
Oauth Consumer - LinkedIN UPDATE STATUS

Hi there, I try to develop a app that use OauthConsumer for connection with LinkedIN. All work fine, I can extract the user data but when I want to update User status I've status error 401 with message [unauthorized]. I've the access token, this is the code: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/curren...

how to refresh an oauth token when using the Facebook iPhone SDK

I'm using the Facebook SDK for iOS in my app: http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk The oAuth token expires after about 2 hours. How can I "refresh" the oAuth token without having to call the [Facebook authorize...] method again - which shows an empty Facebook dialog briefly if the user had previously logged in? What I want ...

Foursquare - OAuth Authentication - .Net Sample

Is there any sample on how to authenticate to Foursquare using Oauth ? ...

How does one use oauth in a FLOSS app where we can't keep a secret key?

How does one use oauth in a FLOSS app where we can't keep a secret key? If other see the secret and the key, can't he use it to use the user account as if he where me? ...

Permanent twitter oauth using jtwitter and SignpostClient

I have an application that runs on a server, listens for various tweets using the streaming api, and then occasionally sends tweets out. This worked fine using the old twitter authentication system, but using OAuth has complicated things a bit. I can successfully start the application up and my browser opens Twitter's OAuth page. If I...

Having Trouble Accessing Email from Facebook Oauth

Hello, I can't get the proper token to reach the extended user information (specifically email) from the Facebook API. I've correctly given my app permission to retrieve the email, so I know I have the correct permissions. I'm trying to convert a session to a token using the exchange_session method as you can see below in my code: ...

How can I get Yahoo OAuth to work when I develop locally when my local domain is not registered with Yahoo?

I'm working on an app that uses Yahoo OAuth. The OAuth had been working fine but I just registered my domain with Yahoo and now it will not let me use the OAuth when I develop locally because "Custom port is not allowed or the host is not registered with this consumer key." The issue is because my call back URL is to a domain that is ...

Question about OAuth/XAuth Authentication

Hi, When I develop a App Project on iPhone, it's need to authenticate. My basic requirement is to have custom login screen. But the Service providers currently provide OAuth protocal only, not XAuth protocal. Does this mean that if I use OAuth protocol, it will can not be achieved what I need (custom login screen), and I must be loaded...

Django Sessions getting dropped when redirected from another domain.

When a user visits my domain, a sessionid is issued by django. When he tries to do Oauth with Facebook, he clicks a button on my site which redirects to Facebook.com. Facebook redirects back to my domain, but at this point, the user's session is lost and Django seems to be issuing a new session variable. I want the dropped session to p...

Use Elmah with twitter and its mandatory oauth authentication?

Since Twitter won't use basic authentication (login, password) anymore, I'm converting my app to using twitter with oauth authentication. In my code this was ok, but I also use Elmah to tweet the errors on a specific twitter account. But it seems Elmah only works with basic authentication. Is it true? Any workaround? Thanks ...

Secure authentication without SSL?

I am creating a web service for end users which will have a front-end in the form of an Adobe AIR desktop app but users will be able to access their data through the website too. User's data will be synchronized between the server and the local data store. The problem is that I cannot get an SSL certificate. Is there a way to make this m...

How to process multiple accounts with OAuth?

I have an application that posts to multiple Twitter accounts by storing an array of usernames and passwords. Recently, Twitter updated their API so I have to authenticate using OAuth instead of storing credentials. How would I make the user authenticate for multiple Twitter accounts during a single process? For example, I have a textbo...

What is the best OAuth2 C# library?

It seems like many app providers are using OAuth2 to allow API access, such as Twitter and Facebook. Does anyone use a good library to do OAuth2 processing that is general enough to use across all applications? ...

OAuth request error

Hi everyone! I wrote a library in C# to manage the "OAuth dance" to post new activities on a user buzz public stream. My library seems to work fine: oauth_signature_method -> HMAC-SHA1 (all the following link are with https) Scope: www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken OK www.google.com/buzz/api...

Using basic oauth to send a tweet

I was using basic auth to send tweets from a server every time a song changed. Now they have blocked basic auth and I am not sure how to incorporate it. I have a server at home that updates an html file on the webserver and then calls the following script to tweet out from that file. Any ideas on how to accomplish this simply? <?php /...

Twitter api + OAuth 'random' 401 error

Hi I have just switch to OAuth I'm using the OAuth exemple code from http://www.voiceoftech.com/swhitley/index.php/2009/03/twitter-oauth-with-net/ single user token link text accounts are set to read-write( I'm testing with 3 account : test , news and jobs) I have configured my subdomain also Test works fine, news never works, jo...

Best way to use Zend_Oauth_Consumer without cookies and without session

I am developing gadget with tech requirements: "no Cookie, no Session". I have the following code: <?php class LinkedIn { private $options; private $consumer; private $client; private $token; public function __construct($params) { // set Zend_Oauth_Consumer options $this->options = array( 'version' => '1.0', 'localUr...

Can't twitter status using oAuth and .net Hammock library on Windows Phone 7

I've been able setup the oAuth calls to get the users access Token following a couple blog posts: http://sudheerkovalam.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/a-windows-phone-7-twitter-application-part-1/ and :/byatool.com/c/connect-your-web-app-to-twitter-using-hammock-csharp/comment-page-1/#comment-9955 But I'm having problems sending a status up...

What is the point of the Application URL of Facebook Application registeration?

Hello everyone, I am developing an Android application for which I would like to add Facebook functionality using Facebook's Android SDK. I have registered the application and acquired the ID and Secret, but what is the point of the URL? Am I supposed to install something on my website on that specific URL so that I Facebook can do the O...

PHP Post not working with twitter api

Im trying to use the following PHP to add a favorite to my account: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $fav = $_REQUEST['fav']; $connection->post('favorites/create', array('id' => $fav)); echo "<div style='padding-bottom: 5px; color: #0099FF;'>Fav Created Successfully.</div>"; } ?> With the following form: <form...