
Accessing the Twitter API via PHP

I'm working on making my script mesh with OAuth instead of Basic Auth, and I'm stuck. So far, I'm just working on authenticating at the moment, but I can't get that working. This code: <?php include 'config.php'; include 'twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'; // Use config.php credentials $conn = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY,CONSUM...

Using PUT with PHP OAuth library

I'm having a problem using the PUT HTTP method with the PHP OAuth library (http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.oauth.php) What I need to do is pass some XML as the file to be PUT, but I am not sure how to send it with OAuth. Here's what I have: $xml = "<data><id>1234</id><something>i am now set to this</something></data>"; $oauth->f...

OAuth and HTTParty

Is it possible to use OAuth with HTTParty? I'm trying to do this API call, but, contradictory to the documentation, it needs authentication. Before you say "Use a Twitter-specific Gem", hear me out--I've tried. I've tried twitter, grackle, and countless others, but none support this specific API call. So, I've turned to HTTParty. So, h...

Rails user queue system?

I would like to create a Rails app that would allow users to control the serial port of the host server. To keep some order to the serial commands, I would like to have some sort of queue system that would only allow one user at a time to issue commands, with a time limit. When their time expires, the next user in the queue is given cont...

django base64 decode encode returns different value

Hi. I was wondering if something can shed some light on where I might be going wrong with this. I need to generate a signed Key for use with Gigya an openauth platform This is a rework from their Ruby info, http://wiki.gigya.com/020_Developer_Guide/70_Server_Side_API_(REST)#tab-2 Here is what I have thus far. #@ escape the status mes...

Set up a PHP OAuth Provider

Alright I am trying to set up an OAuth Provider in PHP, but I just cannot get the hang of it. I've been referenced to this page a number of times, but I cannot wrap my head around it. Could someone help me out, step by step, or reference me to a more direct guide? Thank you very much. ...

Twitter search with source parameter from oAuth application

Would anyone happen to know how you would run a Twitter search query based on a tweet coming from an oAuth Twitter application (source)? For example, I want to be able to pull tweets that were posted from my Twitter application and be able to find it using the 'source' operator. Thanks in advance. ...

Authenticate OAuth from Script

Can anyone tell me how I could go about authenticating with the various OAuth login mechanisms on the internets (Twitter, Facebook) so that I can run scripts against these services. As an example, right now when I use Facebook data I goto graph.facebook.com and copy paste the access key from the URL. Obviously this is a bad approach, i...

Android + Twitter + Oauth + access token

Hey guys, I am trying to make an android app for twitter. The code that i am using for the login is given below : package com.twitter; import org.apache.http.HttpVersion; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory; import org.apach...

Using Cucumber to test my OAuth provider in Rails

I have a rails site that allows authentication through OAuth (I use Restful Authentication and the Rails OAuth Plugin). To make sure that it worked, I made a quick site to act as an OAuth consumer. However, I want the testing to be self-contained in Cucumber features. Ideally, this would use Webrat so that Cucumber could correctly m...

Can I use session-based authentication for my web API?

I am implementing a web server API for my application, and I got stuck in the process of figuring out what authentication method I should use to authenticate requests by the users (and also by other client applications). I think that I did not really understand what OAuth and other authentication protocols are made for. I want the authe...

Twitter OAuth API - Allow user to revoke application access from application

I'd like to let users disconnect their Twitter credentials - aka revoke application access - from my application. When they look at their user profiles, and they see "your account is currently linked to your twitter profile @abc", I'd like to allow them to remove that connection. It's possible on Foursquare and some other applications. ...

OAuth 2.0 Tutorial?

I'm writing a REST web service on twisted and I want to use OAuth 2.0 for authorization. Is there a tutorial out there to help me write the OAuth server without having to read the entire spec? I know it's in draft, but even Facebook is using it. ...

How to create OAuth HMAC-SHA1 signature on GAE/J?

EDIT: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1609899/java-equivalent-to-phps-hmac-sha1 (well hopefully, trying a.t.m.) My understanding is that to create a signature I need a 'base string' and a 'key'. I guess I know how to create the base string, and I assume I'm supposed to use 'OAuth Consumer Secret' that Google have assigned to my app a...

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

Section 4.2 of the draft OAuth 2.0 protocol indicates that an authorization server can return both an access_token (which is used to authenticate one's self with a resource) as well as a refresh_token, which is used purely to create a new access_token: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-4.2 Why have both? Why not...

Does the Facebook Connect oauth access_token reliably contain the facebook user id?

I have a facebook connect app all set up using oauth and after the final transaction I receive an access_token that looks something like - 559514387926|f53be3fc76b8e243aaf2944b-502835064|moXh_HOIga8b32txRdwkan-5NW9. The part in bold seems to be facebook user id of the current user. I checked this with all the access_tokens of the users...

Return non-HTML, non-JSON http bodies in Tapestry 5 ?

Hi, I have to implement the service provider of the OAuth protocol in a project that uses Tapestry5. Therefor I just need to return a very simple HTTP response body that is neither HTML or JSON. At first I tried to use the standard tml & pojo (java class, page) approach but this doesn't work because Tapestry tries to parse the template...

Yahoo OAuth library in java?

Hi, Anybody knows any good yahoo oauth library in java?. Using that library, i should fetch yahoo mails using oauth authentication. Thanks Aravind S ...

Accessing Twitter Without User Interaction

I'm writing some scripts for my boss that reads a specific user's tweets over the course of a week, and then dumps them into a formatted Tumblr post. Because he wants this done automated, I'm using cron to run the scripts periodically, but this is not the point of the post. My question is, since the move to OAuth by the Twitter API, is ...

Can anybody explain OAuth to an idiot?

That idiot being me. I've read a bit about it at http://oauth.net/ , it's "a simple way to publish and interact with protected data" apparently. I think it's exactly what I need to provide a secure way of accessing data from an android/iphone app via a REST web service, but I can't work out exactly what it is. So, put simply, what exa...