
OAuth2 Access Token Response

Quick question regarding the OAuth2 Spec, in particular section 5.1.5. Reading that spec, it appears that the response needs to be formatted as JSON regardless of the format requested. Is that the standard or are other formats (i.e. XML) also supported? Thanks. ...

OAuth Keys Don't Work?

I was just playing with Java and PHP OpenSocial client-libraries. But couldn't get them to work. Actually, I tried built-in samples from the PHP library and they worked. However, when I changed their OAuth keys (consumer and secret), they stopped working. I obtained my keys here https://www.google.com/gadgets/directory/verify ...

Using bengottlieb / Twitter-OAuth-iPhone, running on iPhone device

Got the source ["bengottlieb / Twitter-OAuth-iPhone"][1] I added the existing folder "Twitter+OAuth" to my project. Fixed Target to include libxml2.dylib and libOAuth.a Fixed Header & Library Search Paths, just like DEMO project did. Building itself is fine. Only showing warnings about MGTwitterEngine's parsing issues. However, when I ...

Bookmarklet + iFrame + Twitter Sign-In

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarklet for a web project we're working on, the bookmarklet loads an iframe with a sign-in page offering twitter sign-in, everything is working as expected so far, however i'm facing problems in the case when the user isn't already signed in with twitter, he'll be then redirected to twitter sign-in page which is t...

OAuth Invalid signature issue with Digg

Hi everyone! So I'm trying to authenticate my app to Digg using OAuth (and I'm totally not an OAuth expert). I use the Scribe Java library. I keep on getting the HTTP 401 Authorization Required. Inside the body of the response, it is a 5001 Invalid Signature Error. I have read this Digg Google Groups Thread and I didn't really understa...

Provider is null when doing oauth after turning back from web page

Hi guys,I use signpost-oauth do oauth in android, and after login on the web page, return to the Activity, the provider is null sometimes. public class LoginActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener { private static OAuthConsumer consumer; private static OAuthProvider provider; private static final Uri CALLBACK= Uri.p...

Require Google to return email address as part of OAuth

I am using OAuth to access Gmail with dotNetOAuth. How can I force Google to return user's email address as part of callback after authorization? By default, Google OAuth callback only returns the token secret and access tokens. ...

Custom scheme doesn't seem to launch in the app intent

I'm trying to create an Android app that needs to use OAuth to authenticate (with the Google Wave data API) I've specified a custom scheme in my AndroidManifest.xml so that any views to a url beginning "braindump://" should go to my app: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/...

Getting OAuth to work with C#

I'm using the sample class for OAuth defined here: http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/csharp/ I'm using the test server which is related to the OAuth project, available here: http://term.ie/oauth/example/index.php?sig_method=HMAC-SHA1 When I call this service, here is what I'm sending: Signature Base: POST&http%3A%2F%2Fterm.ie%2Foau...

PHP Twitter proxy that supports XAuth on an Apache server

I've been banging my head against this problem for nearly two days now, and I'm hoping someone on this site can help me. I live in China and have a server (shared hosting) located in Hong Kong. I've set up a PHP Twitter proxy on the server, and I connect to the proxy using Twitter for iPhone (AKA Tweetie). It's worked beautifully for th...

OAuth (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) on Rails

I would like to connect to those applications which provided OAuth API (such as fb, twitter). Is there a relatively easier way to integrate those APIs? I have successfully used linkedin gem which can connect to LinkedIn OAuth API. But I really don't want to install a gem for dealing with a single application, where those applications p...

how can android app auth Orkut

I have downloaded Opensocial-java-client example which contain an android example: friendlist which load friendlist from goolge account. I want to modify it to communicate with Orkut. I have the following question: I cant find where can I get consumer key&& secret key for Orkut. I only know https://www.google.com/gadgets/directory/...

2-legged OAuth in Coldfusion

I am developing a service to get data from Echo System using their Scheduling API. Echo System Scheduling API requires each request to be signed by OAuth(2-legged). I have generated the request URL but I am getting "I/O Exception: Name in certificate" Error. Echo System uses https, so i am thinking it might be the cause but i am not su...

Integrate Twitter in a website

I am trying to get a website to connect to a Twitter account so that I can display the tweets on my website. I can get the application to work when you connect via the OAuth authentication and it asks if I want to allow the application. What I want to do, is because it's my own Twitter account, I want to be able to login without havi...

Django redirect to previous page after external OAuth login

I am using Twitter OAuth to login users. The login takes users to Twitter and upon successful OAuth returns them to a specified url. From this url I would like to redirect users back to the page they were on before logging in. What is a good way to do this? ...

jaiku php oauth authentication

how i can i complete oauth authentication with php for jaiku? i completed authentications for google, facebook,friendfeed, etc. but for jaiku there is a problem. can you send an example for jaiku oauth? ...

Using HTTP GET with PHP Oauth PECL Library

Hi, I'm having a strange problem using PHP's OAuth PECL library - I seem to be unable to get it to make requests via GET. I'm using v1.0.0. This is the request: $oauth = new OAuth( $network->get_consumer_key(), $network->get_consumer_secret(), OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_FORM ); $oa->enableDebug(); $oa...

Using PHP Oauth PECL Library to download files

I'm using PHP Oauth PECL Library to access audio files on Soundcloud and I'm not sure of the best way to do this. What I have so far is: $oauth = new OAuth( $network->get_consumer_key(), $network->get_consumer_secret(), OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI ); $oauth->setToken('', ''); $oauth->fetch('', array...

Server-side Twitter client possible with OAUTH?

Twitter'll phase out HTTP basic authentication by August 2010. In the link my scenarios are from Desktop Applications. Basically my client should tweet new posts on a website. This would be incredibly simple with HTTP basic auth, because I can store and use my account's username and password in the app to authenticate. However, with OAU...

Quote for Oauth Support?

Just wondering how much on average would it cost to add oAuth support to my app (not a twitter or facebook app) it's really the first client for the website it pulls from. Any ideas? Thanks! ...