
Sending an email with the header return-path using windows virtual mail server

I'm trying to send an email message using the .NET MailMessage class which can also have the return-path header added so that any bounces come back to a different email address. Code is below: MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(string.Format("{0}<{1}>", email.FromName, email.FromEmail)), new MailAddress(emailTo...

What's the best way to allow a web based e-mail system send replies and bounces to the sender's personal e-mail address?

I have a web app that only registered users can use, therefore I should have a valid e-mail address for the creator of the message. One part of this web app will allow a user to create and send a e-mail message to an e-mail address that the user enters. My web server will be creating and sending the e-mail, however if there is a deliver...

Better Java method Syntax? Return early or late?

Duplicate: Should a function have only one return statement? and Single return or multiple return statements? Often times you might have a method that checks numerous conditions and returns a status (lets say boolean for now). Is it better to define a flag, set it during the method, and return it at the end : boolean validate(Doma...

Correct format of an Return-Path header

My application uses sendmail to send outbound email. I set the 'From:' address using the following format: Fred Dibnah <[email protected]> I'm also setting the Reply-To and Return-Path headers using the exact same format. This seems to work in the vast majority of cases but I have seen at least one instance in which this fails, name...

Forcing an error when a function doesn't explicitly return a value on the deafult return path?

Is there a way, in VC++ (VSTS 2008), to froce a compiler error for functions that do not explicitly return a value on the default return path (Or any other quick way to locate them)? On the same issue, is there any gaurentee as to what such functions actually return? ...

How to rewrite or set the Return-Path in cakePHP Email Component?

I'm using the cakePHP email component for sending mails from my application. Now the return-path has something like [email protected] How can I set or rewrite the Return-Path value in emails when using the cakePHP Component? I know how to do it when sending mails via 'mail' in PHP but the cakePHP email component seems to missing such a fe...

Redirect user back to the original page

I have an edit page which is used from different sources. After editing I would like to redirect user to original page. Earlier I used ID (given as a parameter) and Action (hard-coded) to redirect user to certain page, but problems occurs when many different pages can access the same edit page. Any suggestions how to handle this situati...

How to properly setup return path on sendmail?

When I use the function mail() in PHP my e-mail comes out of my server with the following line: Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]); I just replaced my server name and IP to: xxx.xx.xx.xx I host quite a few w...

How to send emails with a Return Path in .net 3.5

Can any one guide me on how i can send emails with a return path in 3.5 / C# 3.5. I know this was possible few years back but now due to spoofing issues this is not possible. I have been looking on internet but no use. I want the emails if bounced, should reach my bounce mail box, which could be like [email protected]. Please ...

Setting Return-Path with Python sendmail for a MIME message

Hi, Hi would like to set the "Return-Path" header for a MIME message I send with Python. Basically, I tried something like this : message = MIMEMultipart() message.add_header("Return-Path", "[email protected]") #... smtplib.SMTP().sendmail(from, to, message.as_string()) The message I receive have its "Return-Path" header set ...

Where to store the return url in a login form/controller

I am wondering how to best deal with a return url in a login form. I think a good way is probably how it is done here. That is to urlencode the current url and send it as a get parameter to the login controller. This can then be urldecoded in the login controller. But what then? I looked at the StackOverflow login page, and I couldn't f...