
How do you get a reference to the enclosing class from an anonymous inner class in Java?

I'm currently creating an explicit reference to this in the outer class so that I have a name to refer to in the anonymous inner class. Is there a better way to do this? ...

Constructors with the same argument type

I have a Person object with two constructors - one takes an int (personId), the other a string (logonName). I would like another constructor that takes a string (badgeNumber). I know this can't be done, but seems it might be a common situation. Is there a graceful way of handling this? I suppose this would apply to any overloaded met...

Where do I use delegates?

What are some real world places that call for delegates? I'm curious what situations or patterns are present where this method is the best solution. No code required. ...

Are there any examples where we *need* protected inheritance in C++?

While I've seen rare cases where private inheritance was needed, I've never encountered a case where protected inheritance is needed. Does someone have an example? ...

Is this a reasonable way to handle getters/setters in a PHP class?

I'm going to try something with the format of this question and I'm very open to suggestions about a better way to handle it. I didn't want to just dump a bunch of code in the question so I've posted the code for the class on refactormycode. base-class-for-easy-class-property-handling My thought was that people can either post code sn...

Class design decision

I have a little dilemma that maybe you can help me sort out. I've been working today in modifying ASP.NET's Membership to add a level of indirection. Basically, ASP.NET's Membership supports Users and Roles, leaving all authorization rules to be based on whether a user belongs to a Role or not. What I need to do is add the concept of...

Struct like objects in Java

Is it completely against the Java way to create struct like objects? class SomeData1 { public int x; public int y; } I can see a class with accessors and mutators being more Java like. class SomeData2 { int getX(); void setX(int x); int getY(); void setY(int y); private int x; private int y; } The ...

Should you ever use protected member variables?

Should you ever use protected member variables? What are the the advantages and what issues can this cause? ...

Exposing a remote interface or object model.

I have a question on the best way of exposing an asynchronous remote interface. The conditions are as follows: The protocol is asynchronous A third party can modify the data at any time The command round-trip can be significant The model should be well suited for UI interaction The protocol supports queries over certain objects, and s...

What's the best way to persist data in a Java Desktop Application?

I have a large tree of Java Objects in my Desktop Application and am trying to decide on the best way of persisting them as a file to the file system. Some thoughts I've had were: Roll my own serializer using DataOutputStream: This would give me the greatest control of what was in the file, but at the cost of micromanaging it. Straig...

How to convince my co-workers not to use datasets for enterprise development (.NET 2.0+)

Everyone I work with is obsessed with the data-centric approach to enterprise development and hates the idea of using custom collections/objects. What is the best way to convince them otherwise? ...

How can I simply inherit methods from an existing instance?

Hi, below I have a very simple example of what I'm trying to do. I want to be able to use HTMLDecorator with any other class. Ignore the fact it's called decorator, it's just a name. import cgi class ClassX(object): pass # ... with own __repr__ class ClassY(object): pass # ... with own __repr__ inst_x=ClassX() inst_y=ClassY() ...

LSP in OO programming?

Am I right in thinking the full name of the LSP is the Liskoff Substitution Principle? I'm having trouble finding an [online] source to cite for any information on this... it seems to be a cornerstone of OOP, and yet I'm having trouble finding definitions. ...

Which class design is better?

Which class design is better and why? public class User { public String UserName; public String Password; public String FirstName; public String LastName; } public class Employee : User { public String EmployeeId; public String EmployeeCode; public String DepartmentId; } public class Member : User { pub...

Coupling and cohesion

I'm trying to boil down the concepts of coupling and cohesion to a concise definition. Can someone give me a short and understandable explanation (shorter than the definitions on Wikipedia here and here)? How do they interact? Thanks. Anybody have a good, short example? ...

Iterate over subclasses of a given class in a given module

In Python, given a module X and a class Y, how can I iterate or generate a list of all subclasses of Y that exist in module X? ...

Arbitrary Naming Convention Question About Business Objects

Ok, do you do Business.Name or Business.BusinessName SubCategory.ID or SubCategory.SubCategoryID What about in your database? Why? I'm torn with both. Would love there to be a "right answer" ...

How do you deal with polymorphism in a database?

Example I have Person, SpecialPerson, and User. Person and SpecialPerson are just people - they don't have a user name or password on a site, but they are stored in a database for record keeping. User has all of the same data as Person and potentially SpecialPerson, along with a user name and password as they are registered with the sit...

Data Validation Design Patterns

If I have a collection of database tables (in an Access file, for example) and need to validate each table in this collection against a rule set that has both common rules across all tables as well as individual rules specific to one or a subset of tables, can someone recommend a good design pattern to look into? Specifically, I would l...

How do I specify multiple constraints on a generic type in C#?

What is the syntax for placing constraints on multiple types? The basic example: class Animal<SpeciesType> where SpeciesType : Species I would like to place constraints on both types in the following definition such that SpeciesType must inherit from Species and OrderType must inherit from Order: class Animal<SpeciesType, OrderType>...