
Twitter and Facebook on iPhone - save sessions across app launches?

Hi I am using OAuth for twitter and fb-connect for facebook authentication in my iPhone app. Is it possible to save the user sessions across app launches? i.e. if the user logs in once, the next time they launch the app, we log them in automatically from some state saved the last time the app closed? For Twitter would it work if I ju...

Oauth and caching tokens.

Is it bad practice to cache a token and secret between requests using an expiration the same as the token? Or should it be in a db? thanks ...

iPhone MGTwiterEngine & oAuth

Hi, I am trying to create an app that uses oAuth and the MGTwitterEngine for iPad. When I build I get these errros. How do I fix this? I amported everything that comes when I download http://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone I imported libxml2 and sql. I addedd libxml to the header search path. Can anyone help? Thanks ...

OAuth2 Flow for Mobile Devices

We're currently working on an API that will be consumed by a variety of different devices. We want to use the OAuth2 spec as it defines several flows which were not available in the original OAuth spec. My question is, what flow would work best for a mobile device such as the iPhone or iPad? What flow does an application like TweetDeck u...

Why does the OAuth Unauthorized Error (401) happen?

Sometimes an Twitter OAuth is successfully executed, but an unauthorized error is thrown. I get about 50 of these on a daily basis. It is worrying, because I have no idea how that might be reproduced. What are the different cases where this error happens, and how can this be fixed or prevented? ...

DotNetOpenAuth for previously authorized site

I've had great luck with DotNetOpenAuth to do 3 legged authorization. Currently, I am connecting and pulling in some Google data. My question is that apparently, if you have already auth'd my web application to your Google account, when I call var accessTokenResponse = google.ProcessUserAuthorization(); It basically does nothing. ...

Appropriate implementation for delegated HMAC API auth?

My team and I are implementing a centralized API authentication system so that one set of API credentials can be shared among several different API-publishing services. These are all Rails apps. Long explanation For any given API transaction, there will typically be 3 apps involved: End-user-facing app that consumes API X. Has API ...

Wrong sessionID being used in callback, but only on one particular computer

I am writing a Python/Django web application that uses OAuth (for the TwitterAPI, not that it should matter). I am storing a session ID in my login function, and then after using OAuth to get the user's token, I try to retrieve the sessionID in my callback function. The callback function then always fails(throws an exception) because i...

Using the twitter API for background processing

'Background processing' is a terrible term, but I can't think of a better one at this time on a Friday! I need a specific part of my web app to communicate with twitter - post a status using a single, fixed account. Every twitter oauth tutorial I've seen talks about applications in the general sense - those with multiple users. Does any...

Cookie not accepted on IE when authenticating with Graph API (oauth) - iframe app

Hello guys, I started playing with the new graph api with the python sdk. I'm trying to use the python-sdk in an iframe app to make the authentication (I successfully did it with JS - although the popup is blocked on IE and chrome by default). I'm following this example: http://github.com/facebook/python-sdk/blob/master/examples/oauth/f...

Simplest Twitter authentication

What is the very, very simplest method of getting the RSS (or JSONP) feed of a Twitter account's list or friends' timeline? Here some background: I have a simple server script that feeds a Twitter widget. I wrote the script about two months ago but have not had the chance to deploy it until now. The script fetches the friends_timeline o...

Obtaining OAuth2.0 access token for Facebook application

Hi :) I have an application on Facebook with the API key, application secret etc.... I'm trying the use the Facebook API from a java application and it's telling me that it requires an OAuth2.0 access token. I tried googling about but I'm a bit lost. From where could I get this? Thank a lot :) Krt_Malta ...

Integrating Twitter Oauth AND Facebook Connect for login on a rails app

I'm developing a rails app where the user needs to be able to create an account & login with either facebook OR twitter. It seems pretty straightforward if I want to do one or the other, but implementing both looks like it could present some difficulty. Does anybody else have any experience with implementing both Twitter's oauth and Fa...

IMAP OAuth token expiry

Following http://code.google.com/apis/gmail/oauth/protocol.html#imap I'm trying to implement an IMAP client for Gmail that uses OAuth. My code works fine and I can connect to the IMAP server, however, after 1 day when I retry using the same XOAUTH value, I get an invalid credentials. It might be a problem in my code causing this, but ...

Problem with the redirection: Twitter API Oauth

Hello everyone, I'm testing the twitter API (with OAuth) and I have a little problem, I wonder if anyone knows how to fix it, the situation is that at the time I do this (in my redirect.php): $ Url = $ connection-> getAuthorizeURL ($ token); header ("Location: $ url"); The request go to twitter, and it's authenticated, but I this ret...

Twitter, oauth and coldfusion

I am trying to post to twitter. I have the app already authenticated and now want to post an update. This is what my http post is at: <cfhttp url="http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json" method="post"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="status" value="#urlEncodedFormat('my test post')#" /> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="oauth...

Is there a library like RPX for Android?

Does someone know of a library that is fairly "drop in" and allows you to easily put together multiple authentication options in an Android app to services like Facebook, OpenID, Twitter, etc. much like RPX does? ...

oAuth consumer for myspace not returning data

I am using the following link as a base for implementing myspace oAuth consumer in my website. http://stevenng.net/2009/03/17/using-myspace-rest-api-with-oauth-and-c/ When i use the basic oAuthBase.cs class i receive the 401 unauthorized error but when i use the updated oAuthBase.cs as mentioned by the blogger in the above post in respo...

Do I need to use OpenID or is OAuth enough?

I'm working on a web based project where we make use of the user's Google feeds and we store some information about them in our database. We don't want to make users create accounts with us, but instead they sign in using their Google credentials. It's clear to me that we'll need OAuth, but I'm wondering about the OpenID part. Is ther...

OAuth 2.0 -- What's new?

Could someone enumerate the main differences between OAuth 2.0 and previous versions? Or point me to good documentation. (Not the full OAuth 2.0 Protocol draft; I don't have time to read it.) ...