
OAuth, OpenID and native login - is it worth joining identities?

When using OAuth, OpenID for login (together with native login on the site) there is the possibility of the same user having multiple accounts on a site. It is probably that the user who has Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, Google etc etc will forget which ID they used to login the site. I'm thinking of giving them the option of 'joining' thei...

i am getting httpresponse exception : unauthorised for the twitter application + oauth.. how to solve it?

please help me. i need a code that will tweet using oauth + twitter api... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25o0b2aEw0E i have used this project and i m getting error 08-25 11:47:32.747: WARN/System.err(2029): org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized 08-25 11:47:32.747: WARN/System.err(2029): at org.apache.http.im...

python twitter oauth example?

I'm having problems to find a simple python twitter oauth example wich show how to post a user status on Twitter. Can you help me? ...

OAuth H9 Google Health

I cannot get this to work for the life of me, I am attempting to gain 3-legged Oauth access, but I can't get the first step to work. My Code so Far: include("OAuth.php"); $consumer_key = "anonymous"; $consumer_secret = "anonymous"; define("URI", "http://www.google.com"); $request_token_url = URI.'/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken?scope=h...

Is it possible to have gdata (Google Data API) connect via specified user?

I'm creating a site where people can upload videos to youtube through my website. But instead of uploading via the account that the users have, I want the file to be uploaded from my account instead. So the users wouldn't even have to view the authentication process since it's auto-signed in to the specified account. Is this possible? ...

Does Facebook API video-upload work only with OAuth v1?

I cannot get video upload to work with OAuth 2 access-token. The request always fails to even connect (timeout). http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/video.upload With almost identical code, I have successfully uploaded photos. The only video-upload example code I can find uses OAuth 1.x. Does video not yet support OAuth...

Sign in with Twitter and Security for a Zend Framework App

Hi, I'm trying to replicate the functionality i've seen on a couple of sites: http://todaslistas.heroku.com http://endor.se The idea is you sign up and log in with Twitter using Oauth. Once you have authed the app at twitter you then return to their site and they keep you logged in. In the case of each one they obviously base this o...

finding friends in a rails app via facebook, gmail, twitter, etc...

Hello, I have built a social networking app in rails, and am looking for a simple way to allow users to login to their various other accounts (OAuth?) such as facebook, twitter, gmail, other mail clients, etc and see if their friends/contacts on those sites are signed up for my site. Additionally I will be adding functionality to allo...

Facebook Connect vs.Twitter OAuth - Security

I'm thinking about creating a web app where users may login via Facebook Connect or Twitter OAuth. I'm wondering how secure these logins are? Are there any security issues I should be concerned about? Thanks in advance for your advice and suggestions. ...

Problem with Zend Oauth and writing Access Token in mySQL database

Hi, I use Zend Oauth to connect my app to Twitter as described here: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.oauth.introduction.html It works perfectly saving the Twitter Request Token and the Twitter Access Token in the session using serialize and unserialize like this (abbreviated): 1: $consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($config); ...

How to upgrade Session Keys to OAuth Access Tokens Facebook ?

Dear all, I novice with RestFB Java library. In fact, I don't understand very well how to get an OAuth access tokens ? Before I used Facebook Api Java with API key and Secret key for authentification. Now, I want to use RestFB to replace this library. Can you help me please ? Have you got some Java example for this new mechanism ? Tha...

Why is OAuth designed to have request token and access token?

In the OAuth protocol, a service consumer will ask a user to authorize a request token in the service provider domain, then exchanges the request token for a access token from the service provider. I'm wondering why OAuth is designed to have two tokens in the protocol. Why not just use one single token in this process? That is, the use...

oauth on appengine: access issue

I am having some difficulty accessing resources through OAuth on AppEngine. My client application (on Linux using python-oauth) is able to retrieve a valid "access token" but when I try to access a protected resource (e.g. user = oauth.get_current_user()) , I get a oauth.OAuthRequestError exception thrown. headers: {'Content-Length': ...

oauth & POSTing JSON

Reading section 9.1 of OAuth Core 1.0, I only see a reference to performing POST requests using content-type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. How does one go about performing POST requests with JSON data in the request body? How does handle the signing? Is it at all possible? Can this work on AppEngine? ...

Java orkut client, OAuth keys problems.

Hi All, I am going through the Read Me file of orkut java client, as I am trying to write a orkut standalone application in java. But, Point #3 (under usage section) of Read Me says that :- Get OAuth keys for your app Before you can start using the API or run the sample given here, you need to get the OAuth consumer key and secret...

Something that combines Oauth, OpenID, FB Connect, etc?

So there are these different open authentication schemes, such as OAuth, OpenID, and Facebook Connect among others. Are there any packages that provide a common interface for these various systems? It seems that it would be a boon to someone with a site to have a single interface layer for interoperating with these disparate sign-in syst...

How to implement OAuth2 provider and consumer in C# .NET

I have been doing a bit of searching around on oauth2 and think it may be a good fit for some WCF rest services I am building out that will be consumed by some WPF apps and MVC web apps. The idea would be that the user is initially asked to login with their username / password and receives an access token which gives them access to the a...

Is there a way to get an user's email ID after verifying her Twitter identity using OAuth?

I am new to OAuth and have been playing around with the Twitter API. I am able to fetch the credentials of an user after authentication by making a request to http://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.xml. The response contains the user id, screen name etc. but not the email ID. Is it possible at all to retrieve the email ID ...

oauth2 and trusted sites

Hi, is there any possibility to work with trusted sites (for example - sites of one developer) using oauth/oauth2 without confirmation of access to user data? ...

Should we expect oauth in GAE to support more openID providers in the future?

This isn't a programming question per se, but I'm hoping someone here will notice it and have an answer, I already tried the GAE group but got nothing. I'm working on an app where the GAE component will be an oauth providor, and a mobile client will be the oauth consumer. For logging into the web app, I want to use openid, but right no...