
SQL Server - Special characters not recognise by PHP (ODBC)

Hello, I am trying to display some information from SQL Server to my PHP site. I am using ODBC connection for that one. My Issue is : Special characters are not recognised and it is displaying "question mark (?)" in my site. (This works in my other ASP site) What I am missing here ? Please help me. Thanks in advance. ...

ODBC Connection is assuming data types

I am reading CSV files (using .Net) into a DataTable using an OdbcConnection. One of my columns is an ID field that should be read in as strings (these values are numbers with padded zeros). When I fill the DataTable using the OdbcDataAdapter, this value gets converted to an INT rather than a string. For example, one id might be "00001" ...

Why does Access want you to identify a primary key on linked tables?

Supporting users who use MS Access as a front-end for viewing some Oracle tables at our intstitution. Typical use is to write ad-hoc queries with the Access querybuilder, and also they LOVE Access because it lets them build printable reports without having to submit to the lengthy & expensive programming-request process through our tech...

how to create a dsn for oracleinxe?

i have oracle 10g express edition installed and i want to know how to create a system dsn for it.so that i can connect database to my java programs ...

Which odbc connector to use?

I am getting this error from the following code: $result = odbc_connect("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=$database_name",$database_username, $database_password); Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 i...

Tools to automatically generate Daos.

I'm not interested in Spring/JPA etc. I like straight up JDBC/ODBC. I was wondering what are the good (actually production ready) tools to enable taking a database schema and generating objects/daos that fetch/update them? I am intersted in Java and C++. I am interested in ramping up more on C++ in order to get away from all of this Spr...

IIS7 ASP classic Mysql and ODBC Driver problems

We have just moved our high volume ASP classic website from Windows server 2003, 32bit, iis6, Mysql to server 2008, 64bit, IIS7. We are experiance some truncated data and page slow downs on some pages that make a lot of calls on the DB. We are using ODBC Driver 3.51. We are pretty sure it is the ODBC driver but have no idea how to fix...

Connect to MS Access database from php

Long story: I need to connect to mdb stored on a separate windows computer from php running on apache2 on linux. I guess odbc is the way. But the only available driver, libmdbodbc, seems to be buggy, dying randomly at odbc_fetch_row after successful odbc_exec - and taking php with it. Moreover, I'm not sure how well it handles concurrent...

Secure ODBC network connection to an MS Access database

Pardon my outrageous silliness, I don't know if this is even possible. Here's the situation. There is an MS Access "database" (yes, I know, believe me, I know) which I'll need to SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT to from a remote location. The catch is that this needs to happen securely. I have complete control over the remote machine which h...

How to use PHP's odbc_connect() to connect to an ODBC DSN on another host on the same LAN?

I've successfully tested a connection via PHP's odbc_connect() to a SQL Server 2005 Express database on a Windows Vista box using the following code: $connect = odbc_connect("mssqllocal2", "", ""); // first arg is the System DSN that I configured on Windows This connection works fine when executed from an instance of WAMPserver on th...

Jet Database and pass-through queries, parameters

Hi, I'm connecting to a Jet 4 DB through ODBC. The Jet DB uses pass-through queries to an Oracle DB. This works so far (can't access the p-t queries directly, but creating a view on the query does the trick). I need some subset of the data returned by the p-ts. Parameters would be best, but are not supported. Two questions: 1) Jet d...

asp.net parameters in odbc

I have a page 3 datacontrols (in order, datalist->grid->listview, the selection from one feeds into the next) works perfectly locally, using dot net connector for mysql. My webhost uses ODBC, and I had to remove [ ] from the select statements in my code and put the table names. I removed the [ ] 's and my page runs, and my 1st/datalis...

Where to find info on ODBC SQL dialect/grammar, incl. built-in functions/operators?

I'm looking into writing a C++ database library that will run on top of either ODBC or on top of another library that itself uses ODBC (possibly DTL, OTL, or SOCI). At this point I need to know what SQL functions (MIN, MAX, AVG, EXISTS, IN, etc.) and operators (+, -, /, *, etc.) I'll have available through the ODBC SQL dialect without n...

Why is FreeTDS not reading its configuration file when run through unixODBC?

I'm trying to use FreeTDS's ODBC driver to access a MS SQL Server 2005 instance from a Linux application. When I run tsql on the command line, it will read /etc/freetds.conf and $HOME/.freetds.conf and pull in the options I want to set (confirmed with strace watching open/access calls). However when I use FreeTDS via unixODBC (which is...

Set connection settings with Pyodbc + UnixODBC + FreeTDS

I have a setup using Pyodbc, UnixODBC and FreeTDS, but somewhere in there some options are being set and I don't know where. According to SQL Server Management Studio, my program is sending some settings when it opens the connection: set quoted_identifier off set ansi_padding off set ansi_nulls off ... But I need a different set of se...

Command line to change path to .mdb file for MS Access ODBC System DSN?

What odbcconf.exe command line can I use to change the path to the MS Access .mdb file for an already existing System DSN? ...

What should be expected from ODBC when a deadlock occurs?

I'm executing sql on MS SQL 2008 using ODBC's SQLExecute(). My code calls a stored procedure which becomes a deadlock victim. The server rollsback and the procedure is terminated, but SQLExecute() returns success. The server trace logs clearly show the deadlock, but an ODBC trace has no sign of any problem. The deadlocks are expected...

Which MySQL connection is better to use with C#?

Should I use the native .NET connector for MySQL? Or should I use the ODBC connector for MySQL and use that ODBC connection in C#? I am using C# 2010 Express. Which one is easier to manipulate data in a MySQL database? ...

Why isn't ODBCConnection.State reliable?

Consider a simple setup: // _conn is the OdbcConnection with a MySQL-Server (MySQL-Connector 3.51) // _cmd is a created OdbcCommand // Constructor has created the objects successfully public void DoSomething() { if(_conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } Now my problem is, that OdbcConnection.State...

Access to Sql Server via ODBC from C# : ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Hi, I have a System DSN configured and test ok : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Version 10.00.2531 Data Source Name: xxx Data Source Description: xxx Server: SERVER\SHARE Use Integrated Security: Yes Database: yyy Language: (Default) Data Encryption: No Trust Server Certificate: No Multiple Active ...