
Video Stabilization with OpenCV

I have a video feed which is taken with a moving camera and contains moving objects. I would like to stabilize the video, so that all stationary objects will remain stationary in the video feed. How can I do this with OpenCV? ie. For example, if I have two images prev_frame and next_frame, how do I transform next_frame so the video came...

OpenCV 2.1: Runtime error.

Hi Guys, I have a program which uses OpenCV. I have a webcam and it captures color frames and I want to convert the color frames to gray-scale frames. So, I used the cvCvtColor(color_frame, gray_frame, CV_BGR2GRAY); to convert the color frames to BW frames. Upon using this color->Grayscale conversion function, I get a runtime error as: ...

Search for lines with a small range of angles in OpenCV

I'm using the Hough transform in OpenCV to detect lines. However, I know in advance that I only need lines within a very limited range of angles (about 10 degrees or so). I'm doing this in a very performance sensitive setting, so I'd like to avoid the extra work spent detecting lines at other angles, lines I know in advance I don't care ...

Smooth 1D Histogram for Valley Detection (OpenCV)

I'm trying to detect the first valley in a 1D histogram, to use as a threshold point. (Processing dark to light / left to right) Unfortunately some of the histograms have mini peaks, gaps and jagged edges. The algorithm I've written is getting stuck on these. I think I need to smooth away the rough edges as the peaks valleys I need are ...

pyopencv drawContours

Hi, I use pyopencv to find contours but I cannot draw the found contours. I got the error: 23 color = Scalar(255) 24 print type(color) ---> 25 drawContours(img, list(contours), -1, color) 26 27 imshow('Xe may - 0', img) ArgumentError: Python argument types in pyopencv.pyopencvext.drawContours(Mat, ...

blending two images by Opencv

Hi, I want to align two images of different sizes using Opencv, Indeed the function cvAddWeighted enables us to combine or blend two images of identical sizes which is not my case ! so I need a help if somebody knows how to implement this function with considering the different sizes for images thanks y.m ...

FlyCapture2 and OpenCV, CMake build question

Platform: amd_64 Operating System: Ubuntu 8.10 Problem: The current release of OpenCV and libdc1394 doesn't properly interface with the new USB-interface PointGrey High-Res FireFlyMV Color camera. Does anyone have this camera working with OpenCV on Ubuntu? Currently, I'm working on writing my own frame-grabber using PointGrey's FlyC...

Detect red blobs in a image using OpenCV

I am using OpenCV with Java, as shown here. I am stuck while writing a simple program for detecting number of red rectangles in a picture. I never worked with OpenCV before, can someone help me. Thank in advance. ...

The application failed to initalize properly (0xc0150002)

Hi, I have an image processing C program which uses OpenCV library. I was developping this with Visual Studio 2008 until this happened. So I moved the whole project to netbeans(6.9) and MinGW. I have configured netbeans to use OpenCV libraries as guided in this blog. But when I run the program it gives this error " The application fa...

OpenCV program under Mac OS X opens iSight, but ignores my USB webcam

Hello, I have the following issue: In my openCV program under Mac OS X 10.5.8 when I try to open my USB camera for video it always opens the iSight built-in camera, although I explicitly set the camera number to 1 (iSight is supposed to be 0). Furthermore, choosing camera numbers of 2, 3 etc. also opens the iSight camera, although I onl...

How to install OpenCV 2.1 via MacPorts in 32-bit ?

if we do "sudo port install opencv" it works fine but it installs in 64 bit as default. How do I install in 32-bit? ...

Feed from Analog Camera

Hi, Can I take the image feed from Analog Camera using OpenCV, in a similar manner as it is done using the Digital Camera? As-In the concept of FPS, does that work similarly with the Analog Camera's? Thank You. ...

One question about computing HOG features

Hi guys I have one problem in the second step which is to accumulate weighted votes for gradient orientation over spatial cells. Assuming the cell is 8*8. Let me use two matrix GO[8][8]([1 9]), GM[8][8] to represent the gradient orientation and gradient magnitude respectively. The gradient orientation ranges from 0 - 180 and there are ...

Capture Image as Array with Python OpenCV

I've seen from the sample how to display an image from the webcam, but how do I get the image captured as an array? import cv capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) img = cv.QueryFrame(capture) img.tostring() gives me weird caracters. Thanks in adv. ...

CUDA x64 + openCV 2.1

the previous tutorials have not shown anybody else having this problem: compiling openCV and CUDA projects in vs2008 in windows 7 x64. but i have been stuck on it for over a week. Zero problems building openCV samples and my own code and CUDA within their own projects. I cannot get them to build in a single project together no matter ...

is it simple to develope a face Recognition web service which uses mat lab?

how complicated is it to develop a web service which works with matlab's functionality? As my project has a limited time frame, i need to know if there will be any blocking issues. or is it better to work with openCV? ...

OpenCV install error: cvboost.cpp:1439: error: expected ';' before cvReleaseMat

Opencv Error: I got the following error while installing OpenCV on Lucid. 81% .... "cvboost.cpp:1439: error: expected ';' before cvReleaseMat" SOLUTION: edit cvboost.cpp and add semicolon on line:1438 ...

OpenCV Python binds incredibly slow iterations through image data

Hey, I recently took some code that tracked an object based on color in opencv c++ and rewrote it in the python bindings. The overall results and method were the same minus syntax obviously. But, when I perform the below code on each frame of a video it takes almost 2-3 seconds to complete where as the c++ variant, also below, is insta...

OpenCV -- record browser window instead of capturing camera output?

I'm trying to get started with OpenCV by trying to write a simple screen recorder -- one that can perform continuous or polled capture of a GUI window on Mac. For example, I could capture the client area of a browser window. I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know where to start -- any pointers? Is the framegrabber to read the GUI...

In OpenCV, what is the svm.predect parameter returnDFVal?

I am using openCV but I can't find anything in the documentation about what the parameter returnDFVal means in the predict method for support vector machines. Does anybody else know? ...