
How can JQuery validate() be executed before onClick="functionname()";

A form, I use AJAX to transfer the data. The AJAX is triggered by onClick="", I also use JQuery validate(). JQuery validate() is executed after the onclick=“function()", I would like the JQuery validate() is executed before the onclick="functionname()", how to do it? <?php $addtext=<<<html <a id="give_comment" href="javascript:void(0)">...

At which point and how do rebind datalist inside usercontrol on button click?

I have a usercontrol (Imageselector.ascx) that consists of a datalist. The datalist's itemtemplate contains another usercontrol (selectoricon.ascx) that contains an imagebutton. In default.aspx page i include the Imageselector.ascx and populate its datalist from db with DataBind(). In the datalist's onItemdataBound event I populate the s...

conditional :confirm in link_to_remote

Hi. I have a Rails app where I was doing a general delete dialog with "are you sure" before it gets deleted. That's all fine, but I also have a small ajax on click to remove the block containing all the information. The block gets removed no matter what which makes things confusing. I couldn't seem to find any documentation online on how...

Android - CheckBox blocks ExpandableListView.OnGroupClickListener

I'm trying to put a checkbox into ExpandableListView. How do I do that? I extend BaseExpandableListAdapter and put the following into getGroupView(): @Override public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View view = convertView == null ? context.getLayoutInflater().i...

OnClick event firing speed for components

I was using two TButton components on a form that functioned as Plus and Minus. When clicked they would add or subtract from an integer which would then be displayed on a TLabel. This functioned as desired where the speed at which I would click would fire the OnClick event without fault. I have replaced the buttons with PNGButton comp...

ClickListener for Composite Widget

Hi, I have a composite widget made of a textbox and a custom widget, which are then added to a verticalPanel. I created this custom widget using Raphael JS. Now i want this Composite widget to recognize both click event and also the ctrl event. I tried implementing clicklistener in both the classes with no fruitful results. here is t...

Can I have a click and keyboard handler for RaphaelJS' canvas events?

Hi, I am new to RaphaelJS. I am trying to add click listener and keyboard listener to the canvas with no success. Can someone please explain how to use click listener and keyboard listener on Raphael. A small example will be of great help. Thank you. ...

Using a DataTemplate to attach OnClick to bool change

Hi, I want to create a datatemplate (in code, but thats not the point) which allows me to click on an item and set its bool value. What I managed to create was a combination of CheckBox and TextBlock, which is colored depending on the bool value. So far so good... But how can I tell WPF: If anybody clicks on the TextBlock, change the b...

Prevent onclick action with jQuery

there are some links with onclick event actions <a href="#" onclick="alert('panic!')">Let's panic</a> <a href="#" onclick="alert('panic!')" disabled="disabled">I can't panic no more</a> I need prevent event actons execution on links with disabled attribute without removing onclick actions. $('a[disabled]').click(function(e){ e.sto...

How to disable the drop down function of combo box on certain conditions?

Hi, I have a combo box in my application. I also have a variable called "Status". I want the combo box to be enabled only when the value of the Status variable is 5 or 6. Otherwise, I should not be able to change the value in the combo box. It should have the previous value only.. I had written a click event to disable the combo box. B...

uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

Hi all, I get this error on a .click() event in jQuery. I see it in Firebug. I use the latest version, 1.3.2 (min) The click fires an $.ajax() request for a Form in my website. I asked google about this and all he knows is "%" or "[@]" as unrecognized expressions, nothing about the "#". here is a bit of my code: $("form#buyForm #su...

onClick does not work properly on p tag

Hi, I want to bind a click event to every <p> but it does not seem to work properly. When I run the script I instantly get three alerts. I only want to get them when clicking any of the three <p>'s. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Edit: Sry this is what it looks like. The HTML is just as it should: <p class="special">text te...

jquery - selecting a radio button crossfades div onclick

hi. I have search all over google for this and nothing. I am going off what i stared and found. I have multiply radio buttons that i need to change a corresponding DIV when checked. I need to have the value free so and onlclick command would be better. PS: if i can have it fxfade instead of slideup and down it would help too. buttons ...

subsequent click eaten on img inside anchor tag, firefox 3.5.5

Hi, given the following test: http://snipplr.com/view/23898/ I have a series of pages with 96x96 thumbnails in the same spot and I want people to be able to continuously click the thumbs. I'm seeing weirdness in Firefox 3.5.5... if you don't move your mouse AT ALL after clicking the red box once, (after the page reloads) when you clic...

argument passing to a javascript function from an asp.net c# button clock event

i have to pass a string value which is stored in a variable to a javascript function which i'm calling in a button click event of my asp.net c# web application. i have tried some ways but not getting exactly. below is the code which i'm using protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myButton.Attributes...

jQuery timepicker invoke on img click

For now jQuery timepicker component is invoked wit click on input. This is timepicker config: <script> ... oScript.text += "var timeId = '#' + '<portlet:namespace/>' + '_time';"; oScript.text += "$j(timeId).timePicker({startTime:new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), step: 30});"; ... </script> This is jsp part for timepick...

Javascript is telling me a node has 23 children, but it only has 11 and firebug agrees with me.

Im working on a HTML test page with a simple grid that has red or blue squares. If you click a red square it should be blue, if you click a blue square it should change to red. Sounds easy. I have it set up so there are rows with id's r + rownum. In my testfile i just have 2 rows: r1 and r2. Each row has the same number of children (rig...

Javascript OnClick Event - 2 functions

Hello, i used a onclick event for this js function: window.opener.location.href =foobar; After loading foobar in the Parent window this window should close. It is a popup (opended with JS) ...

How to attach an event to IHTMLDocument2 link elements in Delphi?

I'm using this code to get all the links from an IHTMLDocument2: procedure DoDocumentComplete(const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant); var Document:IHTMLDocument2; Body:IHTMLElement; Links:IHTMLElementCollection; i:integer; tmp:IHTMLElement; begin try Document := (pDisp as IWebbrowser2).Document AS IHTMLDocument2; ...

Simulating a click in jQuery/JavaScript on a link

I want to simulate a click on any link on a page using JavaScript. If that link has some function binded to its 'onclick' event (by any other JS I don't have any control over), then that function must be called otherwise the link should behave in the normal manner and open a new page. I am not sure that just checking the value of the '...