
geocoding function works when called in initialized, but not in onclick script

hi, I'm doing some geocoding using the google maps API. The user fill a form with some address, and when the submit button is clicked, a codeAddress() function is called, which is supposed to perform the geocoding, but it does not work. As a test, I hardcoded the address and call the codeAddress function when the document in an initiali...

Programatically trigger an onclick event?

I am trying to simulate an asynchronous file upload using an iframe. Here is my markup: <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="change-avatar" action="/dyn/actions/upload?type=profile" target="target-upload"> <input type="file" name="change-avatar-input" style="position: absolute; z-index: 999; cursor: pointer; left: 10p...

Retrieve the source of a dynamic website using python (bypassing onclick)

I wish to retrieve the source of a website, that is dynamically generated upon clicking a link. The link itself is as below: <a onclick="function(); return false" href="#">Link</a> This stops me from directly querying for a URL that would allow me to get the dynamically generated website (urllib/2). How would one retrieve the source...

jquery - filter child divs?

I wound up converting a table to just divs... But, in doing that, I need to rewrite a function and I'm having some issues... I've tried to implement $(this).closest('div'), but it's not doing what I thought that would do... Still reading, but if someone knows of a solution, I'd be a happy camper... Essentially, when I click on a link...

Delphi OnClick Problem with Multiple Units

When I make a dynamic component from unit I have no problem creating the OnClick event. When I make a dynamic component from unit 2 I am unable to access the OnClick event. unit Unit1 type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public Proc...

JQuery .click() doesn't work on HTML added to DOM using .after() ?

I have added HTML to my page using the .after() method using HTML that is retrieved from a .GET() 'Ajax' call. I have a button in my retrieved HTML and an event that is set to be triggered when this button is clicked. However the method that handles the .click event is never triggered. When I put the same button into my 'normal' html ho...

How to track the user in an iframe

I want to track what happens inside an iframe when a user clicks on links in the IFrame. The page that contains the iframe (the parent) is to track the user´s navigation through the page in the iframe. Both pages will be hosted on the same toplevel domain, although the subdomains will differ. I need the parent page to be notified of eve...

JSF CommandButton onclick does not call Javascript function

I am using a command button from JSF. I don't know why I can't call my javascript function. NO alert will show when I click the button. <h:commandButton id="login" value="Login" action="login" onclick="return checkPasswords();" type="Submit" /> My Javascript function: function checkPasswords() { alert("test"); return false...

jQuery - How can I temporarily disable the onclick event listener after the event has been fired?

How can I temporarily disable the onclick event listener, (jQuery preferred), after the event has been fired? Example: After the user clicks on the button and fires this function below, I want to disabled the onclick listener, therefore not firing the same command to my django view. $(".btnRemove").click(function(){ $(this).attr("s...

IE removeChild stops document.click event?

cycle: element onclick someobject.removeChild(objParent) - this is a parent container div of element in step 1 document.click event is never fired. In Firefox it does still fire the event. Fix: setTimeout(object.removeChild(objParent), 0); will not cancelbubble and continue to fire document.click in IE aswell. Is this normal b...

Stop javascript onclick 'page jumping'

Can't seem to prevent the jump to top of page behavior. I've tried everything suggested here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1631924/preventing-onclick-page-jumps What else could be done to stop onclick page jumps? Thanks. Here's a snippet of the HTML and JS HTML: <a href="javascript: return null;" onclick='javascript:getPosts("...

Capture clicks in Flash adds

I am trying to track the exit clicks of the users in the adds in my page. Can I somehow capture with Javascript the click event of a user in a external Flash add I have inserted in my page? I have been searching and trying by myself, but it seems like the flash object inside of my page is a black box, where I could not access anyway. ...

Changing a <div> class with JavaScript

I am trying to change the class of certain tags with an onclick() event. The basic premise is to have the background image of each tag change when the user clicks on them, sort of stimulating a "menu selection". Here is the code I have: <style type="text/css"> .navCSS0 { background-image:url('news_selected.png'); width:222px...

ASP.NET LinkButton OnClick Event Is Not Working On Home Page

I have a user control that handles logging a user in to my site. This user control is placed in the upper right corner of all pages as a Quick Login Box. The problem I'm having is that on my production server, the LinkButton click events I have provided for logging in and reset are not firing the OnClick event after a postback. Its like ...

OnClick location Not Work

**this Line not work properly /r work but $siteurl/%s-%s.html not work i think problem of ("") or ('') please help me to repair it printf("<a href='/r?%s' target=_blank onClick='window.open(location.href=$siteurl/%s-%s.html)>", $wurl, $myrow["wallpaperid"], $myrow["wallpapername"]); ...

OnClick location Not Work

last update still not work please Fix it for me I need to use this But its also not work Please Fix it for me $html = ' <a href="/r?%s" onClick="location.href="%s/%s-%s.html";" target=_blank title="Visit Related Sites"><img border=0 src="images/e.gif" width=100 height=75></a>'; printf($html, $wurl, $siteurl, $my...

Module communication ….

I’m working on a single modular application which has several levels and on these levels I do have a module which I use as a ‘Main Carrier module *’ for other sub modules. Now one of these Sub modules has a component attached, and I do need to ‘CLICK’ a button in that component which in return activates a certain ‘Click of a Button’ in ...

div near cursor onclick jquey

I am trying to show a div near the cursor when you click on a span with the id as equipment in jquery and css ...

Order of onclick and onselect javascript events

When a user clicks on a select control to select an option, do both the onclick and onselect events fire? If so, in what order? Is it browser-dependent? Thanks! ...

Updating onclick's string value with Greasemonkey

I'm trying to write a Greasemonkey script to update the onclick value of a bunch of links on a page. The HTML looks like this: <a onclick="OpenGenericPopup('url-99.asp','popup',500,500,false)" href="javascript:void(0)">text</a> I need to update the url-99.asp part of the Javascript into something like urlB-99.asp. In my script, I'm...