
Is Object-Oriented Modeling different from Object-Oriented Programming?

What is the difference between Object-Oriented Modeling and Object-Oriented Programming? I overheard a conversation on my subway train this morning and it seems that these things are different. Aren't they? ...

How do I validate the class diagram for a given domain?

I am working on car dealership business domain model/UML class diagram. I am new to modeling, so I would like to know how to validate the class diagram. It's very important for me to have an appropriate, if not 100 percent correct, class diagram to use further development (use cases, etc.). Is it possible to build a completely incorrec...

OOP: When is it an object?

I'm trying to understand object orientation. I understand it a little bit of course, but sometimes I'm not 100% clear. How do you decide what should be turned into an object (small object part of another big whole object) or what is not worth being an object, or maybe it should be just a property of that big whole object? For a door, I...

Suggestion about category product relationship models

Hey there, I'm trying to get my mind going on a project to my college, but I can't seem to get it right. I'm can't fit my requirements in my models. Maybe someone that has worked on a store can help me out. Let's say we have our so overused e-commerce model. Category has many Products (I never understood where the SKU fits in here) Ex...

A component/tools of knowledge based modeling for .Net

I have had an idea of knowledge based modeling for a long time and I have surfed internet and couldn't find a suitable component/tools for .Net development to do so. My expected features are: Knowledge based. There is a central repository to store templates of classes, interfaces, properties and attributes. We will use these templat...

Has anyone used UML with OCL? Do programmers use it or only analysts who don't code?

I am trying to wrap my head around why we first approach the problem of design and decide upon a visual method (UML), instead of starting with formal specifications that happen to also be executable (RAD prototyping), we start with diagrams that can't be easily proven to work. So when it comes time to prove properties of a model, we fin...

Long tag support in Tags

Tags field not displaying as expected when using long tags.. did anyone try that out ...

Why did not CASE tools succeed?

...or why did they fail? I am going to build a proof of a concept of something which could be classified as CASE, but I want to avoid some of the mistakes done before. Thanks! ...

Doubt with the implementation of interfaces

Hello All, Firstly, this is just an Object Oriented Programming question and does not apply to any Language in particular. This is quite embarassing for me. This incident happened @ work and I was too shy to clarify this with my colleagues as it would indicate a poor understanding of Object Oriented Programming on my part. So here is t...

MVC Abstract Base Controller Override parameter type for modelbinding

For simplicity's sake, lets say I have the following Abstract Base Controller Class: public abstract class RESTController : Controller { public abstract JsonResult List(); public abstract JsonResult Get(Guid id); public abstract JsonResult Create(object obj); public abstract JsonResult Update(object obj); publi...

Books / tutorials on how to do object oriented analysis and design of algorithms?

There is readily available a lot on info on how to do analysis and design of standard CRUD applications, or at least, applications more geared to the traditional windows application - having a couple of windows, where you click on buttons and then things happen. In the backyard there is some sort of repository where you persist your info...