
Why is ROW_NUMBER() not recognized in SQL Server 2008?

Why is ROW_NUMBER() not recognized as a function name in SQL Server 2008? I try this SELECT ROW_NUMBER() AS Row, Lname FROM MEN GO and I get this error: Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1 'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name. ...

when we need to implement abastract class and when Interface

Possible Duplicates: Abstract classes vs Interfaces Abstract class and Interface class? Hi All, I have little bit confusion about the use of the abstract class and Interface, when we need to Implement abstract class and when Interface. Thanks Vijendra Singh ...

How to yield recursion in query? What is the use of "With" ? How it works internaly ?

Why this query is completed with error ? ;with tempData as ( select 32 as col1, char(32) as col2 union all select col1+1, char(col1+1) from tempData ) select * from tempData ...

encapsulation and abstraction OOPs concept

Does Encapsulation is information Hiding or it leads to information hiding?? As we say that Encapsulation binds data and functions in a single entity thus it provides us control over data flow and we can access the data of an entity only through some well defined functions. So when we say that Encapsulation leads to abstraction or infor...

What is the max level of inheritance in java?

I was wondering if there is a finite number of time that I can inherit a class? Or what are the factors that can influence this? ...

stored procedure returns nothing

This stored procedure doesn't work. I've checked the SQL and it returns the correct value when parsed directly to the DB. It's really strange! It just returns 0 rows. What could be wrong? ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetSaltOfUser ( @eMail nvarchar ) AS DECLARE @result nvarchar /* SET NOCOUNT ON */ BEGIN SELECT @result = salt FROM ...

OOPs Concept-Java

Hi In java ,or common Whether java is fully object oriented or partially? Why its called as fully object oriented or partially? What is Object oriented programming? What is a class ? What is object? Please can anyone explain simple realtime example? i could not understand technically....... thanks....... ...