
On-Click img border = #color - Multiple images - Only need 1 highlighted at a time

Basically what I am trying to accomplish is create a list of images (let's say 10) and upon clicking any of these images, their border changes to a specific color; currently accomplishing this with a simple onClick event with JS. That's not an issue. The trouble comes in when clicking a second or third or forth image; all of the images c...

Send Div id to javascript via onclick

Hello, I have a page with several div's. All of the divs have a unique id. I would like to send that id to a javascript function. I have tried to save it as a value as well, and send this.value, but that does not work either. <div class='recordElem$val' id='$rname' value='$rname' onclick='javascript:updateRecord(this.value);'> ...

Removing default onclick or onItemClick color animation

Hi When I click on some button or I click on the a element in grid or list view, a default orange color appears. I don't want that color to come when I click on it. Please tell me how can I do this. And also is it possible to change the orange color by some other custom color when i click on button or items in grid or list view. ...

Stuck... need help.. Listview w/ Array Adapter

Ok, so I have this application that takes a adress strings (from values/xml) and parses it your current position) retuning a name, address and distance away. This is then picked up by an arrayadapter and put up on a listview. I cannot for the life of me get the list view to accept an onitemclick to start another activity, where I can ...

onClick won't fire on ImageView

Hi everyone, I have 3-4 activities in the application and all of them have some event listeners that work nicely. However only on one activity i simply can't get the event handling to work. I tried the solution from this thread:http://www.anddev.org/view-layout-resource-problems-f27/ontouch-not-called-t16578.html It doesn't work for me....

Android: Custom button OnClickListener is not getting invoked

I have a custom button, on which I am capturing its onTouchEvent. public class CustomNumber extends ToggleButton { boolean drawGlow = false; float glowX = 0; float glowY = 0; float radius = 30; public CustomNumber(Context context) { super(context); } public CustomNumber(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, ...

Stop the onclick if MouseUp

Hi, is it possible to deaktivate the onclick Function? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Unt...

Jquery Sortable - Disable onlick="" while sorting

Hi all, is it possible to disable onlick="" while sorting? i created a working example here -> http://www.jsfiddle.net/V9Euk/59/ greetz from germany Peter ...

Android OnClickListener not firing in GridView (2.2 only)

I have a grid view of buttons that is generated by a CursorAdapter. When the CursorAdapter is passed to the Gridview the view renders correctly however the first item in the grid does not fire the OnClickListener event. If I select another button in the grid, the event fires correctly however if I selected the first button then another ...

Android AutoCompleteTextView click event!

Hello All, I have successfully implemented my AutoCompleteTextView which is based off an sqlite query and placed in an array adapter. Thats all working beautifully, however I cant et my onclickevent working. I just want to create an intent to pass the selected value to a new activity. I know how to create an onclicklistener I am just un...

How to avoid setting inline onClickListner in getView()

I was asked to refactor the getView() code presented below. I have got ListView with custom Adapter. Every row contains clickable buttons and texts. At the moment onClickListeners are set in the body of getView(), this is quite insane idea, because this method is called very frequently. Inside of every onClick function I need access to...

How to disable the onclick event once it happens?

I had a image which calls add_cart() javascript function when onclick() <img src="images/add.png" onclick="add_cart()"> I want the user to click the image only one time. When the user clicks it first time, add_cart function should be called. If he clicks second time NO EVENT SHOULD HAPPEN Plz help, any help will be appreciated ...

Onclick doesn't call a function

Hello, While I am working with this code: <rich:menuItem value="AND Search" onclick="addTagAND('#{tagElement.tag}')" id="and_search"> FUNCTION: <a4j:jsFunction name="addTagAND" actionListener="#{interfaceContainer.documentFormActions.addTagAND}" reRender="navigation, ..." ignoreDupResponses="true" data="#{searchResults.graphJ...

RatingBar onClick

Hi, I have a ListView that uses different XML files to create Views and make items out of. One of these XML files contains a RatingBar. Everything displays and looks excellent. I'm trying to attach an onClick handler to the RatingBar to launch a new Activity. My RatingBar is of style ?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall; so it's just a...

Why doesn't this work in asp.net?

I used this, <a title="Logout" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LbLogout').click();" href="#" class="logout">Logout</a></li> <asp:LinkButton ID="LbLogout" runat="server" style="display:none" onclick="LbLogout_Click">Sign out</asp:LinkButton> The anchor tag doesn't seem to fire my linkbuttons on...

How can I write this in jQuery?

Hi, Guys, There is two links in my body part: but i want to give them jquery touch, as I am a beginner to jquery, not able to get it done can you help? click <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='block'">here</a> on clicking abov...

Submitting forms and using the value (JavaScript)

How do you use a value "submitted" by a form in javascript? Facts: It is a PHP document I'm using JavaScript because I need some timing factors I don't think I can get from serverside-scripts :) To simplify; what I want is, that when this form is submitted or a button is clicked: <form method="POST" action="test.php"> <input type="...

Buttons in ExpandableListActivity

I have created an ExpandableListActivity where each group has a child consisting of a TextView on top of two Buttons as follows: <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"> <TextView/> <LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal"> <Button/> <Button/> </LinearLayout> </LinearLayout> So basically a TextView on...

How can I click buttons on a web page? Java/C#

Hi. I've a very specific question: How can I click in certain buttons on a web page? Without that thing of coordinates. =D What I really want, is a script that search for a Button (or more) with specific name and clicks it. Imagine: You open your browser and go to google page, than you run the script and, for example, it clicks the Sear...

Opening HTML link in new window

I've got a table that shows details about some products, which are stored in the database. These details are Item Name, Price and submit Date. Item Name Price Submitted on Laptop £30 12/04/10 guitar £5 12/05/10 If I click on Laptop I want to see all details such as Title, Price, Description, Picture, Contact n...