
OAuth REST API Usage - Authentication Process (myspace example code)

Can someone give an example of how to do Oauth authentication for the myspace REST API. I have the description here but would like to have some sample code: http://developerwiki.myspace.com/index.php?title=OAuth_REST_API_Usage_-_Authentication_Process ...

Complete 'django piston with oauth support' example

Hi, I have followed a number of tutorials and examples on the web to setup and use django piston. They all work flawlessly, until i try to integrate oauth authentication. I have been working against the following examples: http://blog.carduner.net/2010/01/26/django-piston-and-oauth/ http://github.com/clemesha/django-piston-oauth-exampl...

Unable to update twitter status using Oauth. Although I can get information

Hi, I am working on an application in which user can update his/her twitter status from my application. I am using oauth for letting the user authorize my app to update his/her status. I am able to verify the credentials, receive the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret. Also I am able to get the user's information. But I am unable to upda...

Why are there pluses ( + ) in my oAuth tweets?

Ive cracked oAuth and have my class file for it. I'm at the last stage of posting a tweet and all works except all the words are joined with a plus sign in the tweet. Changing anything results in the signature been incorrect and twitter returns 401 error. So how does one remove the pluses? Post function below: function post($token, $t...

Gmail SMTP + XOAuth mystery

Hi everyone, I am using python smtplib and xoauth and I am trying to send an email. I am using the code posted by Google: http://code.google.com/p/google-mail-xoauth-tools/source/browse/trunk/python/xoauth.py I am actually authenticating against Gmail and i get this reply reply: '235 2.7.0 Accepted\r\n' after sending my XOAuth string...

Secure login with Twitter oAuth - best practice

Hi, I am new to oAuth and looking to build a web application using Twitter (oAuth) to authenticate. There will be no other login method other than via Twitters oAuth. I am looking for advise on best practice to secure the site based on tokens. Here is my plan: User is taken from my site to authenticate via Twitters site Generate Ac...

Twitter disabling basic authentication - what does this mean?

According to apiwiki.twitter.com: "Basic authentication removal is going to occur on August 16, 2010" and their OAuth API will be the new method of authentication. I'm new to the Twitter API and I'm very unclear as to what this applies to. I'm trying to create a simple app to post to Twitter via a HTML form - do I have to use the OAuth ...

Save OAuth WRAP access tokens directly on client machine in a cookie?

Hi, I'm planning to setup a website that would access an oauth wrap framework. I was thinking of storing the access token on the client machine as it is. I do NOT want to maintain a database of temporary tokens, etc on the server. Should I be doing do? Or should I encrypt it? ...

MySpace integration using REST API oAuth in C#

I am trying to integrate my app with Myspace using oAuth REST API... i have successfully done first 3 steps but unable to compose url for access token (step4)... Authentication Process steps: Step 1: Get a request token. (http://api.myspace.com/request_token) Step 2: Redirect to a MySpace URL to authenticate the User. (http://api.mys...

Easiest way to authenticate user in iPhone app?

I'm planning to write an iPhone app that does not require user to register. However, I would like to associate all registered user with at least an email so that I can send them email notifications when needed. OpenID - seems to do what I need, but it doesn't work well on an installed app (unless I use... WebView? Even that is not us...

Which is the best 0auth gem for a rails app?

Hi there, I'm going to add Oauth autenthication to my rails web app. Since I don't want to reinvent the wheel, have you got some ruby gem to suggest to add this kind of feature? TIA Paolo ...

How to get the request_token of twitter

Hi all, i want to get oauth_request_token for my application but when i request for the page of request_token in twitter it is giving me error that "failed to validate to oauth signature and token". Please help me in solving this problem ...

Stop Javascript Redirect in Pop-Up Window

Hello, I'm using the Telerik RadWindow control in one of my applications. When a user wants to authorize Twitter for the application the window displays the OAuth dialog for Twitter. However, each time I display the pop-up for Twitter OAuth, or even just the plain Twitter page, the entire browser is redirected. The control works just ...

Can I reuse Facebook OAuth token to open a Facebook page in a browser?

I'm thinking this may not be possible... but I have an Android application that is using the Facebook Graph API to get some information. They can tap the view there and open up a browser with a full-fledged Facebook page, but it asks the user to log in again. I'd like to be able to skip the initial sign in (I know the browser can remem...

OAuth design for API without users permission

I am developing an API that will be used by users of my customers. Here is what the flow will look like: User of my cloud based service creates an API key. User embeds the API key into their own custom applications. User deploys the application to their own end users. The application talks to our API. I am looking for advice on how ...

Can't Pull Request Token from Google Data API via OAuth/Python

I'm a true n00b (amateur, learning Python for fun), so as a programming exercise (to test my newfound knowledge of OAuth and App Engine), I adapted Mike Knapp's OAuth on App Engine code and was able to successfully get a request token and exchange it for an access token from Twitter. However, when I attempted to do the same for Google's...

php webservices to twitter

can i tweet from webservice to twitter using oAuth? Could anyone please tell me what I should do? ...

How to use OAUTH for twitter authentication in an iPhone application?

I want to integrate twitter oauth authentication in my iPhone application but I am not able to receive the request token and access token. Can anyone please tell me the exact flow and the functions in the MGTwitter engine library of twitter for iPhone app authentication. ...

How can I secure my OAUTH secret in Phusion Passenger Sinatra app?

I have an app that uses a single-user OAUTH token. I can store the four values (consumer key/secret, token/secret) directly inside the app but that's not recommended and I don't want the secrets to be checked into source code. The app doesn't use a database. I know that however I store them, someone with access to the server could figure...

OpenID vs. OAuth

What is really the difference between OpenID and oAuth? They look just the same to me. I should clarify, I'm planning to use them in drupal, if that makes any difference. So I guess I'm bound by whatever module implementations are available in drupal. ...