
Why do I get an HTTP 401 error with MGTwitterEngine?

After a long fight with OAuthConsumer, fixing method names, etc... I got MGTwitterEngine's demo compiled, but when I run it, the application quits with this in the Debugging Console: 2010-07-02 14:15:29.896 MGTwitterEngine[2076:a0f] Connection finished C235E35F-8586-45EF-97C2-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2010-07-02 14:15:30.572 MGTwitterEngine[20...

Google Buzz API OAuth Problem - Using Zend_OAuth (PHP)

I have successfully gotten an access_token, so it's not a problem with the 3-legged process. The problem starts when I try to add a new post/activity using the Buzz API... Here is my request: POST /buzz/v1/activities/@me/@self?alt=json HTTP/1.1 Host: www.googleapis.com Connection: close Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Z...

Is Twitter implemeting OAuth off spec? (C#)

Hi all, I've been battling with OAuth and Twitter for 2 weeks now trying to implement it. After many rewrites of my code I've finally got a library which performs the request as it should be based on the 1.0 spec. I've verified it by using this verifier on Google Code, and this verifier from Hueniverse. My version, the Google version an...

Access Gmail atom feed using OAuth

Hi, I'm trying to grab the Gmail atom feed from a python application using OAuth. I have a working application that downloads the Google Reader feed, and I think it should simply be a matter of changing the scope and feed URLs. After replacing the URLs I can still successfully get Request and Access tokens, but when I try to grab the fee...

How to Add OAuth Login Functionality to an Asp.net Membership website

I have a web aaplication which currently has a bunch of users and use Asp.net Membership to create and manage users. I want to add OAuth functionality to my application and want to still using Asp.net Membership (login , etc ). ( and I also want my user login to application with any public social network ID , if that network use a OAut...

401 Unauthorized for foursquare OAuth

OK I am pulling my hair after trying this out too many times to debug. So pls pls help me out here I keep getting 401 Unauthorized error after I am redirected back. Here is my code What am I doing wrong here? require 'rubygems' require 'OAuth' require 'json' class SessionController < ApplicationController before_filter :load_o...

REST Layer Security And Integration

I have an widget-based front end talking to a REST layer. To use the front-end, a human needs to log in with a username and password. Once in, the user can interact with the widgets, which make calls to the REST layer. At this point, no authorization is done at the REST layer. If you have logged in successfully, you can do whatever you w...

Help using OAuth 2.0 with the Javascript jQuery API to integrate with Facebook

I'm trying to work with the JavaScript SDK and specifically the extended permissions to integrate into Facebook. Is there a decent example / documentation out there for this? So far I have only found the basic example provided in the SDK's /examples folder. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/javascript The example sh...

Facebook python authentication example gives grey screen

I am trying to run facebook python sdk example for user authentication, but the example sends me to a greyed out screen, like this example. While I find it strange that facebook's own application does not work, I wonder how can I fix this problem. ...

OAuth - Access Token expiration period?

Does anyone know what the expiration period of an OAuth Access Token is? ...

While working on Twitter app, do we need to store user specific Access Token/Secret to our local databse

Hi, I am working on a Twitter app. By going through the oAuth documentation and available scripts I am able to redirect the user to my callback uri and am receiving the user access object. $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); /* Get temporary credentials. */ $request_token = $connection->getRequestToken(OAUTH_C...

android OAuth question, how to send request for request token

in Don Park's example :http://donpark.org/blog/2009/01/24/android-client-side-oauth I am confused about step2. there is such a lane: OAuthAccessor defaultClient() { String callbackUrl = "icecondor-android-app:///"; OAuthServiceProvider provider = defaultProvider(ctx); OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer(callbackUrl, consumerKe...

is twitter_anywhere_identity useable as an access token?

After messing with oauth and discovering the final leg of twitter oauth was not reliably sending back the oauth_verifier (though it seemed to authenticate anyway!), i got a bit disgruntled. then i discovered @anywhere, the javascript twitter lib, and thought i'd give it a go. @anywhere out of the box seems designed to allow one to do s...

How to get a facebook profile picture under https?

Is it possible to get an facebook profile picture under https using the new Graph API? We run a site under https, but the profile picture returned by the facebook Graph API is always served as http (when using https://graph.facebook.com/XXX/picture, the request is redirects to http://...). The result is the dreaded mixed-content messag...

Simple JTwitter for Android example

I have tried many different way and search all over the internet to find a tutorial to use JTwitter with OAuth. Here are the following step I have accomplish Download both Jtwitter and Signpost Add them as Jars in the Java Builder Created a simple button that run public class ShareGenerator extends Activity { private static fina...

drupal oauth module

Hi, Need help in using drupal oauth module................ Can someone please guide me............... To be clear... I have installed drupal along with the oauth and services modules...... Now I have to use Oauth with yahoo..... Where user's should be authenticated to my drupal project using his own yahoo username and password............

Problem with accessible in DotNetOpenauth?

I working on MVC project and use DotNetOpenAuth to connect with twitter, Once i declare private static InMemoryTokenManager _tokenManager = new InMemoryTokenManager("Twitter Consumer key", "Twitter Consumer secret"); private InMemoryTokenManager TokenManager { get { return _tokenManager; } ...

Android Twitter with oauth-signpost error Authorization failed (server replied with a 401).

Hello im tryin to use Twitter with OAuth but i receive this exception Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. im using this sample http://code.google.com/p/oauth-signpost/wiki/TwitterAndSignpost Error Line: String authUrl = provider.retrie...

Need help in registration/sign-up (OAuth/OpenId with Facebook and Yahoo) and sign in

I have an application that will accept both Facebook and Yahoo registrations as well as normal registration (providing username, email, password). I'm confused on the Facebook and Yahoo side of the registration. The scenario is, upon clicking the Facebook/Yahoo registration links, users will be redirected to the provider's site for logi...

Twitter API + OAuthConsumer.framework

Hello, I am working on a test app to help me better understand the way oAuth works with the Twitter API for a bigger app I would like to write, however I am experiencing an issue posting messages to the API after successfully getting an access token. I am using the OAuthConsumer framework as it seemed to be the easiest way to work thro...