
Exchange a request token for an access token with Twitter API using PHP

I am new to OAuth, and am struggling to exchange a request token for an access token with the Twitter API using PHP. I am using OAuth - Consumer and Server library for PHP from http://code.google.com/p/oauth-php/ I successfully get a request token and store the token and secret in a cookie: $options = array('consumer_key' => $this->ke...

() => construct

I am in the process of converting a project from visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2008 and came up on the above construct. using Castle.Core.Resource; using Castle.Windsor; using Castle.Windsor.Configuration.Interpreters; using CommonServiceLocator.WindsorAdapter; using Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation; namespace MyClass.Busines...

GoogleService OAuthCredential setter giving CTE

Hi All, I am trying to execute the following OAuth example of g-data trunk :- http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/source/browse/trunk/java/sample/oauth/TwoLeggedOAuthExample.java /* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in complia...

How do you access the parent window when you open a popup window to oauth with twitter using gwt?

I got oauth working fine with twitter in my GWT app. However, when I use Window.open() to try and do the oauth flow, get a successful oauth, and twitter redirects the newly opened window to my callback url, I have an issue. The only way I can see to close the window is to use JSNI and call $wnd.close(). After I close the window I am u...

Twitter Oauth URL encoding inconsistencies?

I'm reading the walkthrough at http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth but there seem to be an inconsistency in encoding the callback URL. The callback is listed as: oauth_callback - http://localhost:3005/the_dance/process_callback?service_provider_id=11 The signature base string is listed as: POST&...oauth_callback%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Flocal...

OAuth: Storing Access Token and Secret

We have a number of clients that use our API to power their websites. I have started a conversation at work about using OAuth to make authenticated API Calls. We will have both, two and three legged flows. For the 3-legged flow, we still have not come to a consensus on how to store the access token and secret. The common approach to...

Foursquare Oauth with Python

I'm trying to figure out Foursquare's OAuth so I can have a user sign into my app. So far I found this tutorial: http://pkarl.com/articles/connect-foursquare-api-oauth-python/ Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I got the same error message the commenters were getting. If anyone knows what the tutorial did wrong or knows another way of aut...

include facebook and twitter as login option.

How to include login with facebook and twitter option in a website. ...

twitter oAuth cURL Example not working - why?

The following code simply gives me: Failed to validate oauth signature and token // Set url $url = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token"; // Params to pass to twitter and create signature $params['oauth_callback'] = "http://localhost/twitter/tweet/"; $params['oauth_consumer_key'] = $...

test if content is already published on users wall in facebook

Hi, im trying to automatically publish a post on the logged in users wall in facebook in my canvas (iframe) application. the only way to do this, is by using oauth via php i think? i see no way to do this automatically via the new js-sdk. so before i publish this post, i want to check, if i have already posted this content on his/her w...

How to retrieve the facebook oauth 2.0 access_token

Hi, I am trying to get the access_token of the logged in facebook user. I get something like this.. url followed by the code i am retrieve the code.. it says in the guide to exchange it for access_token... https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token? client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX& redirect_uri=http://www.my-site.com/& ...

Any reference for implementation of 2-legged oauth with spring security ?

Any reference for implementation of 2-legged oauth with spring security ? ...

Does Twitter OAuth support queryString parameters containing spaces in the callBack url?

For background information, I'm using TweetSharp 1.0 to do my tweeting. Callback urls are being recieved regardless of whether they contain a querystring parameter (CallbackConfirmed is true) but they don't redirect upon authorization when they have contain a querystring parameter. They head off to twitter looking fine and dandy (examp...

FB OAuth 2.0: User has authorized app, but now app wants to request additional perms

Hi, I've implemented a sign-up page where there's a FB login button that users can click to authorize my app and allow me to fetch user details from their FB account. I'm currently also request extra perms via this login button. E.g. <fb:login-button perms="email"></fb:login-button> My question is, if the user refuses to grant my app ...

Logging in to Yahoo Messenger using their newly released API

Hello, Im trying to login to yahoo messenger using the newly released messenger api.I referred to http://developer.yahoo.com/messenger/guide/ch05s03.html .I signed up for the API and have got a Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret.My yahoo id is [email protected](not the real one,just for the sake of example).To login i hit the following ur...

What is the difference among BasicAuth,OAuth and XAuth?

Hi all, Recently i heard that Twitter will be shutting off the basic authentication on the Twitter API and they move towards OAuth. So i want to know What is the difference among BasicAuth,OAuth and XAuth? what is the advantage and disadvantage of each Auth? ...

Facebook Login as supplement to existing login?

I am developing a PHP/MySQL e-commerce site with some social aspects, and am looking to integrate it with Facebook. I already have a native user registration/session handling system. I have managed to include the iframe "Social Plugins" such as a "Like" button. But I really would like to offer users the option of registering with the sit...

Using CURL with oauth for desktop-couch

To access desktopcouch the documentation suggest to use oauth. Using the samples in the O'Reilly book "CouchDB - the definite guide" I want to use CURL (or another command line tool if appropriate) to work with desktopcouch. I guess I would need a script to query the key store to retrieve the oauth token and add it to the CURL string. Id...

is it possible to make an 100% browser based javascript twitter client (no back end at all) using oAuth?

is it possible to make an 100% browser based javascript twitter client (no back end at all) using oAuth? ...

OAuth recommended for async data transfer in own webapp?

Hi all I am making heavy use of async requests by Javascript to the webserver. Since I am building a multitenant application, I want to restrict access to the json services on the user level. I read a lot about OAuth being recommended for consumer authentification. In my scenario, would the Javascript (client) side be regarded as the c...