
Configuring SQL Native Client ODBC on the client computer?

We have an application where our clients are connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database - via a SQL Native Client ODBC data source. We are having some difficulties with the ODBC connection getting severed during program execution. After questioning a tech support person, he said that he had seen this type of error before, but they fixed th...

How do I create an ODBC DSN entry using C#?

I'm working on a legacy application that has a C++ extended stored procedure. This xsproc uses ODBC to connect to the database, which means it requires a DSN to be configured. I'm updating the installer (created using Visual Studio 2008 setup project), and want to have a custom action that can create the ODBC DSN entry, but am struggl...

Creating a custom ODBC driver

At my current job, we're looking to implement our own odbc driver to allow many different applications to be able to connect to our own app as a datasource. Right now we are trying to weigh the options of developing our own driver to the implementation spec, which is massive, or using an SDK that allows for programmers to 'fill in' the d...

ODBC to JDBC datatypes mapping

Where can I find description of how to map ODBC datatypes to JDBC? Or maybe anybody knows where source code of a jdbc-odbc bridge driver can be downloaded? ...

Why does Oracle require TO_NCHAR when binding SQL_C_WCHAR text via ODBC

I use the following statement prepared and bound in ODBC: SELECT (CASE profile WHEN ? THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS profile_order FROM engine_properties; Executed in an ODBC 3.0 connection to an Oracle 10g database in AL32UTF8 charset, even after binding to a wchar_t string using SQLBindParameter(SQL_C_WCHAR), it still gives the error ORA-12...

Binding int64 (SQL_BIGINT) as query parameter causes error during execution in Oracle 10g ODBC

I've got an insert into a table using ODBC 3.0 on Oracle 10g that is failing and I have no idea why. The database is on Windows Server 2003. The client is on Windows XP. The table: CREATE TABLE test ( testcol NUMBER(20,0) NULL ); The ODBC calls: SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT) = SQL_SUCCESS SQLPrepare(INSERT INTO test (testcol) VALU...

Does anyone know the .net odbc driver connection string for excel 2003's xml spreadsheets?

I know this has a certain "send me teh codes" quality, but the internet has really been letting me down on this one. I have an excel file in excel 2003's xml format that I want to attach an odbc connection to. And I can't seem to find the right connection string. connectionstrings.com has let me down, and other questions here on SO (s...

Excel ODBC and 64 bit server

using ASP.NET I need to update an excel template. Our server is running Windows 2008 in 64 bit mode. I am using the following code to access the excel file: ... string connection = @"Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" + path + ";"; ... IF the application pool is set to Enable 32 bit applicati...

Size of data obtained from SQL query via ODBC API

Hi, does anybody know how I can get the number of the elements (rows*cols) returned after I do an SQL query? If that can't be done, then is there something that's going to be relatively representative of the size of data I get back? I'm trying to make a status bar that indicates how much of the returned data I have processed so I want t...

File DSN for iSeries AS400 ODBC connection

How can I create a file dsn for connecting to an AS400 system using the iSeries ODBC driver? The iSeries ODBC driver allows many settings to be configured. Where can I find a list of all properties that can be set in the file DSN? ...

Classic ASP Database error

Well I am querying my DB, a table called bookBilling, to get a value under the column of billingID. In my first query I get the customer ID from a table based on what value the cookie holds. In my second query I take that custID value and am looking to get the billingID associated with it. query = "SELECT custID FROM bookSession WHER...

How do I set up MySQL to work with C#?

I have been tasked with creating a new frontend for a legacy website. It is written in php (pre-oo), and uses a MySQL database. The hosting provides a .Net package, but does not offer Ms Sql Server. This is fine, as the database is working fine, but I really want to use Asp.net for the pages. However, most tutorials I've seen on conne...

Filter table list in MS-Access Link Table?

WinXP Pro Oracle 10g Instant Client MS Access 2003 When I link a table in MS Access, the pick list that appears shows me every table and view in the system I have access to. This list is quite large. Normally, I really only want to look at the tables that I own. Is there a way to filter the items displayed based on owner, or an...

Connect to iSeries with OdbcConnection: password prompting

Hello, I want to connect to DB using the iSeries Client Access driver. I use the following connection string: DRIVER=Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit);QUERYTIMEOUT=0;PKG=QGPL/DEFAULT(IBM),2,0,1,0,512;LANGUAGEID=ENU;DFTPKGLIB=QGPL;DBQ=QGPL XXXXXXXX;SYSTEM=XXX.XXXXXXX.XXX;Signon=2 I get an exception when connecting: ERROR [28000] [IB...

DBF ODBC Driver in Windows Server 2003 x64

The 64 bits version of Windows Server does not came with the ODBC DBF Drivers by default. Is there a way to get them? What alternatives exist? ...

Intermittent SQL Server ODBC Timeout expired

We have a bunch of VB6 applications that access two different database servers (both 32-bit windows 2003, one SQL Server 2000, one SQL Server 2005). About every ten minutes or so, we are getting a few errors: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or acce...

How can I enlist an ODBC connection in an XA 2PC transaction?

Our application uses ODBC to communicate with a database (Both DB2 and Oracle, if it makes a difference), and delegates business logic to Java by way of JNI (So it uses Java and C). What I'd like to know is what tools / software / libraries are needed to allow the business logic (Java/JDBC) and the application framework (C/ODBC) to part...

SQL Native Client ODBC application not disconnecting after SQLDisconnect and not pooling?

Background: I'm working with a program coded in C++ which uses ODBC on SQL Native Client to establish connections to interact with a SQL Server 2000 database. Problem: My connections are abstracted into an object which opens a connection when the object is instantiated and closes the connection when the object is destroyed. I can see t...

SQL Native Client crashes when second connection is opened when connection pooling is on?

I'm working with a C++ application that uses SQL Native Client to communicate via ODBC with a SQL Server 2000 database. Before doing any database work, I allocate an environment handle as follows: retcode = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &EnvironmentHandle ); This completes successfully. To enable connection pooling...

Access via ODBC - Oracle DEFAULT not working

We use MS Access as a front-end to Oracle tables, via ODBC, and it has been working well. But we're trying to use the DEFAULT constraint in an Oracle table. When we open the linked table in Access, we see existing data just fine, but when we try to add a row, without keying any value into column(s) that have an Oracle DEFAULT (expecting...