
Gmail 3-legged OAuth access -- Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception

I'm trying to access Gmail by using three-legged Oauth PHP code provided by Google ('google-mail-xoauth-tools') here: http://code.google.com/apis/gmail/oauth/code.html. I have my domain registered and everything seems to go fine with OAuth, but after I authorize access I get this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Protoc...

Building a C# / ASP.NET API using oAuth for API Authentication

Does anyone have any examples or advice for how to go about using oAuth to provide the authentication mechanism for an API that should be publicly exposed? Specifically I'm talking about being an oAuth provider for my own API, not integrating or authenticating with anyone else's API. For example, I wish to be able to issue API keys to...

JTwitter OAuth signpost example

Hey. I believe JTwitter supports OAuth to authenticate against a developer account , however i cannot get any of them working. The JTwitter docs say signpost is the supported method - yet I cannot seem to find the OAuthSignpostClient class they use even after adding the signpost libs: OAuthSignpostClient client = new OAuthSignpostCl...

Using facebook oauth 2.0 - How do I fetch the access token

Hi all! I am new to oauth and I'm trying to use facebook connect with my web-application. I have succeded in getting a verification token but my problem is "fetching" the access token. How do I fetch it? Facebook documentation tells me to fetch the access token with this URL: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?' ...

How to retrieve the GUID for Yahoo's Contacts API

I'm attemping to use the Yahoo Contacts API to add an "invite your friends" feature on a site I'm building. I've found the correct web service to call (http://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/{guid}/contacts) but it is asking for the user's GUID, not their username/password. I've searched, and am unable to find a "lookup" feature through t...

Twitter Oauth login in a cron agent executing PHP file evenry 2 minutes

Hello, I'm using Twitter Basic authentification in a CRON agent to get et savelist of tweets in SQL db of 5 of my twitter account. Because we have to use Oauth after June 30th I'm searching to know how can I use oauth without connecting me manually. In fact I don't have user interface in my PHP file executed every 2 minutes. Thanks in ...

which rails 2 authentication plugin for Twitter and/or Facebook and/or "normal" accounts

Using the current rails 2 I want users to be able to create an account from: traditional signup twitter facebook and then allow them to link facebook and/or twitter and/or traditional signup later. I read this http://www.themomorohoax.com/2009/02/21/rails-2-3-authentication-comparison and decided to check out: Authlogic Restful ...

Twitter, JavaScript & OAuth: failed to validate oauth signature and token

Hi, Im trying to implement OAuth using JavaScript, but when I make my request to http://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token I am getting the above message in the response ("failed to validate oauth signature and token"). As far as I can tell I'm including all the correct parameters, both in the encoding of the signature base: bases...

Curl, twitter oauth problem

Does anyone see a problem with the following Curl call / how the Oauth request is built? (i am trying to get a correctly setup request so i can finish my app) So i am calling the following CURL call: C:\>curl -v -k --data-urlencode "status=Testing2" -H "Authorization: OAuth realm='', oauth_nonce=1276107867blah, oauth_timestamp=1276107...

Twitter OAuth question

Hi there, I'm making a Twitter client in Java, and I've came to a problem I don't know how to solve it. How the hell I store open auth for twitter? I mean it doesn't make very sense for a person to allow an application every time he wants to use the client. I've been look at the Twitter documentation, but I must say, it's really poor in...

Twitter integration with C#.NET applications - NULL Pointer Exception

Trying to integrate Twitter with ASP.NET application (Code in C#). This is the code I have written for the first sign in to Twitter. When I debug the application, I do get the token response and the response redirect happens appropriately. However, if I host it on IIS and access it, I get a Null Pointer Exception. Why is that? //Re...

Twitter oauth problem with frindship/create in api

Hi, I am using Google Data API sample touch application, which is available at code.google.... I am having a problem can any one help. Please tell me if I am doing some thing wrong. The user who has loged in has to follow some person XYZ (just using XYZ for security purpose). I am using the URL urlStr = @"http://api.twitter.com/1/f...

Google OpenID-OAuth hybrid implementation on Heroku

Hi, I am looking for a step by step guide to implement Google OpenID+OAuth in our Webapplication running on Heroku for getting calendar/contacts data. I have looked at many documents and Q&A about this but still can't make things work and was wondering if anyone here knew of a place which describes the plugins, gems needed and a step by...

Facebook oAuth needs secret key?

Facebook oAuth requires your secret key? I thought you weren't supposed to share that. Am I using the wrong secret key? ...

Benefits of implementing OAuth

From a webservice provider point of view what is the benefit of asking users to create an account or login using 3rd party web service provider (e.g: Twitter or facebook) to log into your site with? Wouldn't it be easier to ask the user to provide their twitter or facebook login and use that to pull the user's twitter or facebook data?...

OAuth authentication for Google API with Qt

Hello guys, I'm trying to get authenticated for receiving and publishing Google Buzz-es from a Qt 4.6(c++) application. I'm looking for a cross-platform solution. Could anyone provide some working solution for this purpose? ...

LinkedIn API returns 'Unauthorized' response (PHP OAuth)

I've been struggling with this one for a few days now. I've got a test app set up to connect to LinkedIn via OAuth. I want to be able to update a user's status, but at the moment I'm unable to interact with LinkedIn's API at all. I am able to successfully get a requestToken, then an accessToken, but when I issue a request to the API, ...

What is the best tool to achieve this API design?

Our web app offers a service that allows a "Publisher" to create a website (we give them a CMS system) that is ready to provide this service to "Members" (think Shopify). We have some possible clients that wish to become "Publishers" but they already have existing websites (vbulletin, word press blog, etc) with their own user base. We ...

Has anybody implemented 2 Legged OAuth using DNOA?

I am trying to create an Authentication Module in CSharp where I need to verify the Signature from the request using DotNetOpenAuth(DNOA) Library for 2 Legged OAuth which only has consumer Key and a Secret. If you have any sample implementation of 2 Legged OAuth using DNOA that would be helpful. If not, any ideas on how to implement wo...

Twitter authentication without authorization

I wish to get the tweeter usename of a visitor to my site. I do not wish to post statuses or access any other information. I'd be happy to use OAuth, possibly with a 'Sign in with Twitter' button, but this then takes the user to a page which requests authorization for the application, that I wish to avoid. Is there a way to get the ...