
Error 500 when updating Twitter status using fsock and oauth.

Hi everyone, I am having some slight problem with Twitter Oauth and fsock. The reason I am using fsock, is to cater people that do not have curl installed. So here goes my problem. I was able to use fsock to get the access token however when I use fsock to update twitter status. It returns me with an Internal Error 500. Here is what I...

"Incorrect Signature" by Twitter while update/status using OAuth.js library

Hi people, i get an "Incorrect signature" error by Twitter Api while im posting an update to my twitter account from my app. I use the javascript OAuth library oauth.js. Here is my code: consumer.Name = { consumerKey : "xxxxxxxdwcececwscwdc", consumerSecret: "xxrtbujztvfdtcehz5tjv6uvjxbzuku7ik", serviceProvider:{ signatur...

Failed to validate oauth signature and token

For reasons beyond my control I am using PHP4 to write a twitter client. Requests don't work properly - I am having a tough time seeing what's wrong. Any ideas? I have grabbed the code and banged it in a very simple script here to illustrate essentially what's going on. I've hidden OAuth keys for security purposes. <?php $requestToken...

OAuth 2.0 Open Source implementation in Java

We will shortly build a prototype which will play the role of an OAuth client to interact with sites such as Facebook. A requirement is that we use OAuth 2.0 (knowing it is still in draft status). Do you know of any Open Source Java implementations of an OAuth 2.0 client library? Our goal is to use it in our prototype, contributing to t...

Twitter OAuth in console application

Hi guys, Is it possible to authorize twitter console application without visiting authentication web page? I need it because I'm developing app that grab direct messages from our corporate twitter. This console application is scheduled on web server and is not driven by human. Regards, Alexey Zakharov ...

HMAC SSL Certificate Question with OAuth

Hi Everyone, I'm kinda new to this topic so please be gentle ;) I'm attempting to use a 3rd-party Health API called Dossia (http://dossia.org). I setup a test account and have received my OAuth Consumer Key and Secret, in the config there's a line which says define('USER_SIG_METHOD','HMAC-SHA1'); My question is how do I make my ...

OAuth, Sessions, Servlets

I'm trying to implement OAuth for a Twitter app with Servlets/JSPs but I have a question. Since I have to redirect the user to the Twitter authorization site and pull request parameters from the callback, how do I exactly keep all this in one session? My assumption is that when I redirect/forward the user to the new site that's gonna b...

Error with undefined method after OAuth request

Hi, I'm using cakephp with this vendor: oauth_consumer.php It requires OAuth PHP library oauth.php Inside my controller, I successfully get a request token using a method call in oauth_consumer which successfully calls a static method in oauth.php: $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, $token, $httpMethod, $url, $...

iphone easy oauth

I'm trying to use the OAuthConsumer library for iPhone to post tweets. I have done the same thing on Android with the following procedure: 1. Get request token 2. Show webview asking for authorisation and let the user authenticate 3. Capture callback request URL and take out the oauth_token and oauth_verifier. 4. Use the oauth_token to s...

OAuth Callback Session

I'm having a problem figuring out to maintain the same session after I get the oauth callback in a servlet. Since th callback come from Twitter and not the clients browser, I get a different session. Can someone help?? ...

Dynamic or parameter callback URL for Facebook OAuth?

Is there a way to specify a dynamic callback url for the redirect from Facebook authorization? Facebook app is requiring to enter a url with a slash at the end. What I am trying to do is to do is add a username or the app key so I can do some dynamic logic on the callback url page. I would like to use the same callback url for many users...

How to upgrade from Twitter BasicAuth to Oauth in my iPhone Application.

I have struck with posting my application to apple because of following reason. Application is not posting tweets to twitter. I have implemmented twitter with basic Auth. so that it is not working from August 31, 2010. So can any one help me How to upgrade from Twitter BasicAuth to Oauth in my iPhone Application. Another question is...

How to pass access token from one website to another?

I have a website that takes care of getting a Facebook token through Graph / OAuth. At that point, the website can post to the user's Facebook wall with no problems. Is it possible to send this token to another website so the remote website can start posting the user's Facebook wall without re-logging in the user? ...

With Twitter oAuth authorization, how do you specify what twitter username?

Developing a web application that I've registered with Twitter. In this app, I might have 10 different Twitter Identities that I want to either Allow or Deny access for the application to. For example: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&amp;oauth_callback=http:://localhost:24649/TwitterIdent...

how to get user profile in linkedin using some api?

hi.. How to get profile of user in linked in. plz specify the api and how to get authonicated through api. plz specify the complete procedure. 1.get token 2. access profile. plz reply. thanks & regards... ...

Android StartActivityForResult for reusable code - any other ways of doing this? (regarding Twitter)

Currently I'm trying to implement a reusable Twitter status 'poster'. The Twitter status part of it is working, but the reusable bit isn't. Here's what I'm doing: An activity called SummaryDisplay imports a class TweetStatus and calls a function sendStatus. It also implements a listener which is called when TweetStatus can confirm th...

Facebook redirect on "Don't Allow" uses unexpected query string: ?error[type]=OAuthAccessDeniedException

I'm implementing a facebook app and use oauth 2.0 to log the user in to facebook, and to request some permissions. If the user chooses Allow, I get the expected response on the redirect_uri (with code parameter which I can exchange to an access_token). This is all working correctly. However, when the user chooses Don't Allow on the Fac...

401 Unauthorized using Yahoo OAuth

Hi there, My below code returns a 401 Unauthorized error each time at the this point: HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql?q=select%20fields.value%20from%20social.contacts%20where%20guid%3Dme&amp;diagnostics=false"); request.Headers.Add( "Authorizatio...

Google Contacts API not showing emails, nor max results

I'm using the Google Contacts API to get back formatted JSON, hopefully containing ALL of a user's contacts' email addresses. I use this information to search my database for the user's friends. Neither of these results occur. Here's the URI that's called (broken up by paramater for slightly better readability: http://www-opensocial.g...

Servlets encodeRedirectURL

I'm trying to get an OAuth implementation running on a servlet for Twitter. I'm having trouble with redirecting the user to the Twitter authentication page. When I get the callback, it's returned to a servlet but the session is different since the request comes from Twitter and not my webapp. I tried using encodeRedirectURL to get the...