
Font in transparent area

Hello, I'm using JQuery library. I make some div transparent (0.7). There are some text in that div. And I see unpleasant situation: text font is ugly. As I understand, cause all div-area is transparet, my text also. Could I make it untransparent? upd I tried to make my div untransparent: the text is great! So, how can I make my div tr...

Opacity of Buttons/TextBoxes - VB.NET

Hey everyone, Is it possible for me to set the opacity of a button or textbox? I know that you can set the opacity for a form, but I'm not so sure about a button or textbox. Thanks ...

Setting Opacity in CSS For Chrome

Hey all: I've tried the following: (this is actually for fancybox, as the overlay does not show in chrome/safari: $("#fancy_overlay").css({ 'background-color': opts.overlayColor, 'opacity': opts.overlayOpacity, '-moz-opacity': opts.overlayOpacity, '-khtml-...

jQuery fadeIn IE Png Issue when loading from external

I am loading data from external html files within my domain into a div on my webpage using a load content method in jQuery. I take the div out of the new page whilst hiding the div in the current page by fading this out and fading the new one in. There is a png image in both of these divs and it is creating horrid black blobs in IE, work...

Opacity is not getting applied in WPF PopupControl.

Popup popUpControl = new Popup(); popUpControl.PlacementTarget = this; popUpControl.StaysOpen = true; popUpControl.Child = new MyUserControl(); /// my user control popUpControl.Opacity = 0.5; // this code has no effect in the appearance of the popup popUpControl.IsOpen = true; how to do ? Thanks in advance. ...

Opacity CSS not working in IE8

I'm using CSS to indicate the trigger text for a jQuery slide-down section: i.e. when you hover over the trigger text the cursor changes to a pointer and the opacity of the trigger text is reduced to indicate that the text has a click action. This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but in IE8 the opacity doesn't change. I've tried a var...

animate() not working for opacity in IE

I'm trying to animate a div from 100% opacity to 40% opacity WITHOUT using fadeTo(). I need to use animate(). It works fine in chrome/FF/safari, but in IE, the opacity doesn't animate, it simply changes to that after the animation is done. Happens in IE 7 and 8. I'm doing this: .animate({ width: new_...

Animating opacity doesn't work in IE or Opera

I'm experimenting with jQuery plugins. I have this code to fade in a "lightbox": $('#cleverbox') .css({ opacity:0, visibility:'visible' }) .animate( {opacity:1}, 2000 ); It works fine on Firefox and Chrome, but in IE (7 and 8) and Opera the element just appears rather than being faded in. There are a bunch of similar questions...

Changing opacity for div in div - is this possible? How?

I got from web designer layout, which contains (probe): <div id="subMenuRow"> <div id="subMenuRowHTML"> <a href="/link">Link</a> </div> </div> and respectively css for it: #subMenuRow{ width: 900px; height: 40px; background: #000000; float: left; clear: both; filter:alpha(opacity=30...

Recoloring image ads to match website theme

What would be the best method of going about doing this? I want to essentially apply a photoshop-esque color overlay of image ads on a website. Preferably through CSS, but javascript would work too. My first idea was placing a div with the color I intend with the same width and height as the ad div, and applying an opacity setting to ...

Windows Forms Opacity After Shown- C#

I am tryig to fade-in a windows form using c# but it doesnt seem to work after I have shown the form. Is it possible to change the forms opacity after Ive shown it? Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Sys...

Problem with Tapestry palette's arrow icons in IE8

I'm using Tapestry to create pages for a web app, and have been using the palette component to add/delete items to/from a group. The page looks great in Firefox (Tapestry seems biased towards Firefox), but my customers will all be using Internet Explorer (any versions from 6, 7, & 8) and in IE8, the disabled arrow buttons look awful. I...

Animate opacity on hover (jQuery)

We have a link: <a href="#"> Some text <span style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background: url(image.png); overflow: hidden; opacity: 0;"></span> </a> And we want to change opacity of <span> with some animation, when the link is hovered. How would we do it? ...

Pure css drop down menu over link with opacity

Hi, i am having a pure css drop down menu that works fine. My problem is that behind the menu that opens i have links that use a .disable class with opacity 40% because they are not active. When mouse over the menu (with link behind with opacity) the drop menu disappear and kind of focus on link with opacity. If i remove the class th...

android.View transparency

Hello I need to set initial transparency for a TextView but I don't know how to do it. On iPhone it can be done easily with alpha property. I've tried to set alpha using AlphaAnimation but no good it doesn't work. It just returns to 100% alpha when it ends. AlphaAnimation anim = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0.2f); anim.setDuration (5000);...

image thumb list with opacity changes and add class/remove class on click

I got the script from another post on here, but for some reason it isn't working quite correctly on my implementation of it. Everything works fine except for stripping of the "selected" class, therefore the thumbnails all stay highlighted after being clicked. Easiest way is to show in context: http://www.studioimbrue.com/beta I changed...

IE jQuery Opacity Anti-Aliasing Issue

I am using jQuery to fade in and out a .png images of links on the home page of http://www.logandwight.com In IE7 and IE8 the text have no anti-aliasing and are all boxy. I've tried messing with the opacity settings and then I tried animating the filter property specifically for IE but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know whats wron...

CSS font transparency

I would like to know if there is any way I can apply 100% transparency to text so that we can see the background picture of the page. i.e. imagine I’ve got a <div> with a white background, and a background image on <body>. I’d like to set the text inside the <div> so that the background image on <body> can be seen through the text, desp...

How to change the opacity value of a 3D object

Hi All, I use VS 2008 C# Express. I want to change the opacity value of a 3D object in window that has a lot of 3D objects. Changing process will be done by a code-behind. Could you explain me how it is done. Thanks B.Joe ...

CSS overlay troubles with google chrome

Hello, I'm using google chrome 5.0.307.9 beta under ubuntu 9.10 and it seems not properly render css opacity. Using "opacity: 0.5;" under both windows chrome or windows/linux firefox make my element half transparent, but this attribute seems ignored on linux chrome. This was working on previous versions. Any ideas about what's going o...