
How to make wpf application as ole server

Hi, I would like to insert my wpf application in excel sheet just like an OLE object. Is it possible? If yes, how we can do this. In Excel 2003 when we click Insert->Object menu item, we get the 'Object' diloag. The 'Create New' tab of this dilaog contains varios OLE objects. I would like to display my DotNet exe application in this li...

Copy OLEObject from Excel to a newly created Powerpoint

Hi, I'm struggling to get the API usage correct, even after hours of searching. Basically, I want to do the following from my Excel file. 1) Create a new Powerpoint presentation and slide. [DONE] 2) Copy OLEObject from the Excel file into the Powerpoint slide. What I have done so far for the no. 2 is Dim s As Shapes For Each Obj i...

Need Help Extracting embedded ole from office files programmatically under Linux (python or c or any program that is console).

Hello SO i am having trouble trying to extract embedded documents inside Office <2003 . I am able to parse and index office files but i need to index embedded ole documents also. How can i achieve? Any lib for python or command line programs? i found ripole: www.pldaniels.com/ripole/ , but it just giving me Segfault.. I need native p...

Getting data from a variable number of columns in Excel using Perl with OLE

I am using OLE with Perl to build a few charts in Excel. The data is in four different worksheets depending on which of the four tests it is for. The problem is that I don't know how to set the chart to look at all of the data when I don't know how long it will be. I know to use; $last_col = $sheet -> UsedRange -> Find({What => "*", Se...

How to make Word invisible during OLE automation from Delphi

From our application we use OLE automation to build a fairly complex Word-document. I would like to make Word invisible while the document is being made, since there is a lot of pasting and insertions that takes quite a long time. I use the following code to establish a Word connection: function ConnectToWord : TWordAutomationResult; ...

Why does my IMessageFilter not always work?

I'm working on Word automation and to get rid of "Call was rejected by callee" / "the message filter indicated that the application is busy" errors I implemented an IMessageFilter. The messagefilter works like a charm when I automate Word directly like: Word.Documents.Open(...) Document.SaveAs(...) But when I call TOleContainer.DoVer...

Resize MediaPlayer without play button controls

I wanted to code a resizeable WindowsMediaplayer (ActiveX) without the play controls. it should fit to TPanels. ...

C# + OLEDB insert varchar with special character??

Hi, I have a problem with this code, maybe you can give me a hand. Im inserting file information as rows with name, size, ... they are all varchars The problem is that the "name" has this ' tildes in the namefile so when it tryies to parse the data it crashes. the filename is : Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lookin' Out My Back Door - ...

How can I format messages with Perl's Mail::Outlook?

I'd like to format messages that I send using the Mail::Outlook.For e.g. change the font size or make it bold etc. How do I do this? ...

Delphi - Synchronize cxScheduler with Outlook 2007

Hi, I'm usingthe cxScheduler vom DexExpress and want to syncronize it with outlook 2007. The scheduler offers a method to do this work: cxSchedulerSynchronizeStorageWithOutlook Problem: When I call this method, I get an EOleSyserror : operation not available. So I checked the registered type libraries in delphi, and the "Microsoft Out...

Watir Excel call not working on virtual machine

I have a watir test that downloads some information from a web app to an Excel file, and I then open the file to confirm the contents. On my dev box everything works fine, but the scheduled automation runs (via Hudson) always fail attempting to open the Excel file. I have checked that the correct version of AutoITX3.dll is registered o...

How to extract office embedded OLE files under Linux, Nativly (Python,C,Java)?

I am trying to extract Excel Documents which embedded inside word document as OLE but its failing hard. I need to put it in server side script so console or script is necessary. And automating Open Office is very resource hungry .. Is there any tool or libraries to do this ? Please help.. ...

Own "in-place activation" OLE Server

Hello, I just want to create my own OLE server, which support in-place activation. e.g. In TOlecontrol we can do following: OleContainer1.CreateObject('WORD.Document',FALSE); That is ok. Word document is embeded into the main application form. But when I tried: OleContainer1.CreateObject('Server.MyOleServer',FALSE); MyOleServer is...

C#: Maximum file name length for OLE file

Hi there, I used WinAPI function to create OLE file in C#. The WinAPI function is: [DllImport("ole32.dll")] public static extern int OleCreateFromFile( [In] ref Guid rclsid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpszFileName, [In] ref Guid riid, uint renderopt, [In] IntPtr pFormatEtc, I...

Can I set the ErrorCheckingObjects in Excel per worksheet?

I am generating a CSV file which I then open in Excel via OLE Automation. Because of the format of the data, Excel shows many "Inconsistent Formula" warnings (a green icon in corner of each cell). I can turn this off application-wide via automation, using: objExcel.ErrorCheckingOptions.InconsistentFormula = false But doing so updates...

Why is my COM factory never released during the program lifetime?

I have a native C++ ATL in-proc COM server. A separate test program calls CoInitialize(), calls CoCreateInstance(), then calls Release() on the pointer, then calls CoUnitialize() and exits. If I run the test program under Visual C++ debugger the debug CRT reports a single memory leak and each time the allocation number is the same. ...

Word OLE Automation Watermark adding in MS-Office COM Object

Hi, I am using PHP COM Object but i guess it is the same in all other languages. How do i add watermark to a .doc / .docx Microsoft Word using COM / OLE Automation? try { $word = new COM("word.application") //$word = new COM("C:\\x.docx"); or die(error::asString("couldnt create an instance of word", 20100408.01812, true...