
python smtplib

Hey I have a windows server running python CGI scripts and I'm having a little trouble with smtplib. The server is running python 2.1 (unfortunately and I can not upgrade it). Anyway I have the following code: session = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) session.login(smtpuser, smtppass) and it's giving me this err...

Failing to send email with the Python example

I've been trying (and failing) to figure out how to send email via Python. Trying the example from here: but added the line server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) after I got a bounceback about not having an SSL connection. Now I'm getting this: Traceback (most rece...

how to send mail in python ssmtp vs smtplib

I need to send email in delbian linux. How to send? I run my server on 256 MB linux box and I heard postfix and sendmail is overkill. Recently I came across the ssmtp, that seems to be an executable, needs to be executed as a process and called through python using os modules. alternatively, python already provides smtplib which is wor...

smtplib and gmail - python script problems

Here's my script: #!/usr/bin/python import smtplib msg = 'Hello world.' server = smtplib.SMTP('',587) #port 465 or 587 server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login('[email protected]','mypass') server.sendmail('[email protected]','[email protected]',msg) server.close() I'm just trying to send an email ...

How to set smtplib sending timeout in python 2.4?

I'm having problems with smtplib tying up my program when email sending fails, because a timeout is never raised. The server I'm using does not and will never have python greater than 2.4, so I can't make use of the timeout argument to the SMTP constructor in later versions of python. Python 2.4's docs show that the SMTP class does not ...

python smtp gmail authentication error (sending email through gmail smtp server)

Hi all, I have the following code import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText smtpserver = '' AUTHREQUIRED = 1 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1 smtpuser = '[email protected]' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here smtppass = '123456' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here RECIPIENTS = ['online8@gmai...

Python 3 smtplib send with unicode characters

I'm having a problem emailing unicode characters using smtplib in Python 3. This fails in 3.1.1, but works in 2.5.4: import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText sender = to = '[email protected]' server = '' msg = MIMEText('€10') msg['Subject'] = 'Hello' msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = to s = smtplib.SM...

python and sll/Exchange 2007: No suitable authentication method found

I'm trying to send emails from a python script with smtplib, and it works with no problems with smtp through Exchange 2003, but with Exchange 2007 shows: SMTPException: No suitable authentication method found. Python code is the same in both cases (except server and login information of course). I'm passing username and password in a...

Decent SMTP client in C++

Hi, I'd like to have a decent SMTP client-side library in C++ with permissive license (LGPL, BSD, MIT-X, ...). It must have at least rfc821 and rfc2487 conformity and preferably rfc3207 conformity. I have found some that have not met all the requirements: Poco SMTP DataReel SMTP vmime If you have any, please kindly share. Thank you...

Is smtplib pure python or implemented in C?

My question is very straight forward: Is smtplib pure python or implemented in C? ...

How do I send attachments using SMTP?

I want to write a program that sends email using Python's smtplib. I searched through the document and the RFCs, but couldn't find anything related to attachments. Thus, I'm sure there's some higher-level concept I'm missing out on. Can someone clue me in on how attachments work in SMTP? ...

How can I catch for a connection timeout error in Python's SMTPlib?

The error being thrown is: error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out I'm not sure what to except for? try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('') smtpObj.starttls() smtpObj.login('user','pass') smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message) print "Successfully sent email" except smtplib...

Forwarding an email with python smtplib

I'm trying to put together a script that automatically forwards certain emails that match a specific criteria to another email. I've got the downloading and parsing of messages using imaplib and email working, but I can't figure out how to forward an entire email to another address. Do I need to build a new message from scratch, or can ...

Setting Return-Path with Python sendmail for a MIME message

Hi, Hi would like to set the "Return-Path" header for a MIME message I send with Python. Basically, I tried something like this : message = MIMEMultipart() message.add_header("Return-Path", "[email protected]") #... smtplib.SMTP().sendmail(from, to, message.as_string()) The message I receive have its "Return-Path" header set ...

Gmail SMTP + XOAuth mystery

Hi everyone, I am using python smtplib and xoauth and I am trying to send an email. I am using the code posted by Google: I am actually authenticating against Gmail and i get this reply reply: '235 2.7.0 Accepted\r\n' after sending my XOAuth string...

Python' smtplib works regularly but not when executing via cron

I have python code that looks like below. It works fine when executed manually. But when executed via a cronjob, the email is not being sent. Here is the code: msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = to msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(message)) mailServer = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) mailServer.ehl...

Python smtplib and pipelining

Hi there, recently i'm studing the smtplib smtp client library for python, but i could not find any reference to the PIPELINING protocol against smtp servers that support it. Is there something i'm missing? It's not yet implemented maybe? Any other implementations rather than smtplib with PIPELINING enabled? Thanks ...

Python char encoding

I have the following code : msgtxt = "é" msg = MIMEText(msgtxt) msg.set_charset('ISO-8859-1') msg['Subject'] = "subject" msg['From'] = "[email protected]" msg['To'] = "[email protected]" serv.sendmail("[email protected]","[email protected]", msg.as_string()) The e-mail arrive with é as its body instead of the expected é I have tried : msgtxt = "é".en...

How to get server reply after sending a mail using smtplib SMTP.sendmail

Hi, I have a program to send mail using python smtplib. I have the mail sending part working fine, but I also need to capture the server return message after a mail has been sent. For example postfix returns the following message after a mail has been queueed: reply: '250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as EB83821273B\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: ...

SMTP ERROR: (552, '5.6.0 Submission denied Sender does not match originator <myEmailAddress>)

I've writted a Python script to send emails via a relay server. I've tested that the appropriate email address's etc are permissioned etc by sending an email using Telnet. My Python script also work when set up to send via my old relay server. Therefore i am confused as to why i am getting the following error message: (552, '5.6.0 Sub...