
Facebook Authentication using PHP-SDK

Dear All, I've been trying for couple days now without luck, I managed to use the example.php that comes with PHP-SDK and worked perfectly. I just need to store the returned session and use it later on so I could access without re-authenticating. I tried storing the sessions in a serialized field in a database and then, restoring the...

Android C2DM getting (401) Unauthorized

I have an Android application with an ASP.NET backend. I have the registration_id for the phone as well as an auth token from google for the application server that is performing a push. When I make the http post request to C2DM so that the phone gets a message I keep getting the 401 Unauthorized. Here is how I'm making the request ...

2-legged OAuth with google-api-java-client

Does anyone know how to use 2-legged OAuth with google-api-java-client? I'm trying to access the Google Apps Provisioning API to get the list of users for a particular domain. The following does not work HttpTransport transport = GoogleTransport.create(); GoogleHeaders headers = (GoogleHeaders) transport.defaultHeaders; headers.setAppl...

IMAP access to Gmail inbox with XOAUTH

I'm following the example, I already have authorized my application (=obtained the access token) but trying to access the inbox results in this: 21:14.12 > NDIB1 AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH 21:14.17 < + 21:14.17 write literal size 480 21:14.74 < NDIB1 NO [ALERT] Invalid credentials (Failure) 21:14.74 NO response: [ALERT] Invalid cred...

Absolute minimum code to get a valid oauth_signature populated in Java or Groovy?

SO I am testing a Rest OAuth implementation. My testing tool will send the HTTP Request, but I need to prepare the Authorization header. What I need: I want a valid Authorization Header What I have: All the headers except the oauth_signature I also have the 2 secrets, the token_secret and the consumer_secret. I also posses the access_...

Twitter oAuth : Updating authenticated user's status

I have a web site, that authenticates users using their Twitter ID and password via oAuth. Everything works well. I want to know if it's possible to post a status update to the user's Twitter page. I know how to post a status update to my website's Twitter account (which is what the wit web site is registered with), but how do I updat...

OpenId + OAuth hybrid protocol Implementation for google using java

Hi, I am trying to implement the OpenID + OAuth protocol using java in my web application. I am allowing user to login using the Google openID and i want to embed the Google calendar with that email id which has been logged in. I was created the following code, know i was successfully authenticated and i am getting the values of openI...

What should I use to create a login system for multiple sites similar to SO?

I am in the process of creating a series of websites and web applications that will be hosted on a dedicated server that I own and host. They will be developed on Windows Server 2008, IIS7 and .NET 4, SQL Server 2008 and Entity Framework. This will be a live server as well as a place for me to learn how to do some new stuff. A user wil...

Twitter + SAOAuthTwitterEngine

So, I have been reading into the whole OAuth stuff the recent days, trying to find something to help me authenticate with twitter. Since most of the topics in this forum pointed to Ben Gottliebs Framework I tried to include it in my TestApp which went fine. Inserting my tokens, logging in went easy. Next thing I wanted to do, was using...

How do I use connect to Gmail's IMAP server using oauth in Rails3?

I found the gmail_xoauth gem, which does most of what I need, but I also need to generate the oauth tokens (consumer_key and consumer_secret) from inside Rails3. I am trying to integrate Gmail's oauth integration into my site and hence cannot use the python script that the above gem refers to. I would like my site to take the user to th...

Using Google Reader API and OAuth in iPhone app

I want to make an app that uses on the Google Reader API. But I'm finding out that there isn't an offical API for it - is there a problem using the unofficial API, in terms of App Store guidelines/approval? Would other apps (Reeder, etc) use this? Also what is the best method for logging in? Is OAuth the preffered method? Is using Janra...

Facebook Graph API: Reuse the code verification string?

The authorization section of this page developers.facebook.com / docs / api contains a good description on how to perform authentication for a user agains my Facebook app. However, in my scenario I cannot get it to work the way I want. Here is how it is supposed to work: User comes to my login page and clicks a "Sign in with Facebook" ...

OAuth for Google using java

Hi, I want to implement the OAuth implementation for Google Accounts but it is asking to enter the consumer secret key either using one of security HMAC-SHA1 or RSA-SHA1 as signature_method.Their documentation says that are available by register the web app with the Google. For my development testing i trying to add localhost as domain....

Twitter App using C# using OAuth token

I'm trying to get a workaround so that i don't have to press the Allow button everytime when I make use of the Twitter API. if (Request["oauth_token"] == null) { //Redirect the user to Twitter for authorization. //Using oauth_callback for local testing. oAuth.CallBackUrl = "http://localhost";...

OAuth-Google Latitude integration in Clojure?

Has anyone integrated with Google Latitude (or any Google API, for that matter) with Clojure and can point me to a working example? I'm trying authenticate to the Google Latitude API and running into all sorts of problems, for example a "Token Invalid" error from Google- nothing else- after logging in for the User Approval URI. Thanks! ...

Are there good alternatives to Janrain Engage?

All the sites I support have full-sized and mobile-optimized screens. Janrain's support for mobile browsers displaying their widget is completely disappointing. That is, you can't see both columns of auth-providers as the second column is cropped on narrow screens. Are there any service providers like Janrain that actually detect mobile...

Problems with Twitter+OAuth+iPhone. Kids are Crying

This case is really strange, i've spent 2 whole days to get Twitter Oauth working with the iPhone and i failed over and over again. Its strange since most of the people don't seem to have the same problem as me. First of all, the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret is okay, i tried with 2 OAuth apps (Twitter) with every possible configurat...

Post Twitter message from iPhone app with OAuth

Hi, How can I post a message on Twitter from my app using OAuth authentication? I'd like to post an invariable message with a variable link... How can I do this? Any source? Any tutorials? Thanks a lot! ...

Remove App Connection / Deauthenticate OAuth- Twitter4j Android

I've connected my app to my twitter acount using xAuth, and everything goes fine (I can see it on https://twitter.com/settings/connections) After getting the access_token using twitter.getOAuthAccessToken(), I've stored it in my SharedPreferences, so to use it again. However, I'd like to give users the opportunity to unlink their accou...

Simple C# Evernote API OAuth example or guide?

Anybody know where I can find a simple example C# code example? Apparently really tough to find. I'm just starting out, got my Developer key. Initial (really noob question/presumption) - -Can (should/must) my solution be a web service client? No new libraries I need to install in .Net right? Basically, as a test, I want to be able to...