API using OAuth authentication. The actual authentication part is working fine, but I'm not sure how to access the OAuth token in order to find the associated user. Here is the (barebones) code that I am currently working with in my controller: class UsersController < ApplicationCont...

Zend Framework Oauth Provider

How can I add a Oauth provider to a web application using Zend Framework? Zend Framework has support for oauth consumers, but I don't see a provider support. What do you use to implement a Oauth provider in php (with Zend Framework)? ...

twitter status update thru api with oauth authentication in php

I was googling around for some time and didn't googled anything... How to, using php, update twitter status thru twitter API with OAuth? Thanks! ...

Builtin Google App Engine OAuth provider functionality — InvalidOAuthTokenError

I'm trying to use Google App Engine builtin support for OAuth Provider. I get InvalidOAuthTokenError every time I cal oauth.get_current_user() on the provider side. What I'm doing wrong? Does anyone get this functionality working? I use this library http://github.com/zbowling/python-oauth2 for OAuth. This is the consumer side code. cla...

Getting a 401 "unauthorized" when calling Google Docs API using SignPost from Android

I am able to call GET successfully and get lists of docs and spreadsheets from Google Documents List API and Spreadsheets API using OAuth with SignPost in Android. However, I have spent hours trying to make a successful POST call and keep getting a 401. I Would appreciate any hints or comments. Thanks Here is the code: //I get the secr...

How important is it to keep OAuth's access token secret?

Once I receive my access token for a site (say facebook) using OAuth, how important is it to keep this secret? Could anything malicious happen if someone got a hold of one? I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to save the token in a cookie or session. ...