
Multiple onClick events firing

I have several divs that are nested within each other. Each has it's own onclick event. So, imagine that it's like a sandwich, the bottom layer is bread (this layer is geographically larger than the ones that are nested inside),then there's lettuce and then tomato on top. So, it looks like this: --------------------------- | Bread ...

Is pressing Enter key on the keyboard not equivalent to a mouse click in Android?

Hi, The buttons in my layout are not getting pressed on Enter key. When I click on them using mouse, the code inside onClick() is getting executed. But when I press the Enter key, onClick() is not getting called. I know that for keys, I must be using onKeyListener instead. However, does onClick() not work for both mouse click and keybo...

Preventing Links before jQuery is Loaded

Hi Guys, How can i prevent links on click event before jQuery is loaded? The reason is i have few links that make AJAX calls through jQuery ajax functions and if user click them before jQuery framework is loaded the browser cant trigger jQuery ajax function and will follow links href="..." Thanks. Edit: Can i use this? <head> ... <sc...

app working under 2.1 android now hangs on 2.2 both in emulator and desire

Hi - hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have written a simple tile sliding game which works fine on 1.6 to 2.1, however on 2.2 it starts up and lets the user make two moves then on the third move it hangs - just doesn't respond at all. This is wierd because the code for all moves is identical. I have tried to see i...

IE8 CSS Hover Image Not Clickable JQuery

Hi Everyone! I have an image which is has an onmousedown event . When I hover over it, it displays a seperate image. My hover code looks like this: $(".baur").hover( function () { $(".hoverbaur").show(); }, I've been using this cod...

Central area of Images Unclickable

If one visits http://www.viking.ee/en/windows/tripleglazing/ - where the central play/pause button is unclickable or visits the gallery on the same page, where the images inside the gallery are unclickable there is a general problem with image links not working. I did not build the theme that the site is based on originally (it was boug...

Android: Clickable property traps onClick event

In my XML layout if I set a view to have clickable="true" then the onClickListener registered to that view doesn't fire the onClick method. If I set the clickable property to "false" then it works fine. Does setting the clickable property to "true" trap the on click events? Is there a way that I can make them propagate through? The r...

jQuery onclick with parameters gives "** is not defined"

This is in my Javascript: function doSomething(fieldActions) { var Actions = fieldActions; $(Actions).show("slow"); $(this).hide(); } This is in my HTML: <a onclick="doSomething('#date-actions');">edit</a> The parameter needs to affect and DIV field. The ID of this field can be variable and there can be multiple on a page, so that...

Make an entire <li> element clickable, but don't trigger the link when clicking inside links

I've been looking for a solution the last few days, I didn't really found exactly what I'm looking for. I have something like this: <ul> <li> <a href="http://www.link.com" class="li-url"></a> <h1>Title</h1> Lorem ipsum dolor <a href="http://www.something.com"&gt;Something&lt;/a&gt;. Etc, blah blah. </li> </ul> ...

Avoid go to link of block element while clicking on link inside

I have a LI element whith a link, and other links inside. It would be something like this: jQuery: $('li').click(function() { window.location = $(this).children('a.li-url').attr('href'); }); HTML: <ul> <li> <a href="http://www.link.com" class="li-url"></a> <h1>Title</h1> Lorem ipsum dolor <a href="htt...

How can you replace these onclick="..." attributes with cleaner jQuery style code?

I have some code a little like this... <img src="..." width="100" height="100" alt="" onclick="FlipImg(1234)" /> There are lots of these images on the page, each with a different id in the FlipImg() call. I normally prefer to put this type of code into a bit of jQuery, maybe a little like this... $("img").click(FlipImg(<id from some...

Equivelant of button:active on a child linear layout

I have a scroll view that contains a linear layout. In the linear layout are the child linear layouts. I would like to give the user some peace of mind that he is touching the right child. I can put in an on click that highlights it to tell what he just clicked, I can put an ontouch to highlight what he is about to click,, But how do...

ComboBox.MaxDopDownItems is not working when adding items using the Click event

I am populating the ComboBox items with a list using the Click event. When it is already populated the MaxDropDownItems is not working. Does anyone know how to fix this one? Here's the code: List<string> list = new List<string>(); ComboBox cb; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb = new Comb...

delete record onClick, asp.net

I have a form where users can subscribe and unsubcribe to my email list. so far, i have the subscribe button working fine "add member" function. Now i need help with my "delete member " function (unsubscribe button). it will allows the user to delete their record from the database. When I run the code and click the "unsubscribe" button, ...

onClick event in VB.NET

I am programming in VB.NET. I am trying to make an onClick event for a div tag. How can I make this in the code behind? ...

Onclick text disappears in chrome but not in mozilla

Hi there, I have search functionality in my app, in which when user clicks in textbox, the text in the text box disappers. This works perfectly in chrome(6.0) but does not disappear after click in mozilla firefox(3.6) why? // here is the code: echo "Search: "; echo "<input type=\"text\" class=\"smalltxt\" name= \"srcht...

ASP.NET OnClientClick="return false;" doesn't work

Hi ! I just want to add some client side (JQuery Javascript) validation in a web user control. I put an OnClientClick handler and the function gets called. BUT, even if I return "false", the OnClick method always get fired. What am I doing wrong ? I'm with VS 2010, targeting the 4.0 framework with JQuery 1.4.2. and JQuery UI 1.8.4. He...

Is there a way to find out what element has been clicked with jquery?

I'm am making a button that when clicked reveals a box with html inside. I'd like to hide that box if anything is clicked other than inside the same box. Any suggestion? ...

Need to turn javascript (ajax) vote script into reusable (dynamic) script so it can be used over and over.

Need to turn javascript (ajax) vote script into reusable (dynamic) script so it can be used over and over. I have some ajax that works great, but I have to reproduce it and add unique identifiers [where you see 9 in the code are the unique identifiers that I have to change] for every question added that needs a vote. Need to make it dyn...

onclick multiple javascript functions

Is there any way to use the onClick html attribute to call more than one JavaScript method? EDIT: Thanks for all of the answers guys! :) ...