
How to work around Twitter OAuth?

I've been pushing stuff from our website to our company twitter account automatically. Like some news updates, updates to some sections of our site, etc ... It's all been happening automatically using the Zend Framekwork Twitter service, or other very simple php code that uses a username/password hardcoded. Now, Twitter killed the old f...

Verifying signed requests from Gmail contextual gadget

So, I'm using gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, callback, params) to make requests from Gmail contextual gadget and verifying these requests on the server side. To clarify, I'm using the following makeRequest params on the gadget side: params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] = gadgets.io.ContentType.DOM; params[gadgets.io.RequestP...

Twitter: is it possible for user to manually request and then provide app with access_token

Hi, I've been using Twitter Basic Authentication where you simply need to enter login/password and that's enough to post tweets. But now since twitter has turned it off, I have to look into oauth. I do have experience with oauth but I always used the common way to do this - get request token, ask user to "approve app", exchanged request...

Twitter + OAuth Integration

Anybody can please help in Android + Twitter Integration using OAuth. I already worked on http://github.com/brione/Brion-Learns-OAuth and getting the error listed below, when I am posting status update... WARN/System.err(190): org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized WARN/System.err(190): at org.apache.http.impl.c...

Facebook PHP SDK - maintaining a session

I've been playing around with the Facebook PHP SDK for a site that I'd like to use Facebook's single sign in for. I've been able to login to my Facebook account from my site and successfully tested a few of the features (posting to /me, an FQL query etc.). When generating the login URL I have set the cookie parameter to true, however I ...

Should I use the DotNetOpenAuth OAuthAuthenticationModule or not?

In dnoa's web rp application template for visual studio, there is an HttpModule named OAuthAuthenticationModule. However, I can't tell how it's used, since it doesn't look like the vs template (the MVC one anyway) does any OAuth authentication out of the box. The samples in version of DotNetOpenAuth don't seem to use any cu...

Retrieve Direct Messages from Twitter

How can I retrieve all the direct messages of inbox of my twitter account using token oauth OR curl in PHP? ...

Facebook oAuth 400 Error from ASP.NET application

ASP.NET application performing oAuth with Facebook. This code was working fine until a few days ago and now suddenly throws 400 errors. Cannot seem to find out why - the code has remained unchanged (verified using SVN). Can anyone help with might be the cause? Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the curr...

Oauth authorization without Twitter login page [php]

I use PHP Lib to support OAuth for Twitter's REST API http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth . I have config file: <?php $consumer_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $consumer_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $login = 'xxx'; $passwd = 'xxx'; ?> How do I get oauth_token and oauth_token_secret? I do not want to use the login pa...

Posting to Facebook feed from Android app

Hi all, I am trying to enable users who have linked their Facebook account to be able to post to their wall with one button press as detailed in their docs. Specifically, I do not want to use the .dialog methods provided in the Facebook for Android library, as I want the Publish process to be as seamless as possible. The specific call ...

Android -- Twitter Oauth -- Many different methods, none seem to work. Help.

Hello, I can't get Oauth to work with Twitter. I have tried the following (all result in the same 401 error): jTwitter (using the default OauthSignpostClient) jTwitter using the commonshttp library (CommonsOauthProvider) instead of the "DefaultOauthProvider" jTwitter using the OauthScribeClient (instead of the OauthSignpostClient) oau...

Server side authorization with OAuth

Hi, is there a way to ask for an OAuth authorization without redirecting the user to the service and then back again to my app? In detail, I'm creating a web service that need access to the Facebook Graph API, that requires the OAuth 2.0 authentication. Is that possible? Thanks ...

How to process Oauth nonces on the server side ?

I am writing the provider part of the OAuth protocol on the serverside and I'm cracking my ahead over how much of the nonces sent by OAuth consumers that I need to cache. According to twitter's docs, Twitter will only allow a nonce to be used once by your application. Prevents replayed requests. The question: My implementati...

How to perform ajax (jquery) functionality without using an external php file

Current scenario: I'm using the gmail oauth api to receive emails on a page. It's slow to load many, so I want to post each email on the page as it loads giving the user a chance to do other things on the site while the emails are still loading. There are a few files required require_once 'common.php'; require_once 'Zend/Oauth/Co...

Help to understand Facebook oauth code better

Hi Folks, I am a novice in Facebook development and PHP. I just started today and I would like to know what the following code snippet does, <?php define('FACEBOOK_APP_ID', '123423'); define('FACEBOOK_SECRET', '3eesewee3e'); function get_facebook_cookie($app_id, $application_secret) { $args = array(); parse_str(trim($_COO...

'Session expires' error in oauth for twitter

I am using abraham williams library to update twitter status using oauth. But I am constantly getting 'session expired' error. How can I get around this. This is my source. connect.php <?php session_start(); require_once 'twitteroauth/TwitterOAuth.php'; define("CONSUMER_KEY", "--------------------"); define("CONSUMER_SECRET", "--------...

Facebook OAuth retrieve information based on stored session

Hello, Am new to facebook development and am trying to get this little job done. I've been using PHP-SDK so far to authenticate. I used the below code to gain access <?php require '../src/facebook.php'; Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2; // Create our Applicati...

Google Contacts oAuth in asp.net /C#

I'm trying to use oAuth to access google contacts. I'm using the example source code used in http://github.com/bittercoder/DevDefined.OAuth I get an error saying the token is invalid right here: // exchange a request token for an access token IToken accessToken = session.ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken(requestToken); I already re...

OAuth for Desktop apps?

i wonder how do desktop apps without any domain names use oauth? or is it not supposed to be used this way? if so what do i use? say for tumblr they have an authentication api so i will have to put the username and password in the url/query string? i am thinking of using WPF/Adobe AIR. how does something like tweetdeck work? ...

Using OAuth to publish to my own account on twitter and facebook

I'm trying to update my own App/account on Facebook and twitter. Using basic authentication on twitter, this was pretty easy. However, with all the new security stuff, I have no idea where to begin. I've got a twitter account and a facebook app to which I want to post a status update (using PHP). I could use some getting started guides o...