
SPGridView, data and correct method of ensuring data is safe

Hi, I am using an SPGridView to present some data, and have enabled the filtering ability which works very well. Until you choose a particular item in the data to filter on... The data item in question has an apostrophe in the string( e.g. "this is richards' string"), which causes the post-filter-application page load to die with the ...

System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Hello all, I am using c#.net. Thanks in advance for any help. I am using a Repeater and a ObjectDataSource. I use LINQ to connect to the database. This requires a parameter to be passed through (used within the WHERE clause) public IQueryable<comments> GetComments(DateTime todaysDate) { return (from c in dc.comments ...

refresh user control inside multiview

In my parentpage I have dropdownlist, multiview and button. Multiview has a user control. On click of the button i pass the selected value from dropdown to the user control and call the databind method to populate the user control with corresponding data. User control has gridview which is populated using objectDataSource. I'm using t...

Can we configure data source control to first perform update and only then select operation (when DataBind() is called manually)?

Hello, If we set GridView’s DataSourceID to SqlDataSource/ObjectDataSource and manually call GridView.DataBind(), then the select operation is performed first and then the update operation. But since select operation automatically resets edited values, data source doesn’t get updated, even though Updating and Updated events do fire. ...

ObjectDataSource trouble

I have been given a small project by the company I have applied for. They want a small application using asp.net GridView, FormView and an ObjectDataSource with a DataSet (xsd) file. I have been doing 3-tier applications but in a different way, I have my DataAccess layer as a c sharp file with methods accepting params and returning datat...

How to use both DataSource and DataSourceID in gridview

work on C# asp.net vs05.i need to save some value and show them on the gridview.So under the button event i write a code that save value ,and show on gridview.I can save value but problem occur when show on gridview.So i use the DataSource .I also set the GridviewTask-->Choose Data Source--> DataSourceID ,because user need to edit infor...

ObjectDataSource - SelectParameters using default value rather than FormParameter

Hello all, I am using c#.net. I have a search form (within a View), when the user provides the correct details for each textbox and presses the search button, it redirects to another View within the same WebForm. I am using LINQ and ObjectDataSource to pull back the results for the database. As the query requires parameters (used wit...

.NET Object Datasource, DetailsView and DropDownList

Ok, I am going to try and give a very bried yet detailed description of what I need to accomplish. First, I have a LinqToSQL datacontext defined that has an employee object. I then created a BLL (partial of employee) that handles my validations, inserts, updates etc. Everthing is good at this point. Next, I created a detailsview wi...

.rdlc reporting bound to Object Data Source in Three layer Application

Hi, i have the following situation, i have a Reporting layer(stand alone) in asp.net application(NOT website, this means NO App_Code folder exists), and i want just to create Object Data Source to take an Object in a separate layer(lets say from Data Access Layer), and then to use that Object Data Source to create a report, i have spent ...

Link Two ObjectDataSource

My problem scenario is as follows: I have one GridviewA bound to a objectdatasourceA. When I click on a GridviewA row, I want another objectdatasourceB to pick the ID from the GridViewA and then fetch records for GridviewB. This is like masterdetail. Can i do this and how to use javascript/jqueryscript to make it smooth. ...

SubSonic 2.x - Configuring Object Datasource - Missing My DAL!

I've got two main sprocs that I'd like to link up to two separate object data sources. I generate my DAL in a separate project, and simply import the DLL into my current project. The problem is that I'm unable to see any of my DAL objects in the business object dropdown list, and none show up when I select Show Only Data Components. I...

DevExpress Xtrareports using a Business object as a datasource

Hi I am trying out DevExpress Xtrareports, but have asimple problem that I am not able to find an answer to. In an Asp.net website project, I want to add a business object to my report as a datasource and then drag and drop the fields from my new business object data source onto the report designer. Can some one help explain how i do ...

ObjectDataSource and null parameters

Hi everybody, I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 EE using a Dataset (.xsd) to develop an invoicing application and i'm having trouble creating a custom search query. I have an ObjectDataSource that expects 4 ControlParameters, like so: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsInvoices" runat="server" SelectMethod="getInvoices" TypeName="bllInvoic...

Forms Authentication - Display currently logged in user information in FormView using Object Data Source

In my web application I use Forms Authentication with a cookie. In a page I wish to display the information for the currently logged in user, inside a FormView powered by an ObjectDataSource. My data source has a select method accepting as parameter the user name by which the user data will be requested from the database. How do i get th...

The data source does not support server-side data paging.

Hello all, I am using c#.net I have a Grideview on my screen and need it to allow paging. Source Code <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="appID" HeaderText="appID" SortExpression="appID" /> </Column...

ObjectDataSource vs new DomainDataSource

Hello, I don't see difference between ObjectDataSource and new DomainDataSource (http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/bursteg/archive/2009/04/11/using-domaindatasource-in-asp-net.aspx). I need create 4 methods, which is then used in both cases. What I main difference? ...

two-way data binding within a FormView doesn't work when runat=server is used for the table row

I have an ObjectDataSource set up as follows: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="AccountDataSource" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetAccountByAccountID" TypeName="AccountBLL" InsertMethod="RegisterAccount" UpdateMethod="UpdateAccount"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name=...

Pattern for GridView binded to ObjectDataSource - late save

I have a GridView which I am binding to my service layer. I want to be able to allow the user to edit the grid, but I do not want to save the grid as the user is clicking update on each row. I would like to update all of the edited/added/deleted rows when the 'save' button for my entire form is submitted. I have my service layer config...

Help with ASP.NET ObjectDataSource

I have a User object with a Load method that takes in a UserId parameter and loads that users data to the objects member variables. Now what I'd like to do is load this data to a DetailsView control using an ObjectDataSource, but I'm stumped as to how. First of all, I'm not sure I've got the code set up properly to pass the parameter (...

ASP.NET ObjectDataSource problem

This is the common structure of all of my classes: public class User { public int ID { get;set; } public string User_name { get; set; } public string Pass_word { get; set; } public string UserTypeCode { get; set; } public int SaveOrUpdate() { int id = -1; if (this._ID <=0) { id = this.Save(...