
loading a function onclick

Hello. I have the following piece of code <a onclick="$('#result').load('codes/test.html');$('#result').show();" >XHTML code</a> it loads perfectly the content of test.html in the result div and also make it visible. Until this point all are good. When I try to add a function prettyPrint() which apply some modifications on the text an...

Android Development: Switching Between Views Without Loosing onClickListeners

Hello, On my application I'm developing, the main.xml layout (the default layout of my app) has a few buttons that have been assigned onClickListeners (not the implementation way). One of those buttons I want to have the ability to take you to another view. On the other view (preview.xml), there's another button that takes you back to ...

Android - Button Question

I finally got my image button to work within an ImageView, and after I press it, it works, but imnmediately after, it stops running and I get the error message to close it. I added the onClick and focused it in the XML so that it will work within an imageview, but that's all I got. The button in the /drawable folder is the imagebutton se...

Why use 'href="javascript:void(0);"' instead of something more user friendly?

I'm new to web-design and javascript, and I don't understand why it's common for web designers to use the void(0) syntax below: <a onclick="this.blur();return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn"> Since this actually shows itself in the lower left hand corner of the browser, why not come up with a way to make it more user f...

jQuery detect which element a onClick occurs to

I'm attempting to activate table row checkbox when the user clicks within a table row. Each row has a checkbox. I have the following code which works fine as a standard version. $('.scrollTable tr').click(function(event) { if(event.target.type !== 'checkbox') { $(':checkbox', this).trigger('click'); } }); The data in ...

Javascript Submit on click

I have the next code: document.myForm.mySubmit.click(); Where myForm - form name, mySubmit - submit name. I want to call submit of my form outside me form. My problem - my form doesn't have names(terrible?). How can I do this with help of id or classes? Or may be you know another way? Thank you. ...

Change javascript onlick event to jquery click and still pass parameters

Hi. I think I may be missing something or haven't grasped a fundamental of jQuery. I have searched for hours but yet to find an answer to my question. I've got an old website that I'm upgrading to use jQuery and many of the links call a JavaScript onClick call that passes multiple parameters, as per the example below: <a href="#" oncli...

Erasing the contents of an input / textarea when it's clicked?

Hi there, to make editing of these fields easier, I'd be nice if their contents were deleted when they're clicked. Also, the default value (presented initially) needs to be submitted if it hasn't changed, this means I'm (probably) not looking for a(n HTML 5) placeholder which gets erased automatically, but actual text. Would be even bet...

android: button onClick(), cant tell if anything is happening...

My Activity onClick() below doesn't appear to be doing anything (not seeing any string appear), yet I dont get any errors. What am I missing? Is there a way to trace the function? package com.HelloTabWidget2; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import a...

HTML + Javascript: Detecting where in a line of text a click occurred

What's a good way to do this without wrapping each letter with <span> tags and binding onclick functions to each, or something silly like that? ...

jquery: bind onclick

$(document).ready(function() { $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav(<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>)); }); was before $(document).ready(function() { $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav); }); I added (<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>) because i want the user profile´s id to work with in the addFav ajax call. So i have thi...

document.obj.write() ..is it possible?

what i wanted to do is when i clicked on a checkbox it will automatically appear on a certain part of the page. i tried to give a checkbox an onclick='displayit()'/oncchange='displayit()' where displayit() is: function displayit(obj){ document.divnam.write(obj.value); } the divnam is the name of the division where i wanted the text to...

onClick inside ListActivity using SimpleCursorAdapter

Hey guys, I've got a class that creates a list from a DB using SimpleCursorAdapter. I want to add an onClick event to each item in the list but I don't know where to place the code. Any help? ...

My app gets "Force close" on several devices

I have people complaining my application gets FC when they launch it (meanwhile others never had a single problem). Here is my full activity source. Since it happens on devices I don't own I can not fix it. From what they tell me it doesn't work on: Motorola Blackflip, Motorola Dext, Motorola CLIQ XT. Guess Motorola doesn't like my app a...

Button onclick error

Given the form: <form runat="server"> **Omitted field data for simplicity** <asp:Button runat="server" id="btn_addNewPrice" OnClick="newPrice_click" Text="Add New Price" /> </form> And the code behind: // A new price has been entered void newPrice_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get form values D...

onclick event in anchor tag not working in IE

The following works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE 8 will not call the submit() method when the anchor link is clicked. <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="submit();">Sign In</a> The submit method is defined on the same page as follows: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function submit() { // other code ...

Problem with quotes in "onlick" function

Hey Guys, I'm trying to concatenate PHP variables into an "onclick" function. Here is the line I'm having trouble with (look for the "onclick" part): $imagecontent = '<div class="imagensfw" id="image'.$id.'" style="width:'.round($wd).'px;height:'.round($ht).'px;" onclick="viewimage(image'.$id.','.round($wd).','.$url.');"><p>Image</div...

Javascript onclick instead of onfocus, or triggering a onclick by function.

Hello All, I am trying to make a AJAX page that allows people to edit one field at a time, and save it. The page is made via a AJAX load, so I dont know all the field and DIV submit ID names. But the idea is they edit a field, press enter (or click Save) and it funs a function sending the ID of the DIV. So a onfocus will call the func...

How do i get the point/coordinate the user clicked on an android view?

Hi, I have an imageview and when clicked, calls OnClickListener.onClick(View v). How do I get the exact point/coordinate that the user clicked? Thanks ...

Proper way for links to execute javascript code

So there are 4 main methods I'm aware of to execute javascript code from a link. For my requirements, I need to do so without moving the screen anywhere (linking to # and not returning false is bad). SEO for the executed javascript code, if possible, is important too. So what's the right way to do this? method 1 (need to make sure my...