
Outputting message body from eZ Components ezcMailMultipartReport object

I'm attempting to output the message body of messages retrieved from my imap server, using the ezcMailImapTransport class from eZ Components. I'm able to connect and retrieve all the messages, but I can't figure out how to output the message body. The output of print_r($mail[0]->body); is below. I just don't know how to deal with an ob...

iphone sqlite3 object allocation memory up but no leaks

Hi All, i've been trying to figure out wh. sqy my object allocation keeps rigth up every time i call this function, Instruments reports no leaks but I get a heck of a lot of object coming from sqlite3_exec --> sqlite3Prepare --> sqlite3Parser --> yy_reduce --> malloc & also a whole bunch from & from sqlite3Step --> sqlite3VdbeExec...

PHP Object return value

Hi, Currently I'm programming a database class which makes a little bit use of PHP's PDO class, but I'd like to add some simple features for making programming a certain application a bit easier. Now In the following piece of pseudo code you can see where I'm going. The only problem in this example is that the $result variable is an ob...

compare an object to null!!

I am trying to verify whether an object is null or not and i am using this syntax: void renderSearch(Customer c){ System.out.println("search customer rendering>..."); try { if(!c.equals(null)){ System.out.println("search customer found..."); }else{ ...

Convert database row into object.

I have a table in my database with 2 rows of employee data. ........... ID | Name ........... 1 | Jon Doe 2 | Jane Doe ........... I need to convert this into: I NEED THIS IN MY CODE !!!! JUST LIKE THAT AS CODE YOU PEOPLE NOT ORM AS CODE !!! Employee e1 = new Employee(); e1.ID = 1; e1.Name = "Jon Doe"; Employee e2 = new Empl...

Is there a right way to return a new object instance by reference in C++?

So I was writing some code, and I had something like this: class Box { private: float x, y, w, h; public: //... Rectangle & GetRect( void ) const { return Rectangle( x, y, w, h ); } }; Then later in some code: Rectangle rect = theBox.GetRect(); Which worked in my debug build, but in release ther...

Using an associative array as php function's input

Occasionally I'll write a PHP function with a single input, an associative array containing all of that function's inputs. This has benefits such as not having to remember the correct order of inputs, but I've also noticed it makes implementing changes to large codebases much easier; when I need to add another variable, and that variable...

How can I use html/javascript to make <a> link trigger an embedded flash object?

Using HTML/Javascript I want to make an link trigger a flash object that is normally triggered by clicking on the flash itself. The flash objects is actually the "Call Me Now" button from Google Voice which looks something like: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="https://clients4.google.com/voice/embed/webCallButto...

Creating an object

Box buttonBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); Name1 name2 = new Name1(); there are two Name1s checkboxList = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>(); name2 = new Name1(); there is only one Name1 It works, but why? ...

In Javascript, how do I transfer data from a text/html typed object to its parent

I have an <object id="objPage" data="source.html" type="text/html"><object> containing an HTML page, on the same domain. I am trying to send a String through Javascript from source.html to its parent, which is an aspx page. I need the child to be able to send that information. Any idea? So basically it's: [ASPX] [OBJECT] This s...

Performance difference of caching PHP Objects on file

Is there difference between caching PHP objects on disk rather than not? If cached, objects would only be created once for ALL the site visitors, and if not, they will be created once for every visitor. Is there a performance difference for this or would I be wasting time doing this? Thank you :) ...

What does the registerNatives() method do?

In java, what does the private static method registerNatives() of the Object class do? ...

PHP Object Caching performance

Is there difference between caching PHP objects on disk rather than not? If cached, objects would only be created once for ALL the site visitors, and if not, they will be created once for every visitor. Is there a performance difference for this or would I be wasting time doing this? Basically, when it comes down to it, the main questio...

Problem with Delphi 2009 and old-style object type

Hi, I've got a lot of older code that uses the old-style pascal object type that I'm trying to get working in Delphi 2009. It compiles, but there seems to be several problems dealing with virtual methods. It appears that this problem has already been reports on Quality Central: http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=71723 I was h...

What is the difference between a ORM, AR, QB, & DM?

Ok, so everyone has decided (and for good reason) strait SQL is of the devil. This leaves us with many methods of placing a "middle-man" in our code to separate our code from the database. I am now going to spit out all the info I have gathered in the hope someone can set me strait and tell me what I built. An ORM (Object-relational map...

Global const string& smells bad to me, is it truly safe?

I'm reviewing a collegue's code, and I see he has several constants defined in the global scope as: const string& SomeConstant = "This is some constant text"; Personally, this smells bad to me because the reference is referring to what I'm assuming is an "anonymous" object constructed from the given char array. Syntactically, it's le...

How can I play a flashmovie which is in my references? (C#)

My program works, except I want to take a flash movie out of the references, not from an external location. The FlashObject.Movie requires a string location though, and I don't know how to do this. Any ideas? This should be possible I think. ...

subsonic object reference not set to object

I created a site with the SubSonic Generator Website I have done this before with few if any issues, however now I can generate and build the site in Visual Studio but I keep getting this error for any of the pages I generate All of this code is generated I have not done anything to it. Object reference not set to an instance of an obje...

How to add an object before another object as part of a bigger object...

For my web-application I would like to add an object before another object inside a self-defined object.... I did find the insertBefore method, but it only applies to DOM objects. The object looks like: objTemplate[0].objEntry; objTemplate[1].objEntry; <= add objEntry here objTemplate[2].objEntry; objTemplate[3].objE...

how to pass an object from a windowSWF to JSFL ?

I'm working with an fla, an as file(document class), and a jsfl file. the swf is generated in the WindowSWF folder (e.g. $flash/WindowSWF) I have a simple windowSWF and I'm using MMExecute and fl.runScript to pass variables from as3 to jsfl. I didn't imagine I would run into trouble if I would use objects though. In my windowSWF I have...