
Does MSN/Hotmail support OAuth?

I want to allow users on my website to import contacts from their hotmail account, using OAuth. Is it possible? ...

Getting started with java and OAuth - should we use code.google.com/p/oauth?

Hi, Trying to get started with OAuth - I have a webapp using google app engine (java). I'd like to let users find friends via twitter, gmail, yahoo, etc etc. For this I believe I need to get them to authorize my app, then I can use each api to search their friends/contacts etc. I believe I'm supposed to copy all the contents of the: n...

Generating consumer key/secrets for HMAC-SHA1

I am looking for a programmatic way to generate consumer key/secrets for HMAC-SHA1 to be used by clients invoking our API over OAuth. Any pointers to existing implementations would be highly helpful. ...

iPhone Objective-C OAuth: A more elegant way to check if a request token is still valid?

I want to do this when the app loads, so I can either ask the user to log in (if not authenticated) or else continue. The only way I can think of is to call a random request (a GET that requires authentication) and check whether or not I get a valid response, but this seems inelegant. I am using the Foursquare API. Are there better w...

What should be sent from a client to an OAuth providor

Alright, I'm in the process of making a C# application that uses an API from a website, and they use OAuth. I'm super new to OAuth, so how can I go about making a proper request. What stuff should I have in my query string. Are there any HTTP Headers that I would need to have set? Thanks! ...

Accessing a user's friends via the Facebook Graph API?

Has anybody successfully accessed the list of a user's friends via the Facebook Graph API? I have written code to authenticate users on my website via Facebook's OAuth API. It works splendidly; I can access public information, likes, interests, activities, etc. I access these data points via the following URL format, where I substitute ...

window.opener null after redirect?

So I'm adding a "sign in with Twitter" button onto my web site. I display the twitter sign in in a popup window. When the user signs into to twitter they are redirected back to a page on my site which calls a javascript function on the window.opener to notify the page that sign in has completed and to refresh. The problem is after twi...

Getting a gmail address with... openid? oauth?

I'm getting confused. I was able to make openid login kinda work using LightOpenID. All I get doing that is just an openid_identity such as "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=xxx". Pretty disappointing: I was expecting to get the email address too. i.e. I need to login (that's what openid does) and to know the email address of ...

Coldfusion Vimeo oAuth

Hey guys, I’m trying to figure out the oAuth process using coldfusion and there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on the forums. I keep getting “401 Unauthorized - Invalid signature - The oauth_signature passed was not valid” But I am passing the correct one. Here is my process.:: I am using the oauth codebase from http://oauth....

Creating a custom Facebook login form

Does anyone know if it is possible to create our own user interface for Facebook connect instead of having to use FBLoginDialog? If YES, how? IF NO, can I format FBLoginDialog to have the look that I want just like the FBStreamDialog (POST message to wall)? Any suggestion would be highly appreciated. ...

Best Learning Resource for OAuth

I have to use OAuth for my Android client and I have found that the learning resources are pretty rare or inadequate for this technology. Does anybody know a good book/tutorial/online resource to learn OAuth? Thank you. ...

Single package to allow signing in with oauth through several social networks?

I'm looking for a way to allow users to sign in to my site using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google. A good example of a site that does this is Answers.com, on the homepage they have a set of buttons, and each button gives a simple pop up window to confirm the connection. I know that I can implement each connection individually, bu...

Has anyone successfully used MPOAuth on iPhone to connect with twitter?

My project builds fine but when it gets to line pasted bellow it crashes with the following message. CODE: oauthAPI = [[MPOAuthAPI alloc] initWithCredentials:credentials authenticationURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://twitter.com/oauth/"] andBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://twitter.com/"]]; ERROR: Assertion f...

Is it possible to read, using open graph, on a server side if user is logged in to facebook ?

Someone is logged in to Facebook and than goes to my website. Is it possible to read on a server side if he's logged in to facebook now. I need to show different fields for a comment form. At the moment I'm using Rails and http://github.com/jugend/fgraph plugin ...

Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken().

I'm setting up OAuth for my Android app. To test it I did the following: Added signpost-core- and signpost-commonshttp4- to my project, added the variables "CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer" and "CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider" and did the following when the button is clicked: consumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthCon...

OAuth consumer keys in plugins

What is the best way to handle consumer secret keys for OAuth in plugins that will be distributed with/as source code (e.g. Wordpress plugins that access Delicious or Twitter)? I know OAuth is not designed with this in mind, and there are proposals to solve it, but what is the best practice at this moment? There seem to be two approache...

Adding OAuth to Xcode project causes Xcode to not find Foundation headers (copious errors ensue)

I am using this OAuth lib: http://github.com/jdg/oauthconsumer When adding it to my project, it causes over 2000 build errors. These errors are all under the App_Preficx.pch file in the Build Results window. If you actually click on the errors, they are actually contained in every Foundation Header. I won't list them all, but here ar...

Can't connect to Twitter API in AS3

I'm trying to connect to the Twitter API via an AS3 app, but I keep getting Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token When I try URLRequest("https://api.twitter.com/oauth") it at least loads something and calls my Event.COMPLETE listener. Can Flash just not connect to the Twitter API without a third-pa...

Converting Facebook session keys to access tokens

I have a web app that allows users to connect Facebook account with their account on my site. When the user decides to connect with Facebook, the app requests publish_stream and offline_access permissions, and then stores the Facebook uid and session_key for each user. All this works fine right now. My problem is migrating to Facebook's...

De-authorizing a twitter OAuth application

We just finished implementing OAuth in our RoR application using the Twitter gem. The whole authentication process works perfectly and we are able to persist access tokens. We're wondering if there's a way for our de-authorize our access to twitter via our website. I realize we could just destroy the persisted token, but I'd also like to...