
Getting an error with excel ole "Add method of Workbooks class failed"

I am trying to open and refresh an excel 2003 spreadsheet via ole. However I am getting the error "Add method of Workbooks class failed" with no further information. The code works in unit tests, and works on 3 servers but fails with the error on our web server. It is being run from a service app running under the Local System Account...

What is comming in IDataObject?

When you implement IDropTarget you must implement this: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Drop( /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt IDataObject *pDataObj, /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ __RPC__inout DWORD *pdwEffect)=0; I want to know what kind of data...

How to kill the focus of Microsoft Word™ document window?

Hi, I'm developing a Word addin in Delphi, on a task pane I put a Virtual treeview, in the OnFocus event of the Virtual Treeview I call Word to insert a file into the current Word document via method ActiveDocument.Range.InsertFile, but this operation will put the input focus back to the Word document window, so finally in this event h...

Extract OLE object containg images using VBscript

An OLE Object column contains images but the image type (jpg/gif/tiff) is unknown. These images need to be extracted from the DB and saved to disk using VBscirpt. ...

How to embed Adobe Photoshop in my App

We are developing a software that will automate many crucial activities in Photoshop. This application is targeted for newbies. In this application I want to embed Photoshop's window in my applications window. Currently Photoshop runs separately in its own window. How can I get it to run in a particular location in given space in my a...

Event Handling for Dynamically Created Activex Control

Hello, The scenario: I have a TabCtrl in which I plan to place 1 ActiveX Control (myActXCtrl) in each Tab. The number of Tabs can increase dynamically. Hence, I have to create a new instance of ActiveX Control (myActXCtrl) each time and place it in the newly created Tab (I have done till this point successfully). The problem: Th...

Embedding objects into Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer

I am looking for some references on how to implement the following feature: ability to embed objects (e.g. diagrams) into word processors and being able to edit them in their respective "mother" application For example, MS Word and Visio work like this together, allowing the user to easily edit/tweak the diagrams after adding them ...

Display OLE Object(pdf) in axAcroPdf

Is there any way to get a pdf from an access database and display it directly into an axAcroPdf control without having to save the document on the disk? If this isn't possible with Access, can you recommend some other db to use? My "mentor" suggested I'd use firebird but until this problem occurred, access did everything I needed it to ...

OLE Error in SQL

I have Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition SP2 with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4035.00 (X64) Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) I downloaded CAPICOM Platform SDK Redistributable: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=860EE43A-A843-462F-ABB5-FF88EA5896F6&displ...

Insert a Date field into a Clipper Database using OLE

We're trying to insert data into a clipper database file (DBF file with NTX index file). For a variety of reasons, we cannot change the database format. We are currently seeing two issues: With our existing code, we are not able to update or utilize the NTX index file (I believe). We would like to be able to do this. Do you know of...

Regarding OLE object

I have strorage file(.bcd) which contains OLE objects which is created in VC++. I want to retrieve the ole objects from that file in dotnet. any ideas ? ...

OLE Container for .NET (C#)

I'm working on a project that requires me to load an OLE object and render it in a .NET WinForm app (C#). Unlike VB6 .NET has no built in OLE container, and the recomended approach is to use the WebBrowser control which supports displaying ActiveX content. The issue I have is the provider of the OLE object in question does not have an Ac...

Listing all Outlook appointments for a given date using OLE and Delphi

I've been trying to list the appointments for a given date (say today) on a tmemo by using OLE under delphi. It's been unsuccessful so far. The basic code starts with try Outlook := GetActiveOleObject('outlook.application'); except Outlook := CreateOleObject('outlook.application'); end; Namespace := Outlook.GetNamespac...

Viewing word office document in java applet inside firefox.

Hi, I am trying to view a .doc/.docx microsoft word files in a webpage on firefox. When all failed i tried creating an applet that will hold an instance of Word OLE to view the document. I created the applet using: org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite, and with in eclipse it works fine and i can see Word inside. I created a .jar fi...

Convert an Icon to IPicture in .NET 4.0?

One of the standard and (somewhat) supported answers was to use Support.IconToIPicture from the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility assembly. However, in .NET 4.0, "This API is now obsolete". Yes, there are various solutions out there, but I would think that if Microsoft was obsoleting this method, there would be another "supported" al...

Code to read oleObject files

I have extracted a number of OleObject files from a Word DOCX document (oleObject1.bin ... etc.) Is there Open Source code (primarily in Java) to read this. (I would only be interested in *.net code if it can be easily ported to Java). I am not interested in the rest of the Word document (in this question). There is an Apache project (ht...

Outlook ole error 800A01A8 when closing it with more than 10 outlook-explorer windows

I have written an Outlook plugin in Delphi 2009 that opens a database connection and does some tasks to accompany my main application. When Outlook is now closed it raises an 800A01A8 ole error, but only if you had about 10 outlook-explorer windows open. Another important point is that that only happens occasionally when you use File\Exi...

Ole 800A03EC error when using TExcelWorkBook SaveAs method in Delphi 7

I am trying to open excel 2003 workbook and save it as something else, for example excel 95. I use the following code: XLSApp:=TExcelApplication.Create(Self); XLSApp.Workbooks.Open(SomeFileName,NULL,false,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,defaultlcid); XLSWB:=TExcelWorkbook.Create(XLSApp); XLSWB.ConnectTo(XLSAp...

Save an embedded Word document in an Excel spreadsheet to disk using VBA.

We have a Excel spreadsheet that currently generates a report using a Word template stored on the company LAN. This works fine for internal users but not for anyone not connected to the LAN e.g. laptop users. Management does not want to distribute the template as a seperate file to external users but would prefer to embed this into the ...

Perl - access user32.dll using Win32::OLE on 64-bit windows

I am using Perl 64-bit on 64-bit windows. Win32::API does not compile on 64-bit windows and I want to use user32.dll on a 64-bit Windows. Is there any way to use user32.dll using Win32::OLE or something similar? ...