
Retrieving comment count from fb:comments widget (Facebook)

I've tried using both the JavaScript and PHP SDKs, but I can't solve this simple problem. My FQL looks like: SELECT count FROM comments_info WHERE xid="..." When I attempt the request through PHP, I get the following error: Uncaught Exception: 604: No valid app_id PHP: $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => '...', 'se...

Whats a good database Schema for Forms auth with OpenId?

I'm trying to find a good standard for a database schema that will let me do a couple things. Mainly, I am writing a web app that needs to handle various types of logins. First being the standard ASP Application Services login, Second being OpenId/oAuth logins and third being Active Directory logins. What's a good suggestion for a dat...

OAuth with Verification in .NET

Hi there, I'm trying to create a .NET-based client app (in WPF - although for the time being I'm just doing it as a console app) to integrate with an OAuth-enabled application, specifically Mendeley (http://dev.mendeley.com), which apparently uses 3-legged OAuth. This is my first time using OAuth, and I'm having a lot of difficulty get...

How to send a tweet from PHP with OAuth?

There's a few tutorials and classes out there but they no longer appear to work since Twitter changed to oAuth. How do I send a tweet from PHP, in the most basic way possible? For example, the 'old' way using the MyTwitter class was as follows: require_once('MyTwitter.class.php'); $twitter = new MyTwitter('username', 'password'); $me...

OAuth : help me understanding OAuth

OAuth like google OAuth. Let's put the communication between Consumer server and OAuth server aside. Let's talk about the browser side and consumer server communication, at least, browser must hold a cookie to identify the session between consumer server. Right? But, I didn't see it. ...

Anyone Know the Lifespan of a Facebook API Access Token?

what is the lifespan of an access token in the FB oAuth API? Not the extended offline permissioning, just a normal access token? ...

Can you use Google's oAuth to just authenticate?

Can you use oAuth to only authenticate like you can with Twitter? ...

Incorrect signature while accessing Twitter api on android

Hi In my android app I can make calls to Twitter api immediately after I login. I am using same instance of OAuthConsumer. But when I create OAuthconsumer for subsequent call and use setTokenWithSecret I get Incorrect signature error. I spent few hours trying to debug but no luck... any help is appreciated. Following is code ...in on...

PHP callbacks with OAuth

Hi, I'm using the Gowalla API to log a user into my site. I've got everything working except for the part below using the OAuth login. I'd like to integrate this into my php site as easily as possible. I.e just make a simple function call from php that can retrieve the data. The examples I found on php.net don't cover thee types of c...

receive application access token from Facebook

I'm trying to learn how to get an application access token from Facebook for my app. I'm sending a jquery reguest (in the firebug console) based on the data specified here (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/#client_credentials). I seem to get the response ( access_token = 'my_app_id|'+the_app_token ) but firebug se...

How to access twitter api directly in C# using auth_info (oAuth tokens) provided by Janrain(rpx)

Seeking example how to access Twitter API directly after acquiring oAuth Tokens from Janrain(formerly rpx). It is understood twitter requires 2 keys for a twitter app(consumerKey, consumerSecret) which are provided by janrain in the janrain Dashboard under twitter settings. ...

Twitter Oauth Delphi 7 home_timeline getting 401 unauthorized.

I am using Oauth for Delphi from ChuckBeasley.com I am able to get a request token, then call with my callback url and put in my credentials. I then get redirected correctly to my callback url in a TEmbeddedWB component. I then get an access token (at least I believe I am) since screen_name and user_id come back in the response. When ...

Gem for oAuth2 Consumer AND Provider functionality in Rails 2.3.5

Hi there, I'm struggling finding a usable gem which provides the following for a Rails 2.3.5 application: we want to protect out API with oAuth 2; therefore a Controller for creating access/request Tokens and the models (Client, Token,...) are required we want to consume oAuth2 Services like Facebook and Twitter It would also be nic...

Problems with python-oauth2 and Yahoo's Fantasy Sports API

I'm trying to build a web app that grabs fantasy sports info from Yahoo's API. I know that it requires the use of OAuth in order to speak to the API. It's being created using Flask and will run on Google App Engine. I've been trying to use python-oauth2 from the folks at SimpleGeo and I keep getting the same exact error when trying to...

Storing OAuth keys in code for iPhone apps

I'm writing an iPhone app that integrates with third party APIs. These APIs use OAuth (key/secret specific to my app not per user) in order to authenticate which app the request is being made in behalf of. Is it secure (or how secure) is it to simply put the key/secret in code? Can this sort of data be reverse-engineered? Is there a bet...

What is a good Twitter PHP library other than Zend?

What is a good Twitter PHP Library other than Zend? ...

How to pass OAuth Header inside of the HTTP AUTH header while calllling web service to get user details

I am using google gdata client library and wants to use 2 legged oauth to make web service.I can not understand that how should I make a proper request with Authorization header including oauth parameters? Is it necessary for me to pass oauth parameters in request? ...

Tweepy twitter oauth authentication not returning oauth_verifier

I am using a python library called "tweepy" for twitter. When I try to authorize the user, twitter is supposed to redirect to a callback url with auth_token and oauth_verifier. I am getting only auth_token in the url. Anyone else had the same problem? ...

How can I renew access token in Ruby OAuth gem?

Hi, I am trying to renew my access token using Ruby OAuth gem. I wrote my custom method, but it does not work. Has anyone tried renewing the access token using the OAuth gem? If yes, then how? ...

Using OAuth with Scribe-Java and Google Apps

I'm trying to get a list of all contacts within my Google Apps domain. To do so I'm using the Scribe-Java library (http://github.com/fernandezpablo85/scribe-java) within my GWT application. String resp= ""; OAuthService service= new ServiceBuilder () .provider (GoogleApi.class).apiKey ("my-domain.com").apiSecret ("my-secret").scope (...