
Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!

Hi guys, I'm trying to get Twitter authentication working on my ASP.NET site. When you create the app on the Twitter website, you have to specify a callback URL, which for sake of argument, I have set to http://mydomain.com I've read the oAuth 1.0a spec, and to override this callback URL with your own custom one you have to send the oa...

Rails Oauth Desktop Plugins

I am creating a rails application that I also wish to work as a native app on the iPhone and Android. In order to facilitate this, I was thinking about becoming an OAuth provider. Is there a rails OAuth plugin that will work like this, or is there a better solution to protect the API? Note: I have found pelle's OAuth plugin, and it...

Twitter oauth php problems

I'm writing some backend script for a twitter app and heres how it's going On the app you click a button that sends you to login.php on my server which logs into my database connects to twitter with my consumer key and secret: $to = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret); $tok = $to->getRequestToken(); $request_link = $to->g...

Does GAE/OpenID/OAuth support xmlhttp proxy?

Currently, my code would construct the GWT form, which user would submit directly to openId (or any authenticaiton service). Such a method works fine. However, what if I had the gwt page server access the OpenID provider, is there a way/strategy for the server to mediate authentication between its client and the auth provider? I wish t...

Twitter api for iPhone OS4

Hi, It looks like the twitter api refused to work for iPhone OS4 :( (Twitter+OAuth http://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone). When I building the project to which I just add the Twitter+OAuth I see the following: It's really really important for me! Any help will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance!!!!!!! ...

How to integrate Facebook the new Graph Api with Authlogic in Ruby on Rails?

I've began with a new project using Authlogic system for Authorization. And I'm now wondering how could I connect Facebook oAuth sessions with my Authlogic session! First of all I want to use and Authlogic-oAuth Gems/Plugins, I what I want to use are just http://github.com/intridea/oauth2 and the interesting http://github.com/nsanta/...

using APIs with oauth for single user

I'm trying to make use of various APIs including twitter, youtube, etc because we want to embed recent entries (tweets, videos) on our website. However, since I'm just retrieving my own data, I'm wondering how I can do this simpler than the multi-step process required by OAuth. Twitter provides me with my own access token I can use di...

PHP cron script with twitter (problem with oauth)

Hi guys, I am trying to write an php twitter script which will be run by crontab, what the script does is to get the tweets from a dedicated twitter account. I have looked at some of the php twitter oauth libraries, all of them seem to use redirect to a twitter page to get a token, then goes back to a callback link. In my case I don't ...

Why is Twitter returning a "Failed to validate oauth signature and token?"

Hi guys, Sorry for troubling you with yet another "Failed to validate oauth signature and token" error, but I just can't figure out what's wrong with my request. I'm constructing my signature from this string: POST&http%3A%2F%2Fapi.twitter.com%2Foauth%2Frequest_token&oauth_callback%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fcraiga.id.au%2Ftwitter%2Fconnected%26o...

Uploading to TwitVid using x_verify_credentials_authorization

Hi, I am developing an iPhone application that uploads videos to TwitVid using the library TwitVid-iPhone-OAuth3. I have selected this library since Twitter is shifting to OAuth mechanism of authentication. 1) Does this new library allows to upload without user-name and password parameters? 2) I am using the following steps for upload...

Having problems with uploading photos to TwitPic using OAuth in Objective C on the iPhone

I have been working on an iPhone app that has a feature of uploading photos to TwitPic. I have it working with basic authentication. I am trying to get it working with OAuth. I am getting authentication errors. I have studied very carefully the TwitPic documentation. I am authorising the app by displaying a UI Web View and the it re...

Using devise with oauth in a rails application

Hi, does anybody know a good tutorial for getting oauth working with devise? I want to use it for a Twitter login and posts data to the users twitter timeline. thx, tux. ...

how use Oauth on a desktop application

The long QUEST to get an access token app gets a request token from twitter user clicks a button on the ap app opens a twitter page, user types username/password twitter gives user a PIN user use this PIN in the application GREAT, finally app exchange the request token for an access token Questions: This token belongs to who? I mea...

IMAP Oauth in c#

There are plenty of IMAP clients for C#. However I can't seem to be able to find one that supports the OAuth extensions to use with Gmail. Has anyone come across any which handles this? ...

Implement OAuth in Java

I made an an attempt to implement OAuth for my programming idea in Java, but I failed miserably. I don't know why, but my code doesn't work. Every time I run my program, an IOException is thrown with the reason "java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401" (401 means Unauthorized). I had a close look at the docs, but I r...

Twitter OAuth, Error when trying to POST direct message.

So I am building a java script that is used in conjunction of my C++ application for sending direct messages to users. the script does the work of building the request that i send. When i send a request i receive "Incorrect signature" or "can not authenticate you" Does anyone see something i am missing or am doing wrong? I am continuing ...

Tagging a user in Open Graph API using Ruby

Hello, I have found some really sparse documentation about the options for posting to your feed. I am trying to post to "/me/feed" and then include a user in that post. I am trying to re-create the way that you can now do @username in the Facebook Status box, but from the API instead. Using the Ruby OAuth2 lib I to do the following. ...

iPhone OAuth with formspring

I'm trying to authenticate with oauth for the formspring.me website using the oauthconsumer framework. I'm successful getting the request token (see 'getRequestToken'). I show them the authorization URL and have them authenticate. I don't see the callback url ever being requested in the webview (even though I believe I specify it with th...

OAuth Request token = null in android app

Hi, i am trying to authenticate something(in this case LinkedIn) using OAuth but the requested token always returns null? Here is my code below: public void authenticateAppOauthApi() { Log.d(TAG, "authenticateAppOauthApi"); OAuthServiceProvider provider = new OAuthServiceProvider( REQUEST_TOKEN_PATH, AU...

JTwitter OAuth with callback authorisation

Hey guys. I am writing an App using JTwitter however I need to authenticate in order to not have the 150 requests per minute on the public api. Jtwitter seems to support OAuth however I have some questions. My app will be running behind a company firewall - so the URL wont be accessible outside of the company's network - will callback...