
Is Zend_Service_Twitter usable/updated?

I found that many functions thats documented in Zend_Service_Twitter seem to be no longer working, or maybe i did the wrong thing. Zend_Debug::dump($twitter->account->verifyCredentials()); returned object(Zend_Rest_Client_Result)#50 (2) { ["_sxml":protected] => object(SimpleXMLElement)#55 (2) { ["request"] => string(33) "/1/a...

cannot confirm after passing the LinkedIn API authorisation on iPhone App

I have done the authorisation step of LinkedIn-iphone API, and the app comes to the screenshot: But the 'close' button does not respond, and no where to use the authorised PIN. Because it is not finally authorised, the methods like - (void)linkedInEngine:(RDLinkedInEngine *)engine requestSucceeded:(RDLinkedInConnectionID *)ident...

Facebook Oauth for mobile web

Hello, I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to implement Facebook Oauth for mobile web applications. I would like to use the "touch" interface as indicated in the "display" parameter in the following code example on their developer website. Does anyone have experience using this code? I can't seem to get it working in Javascr...

Spring Security, OAuth and Pre-Authorization

Can anyone provide some information, hints or tutorials that demonstrate how to use Spring Security OAuth with Spring's PreAuthorize feature? Ideally, I would like to link a username used for preauthorization to OAuth credentials. ...

How can I automate the login to Twitter using Oauth?

Assumedly, I can use curl to send vars to https://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate...? All of the libraries I'm trying have the same behavior: I instantiate the object and then I'm directed to the Twitter login screen at https://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate. This is not going to work for me because my users should never know the username...

DotNetOpenAuth with Google Calendar Feed

I have been racking my brain for a few days trying to get a list of calendars from Google using DotNetOpenAuth. I can successfully get a list of contacts using the DotNetOpenAuth Samples. I have integrated it with my domain using the OpenId+OAuth. Everything works great to get a list of contacts. So from there I modified the code to ...

Devise and google oauth. (ror3)

Hello, Is it possible to use devise and google oauth together? I have successfully setup facebook in devise, but the following google config doesn't work. Do I have to use oauth2 directly? config.oauth :google, 'anonymous', 'anonymous', :site => 'https://www.google.com', :request_token_path => "/accounts/OAuthGetReque...

Twitter library for App Engine Python?

I am looking for an Python library which is compatible with app engine and provides an interface to the Twitter API. I found the python-twitter project - has anyone has used it on app engine? ...

How do I display my own tweets using new OAuth?

I had a twitter timeline displayed on my site using basic authorization. Now it stopped working. I need to make it work again. What should I do? I've gone through some tutorials and they all were like "how to display timeline from USER THAT ACCESSED YOUR WEB" or "let people tweet from you app", but none of them shows simple scenario li...

Is there an OAuth wrapper library for Scala?

Is there an OAuth wrapper library for Scala? I am looking forward to work with my del.icio.us (authenticated via Yahoo account, so I am going to need OAuth) bookmarks base from a Scala code. Is there a wrapper library out there? ...

Does DotNetOpenAuth support refreshing Expired Access Tokens?

I can't find any examples of using DotNetOpenAuth to refresh an expired Access Token. Most providers don't use expiring tokens, however Yahoo is a big one that expires their tokens in one hour. Thanks! ...

iphone/ipad standard twitter oauth module?

I have seen the following in a few different apps so it seems like some kind of public api. Anyone where I can find the code for this? Specifcally the twitter login that appears in the popover: ...

Trouble getting code parameter on facebook oauth callback

Hello, I'm writing a Django app requesting permission to post on facebook. I can access authorization and callback, but I can't get the parameter 'code' that facebook needs to continue with oauth. def connect_fb(request): return redirect("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?" +"client_id=MY_ID&" +...

Twitter API status update always returns "Incorrect signature"

I'm using Signpost as OAuth implementation for posting to Twitter. And implemented the GoogleAppEngineOAuthConsumer and GoogleAppEngineOAuthProvider classes, but since they're pretty trivial, so I'm not providing their sources here (yet). Here's my authentication part, which seems to work just fine. LoginServlet.java: // fetching the ...

Ruby on Rails OAuth application works on client but not on server (OAuth::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized))

Hi, I have a Ruby on Rails application that works great in my computer and in my server. I'm moving this application to another server that runs on another hosting service, and I got a problem related to the OAuth Ruby Gem. Any request I do using OAuth gem, I get: OAuth::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized): oauth (0.4.3) lib/oauth/consu...

Oauth server redirect on success or error, use HTTP redirect or Javascript?

All Oauth providers I've authenticated with will redirect you to a page that says something like "Thanks, redirecting you..." and uses javascript to redirect you to the supplied redirect_uri. I would have thought it was simpler and faster to return an HTTP redirect. Why is it always done that way? ...

Parsing facebook oauth access_token string

Facebook returns access tokens in the form of a string: 'access_token=159565124071460|2.D98PLonBwOyYWlLMhMyNqA__.3600.1286373600-517705339|bFRH8d2SAeV-PpPUhbRkahcERfw&expires=4375' Is there a way to parse the access_token without using regex? I'm afraid using regex would be unaccurate since I don't know what FB uses as access tokens...

Facebook openid and name without curl

Hi, I try to use the open id of facebook. I can get the Id of a facebook user. To get other data from facebook, like username etc., I need to use cUrl, which is not implemented by my hoster. Is there a possibility to get the username for a facebook id without curl? Thanks for you help, Martin ...

confusion: xauth or oauth or my own auth?

i'm logged in to a.com now i'm on b.com b.com accesses my localstorage and sees that i'm logged in to a.com and asks me if i want to download my pictures from a.com 1- what if i don't want b.com to know that i have all those accounts on my local storage? 2- if a.com specifies the sites that can see the token how the hell a.com suppos...

python oatuh, LinkedIn API: send message to other connection

hello, I want to send some message to LinkedIn user, through its API. here is a doc for it - http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1044 , but i have no clues - how should i pass that XML? i.e., for getting messages i'm using next code (and it works good): consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(LinkedinSocialView.CONSUMER_KEY, LinkedinSocialVie...