Hi, I have made a C++ win32 console application in VS 2008. I open an image in a window. I want to achieve the same result by clicking a button on a form and the image appearing in a picturebox for instance pictureBox1.
So, I made a C++ windows form project and pasted this code in the public area, and it gave me a heap of errors. Do I ...
I am attempting to perform a zero-crossing edge detection on an image in OpenCV. I blur and use the cvLaplace() then scale it from (0, max). My question is: How can I access the pixel values in that image in such a way as to correctly identify negative values? Using the function provided by OpenCV (cvPtr2D) returns unsigned chars...
Hi All,
So I'm doing some research related to High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). I've already done some work in OpenCV related to aligning and ghost removal (no actual HDR manipulation or creation yet), and now I would like to be able to start working with HDR images.
Can anyone recommend a good open source HDR library that would idea...
I have a leak in the code which I put below. When I used cvCreateImage instead of cvCreateImageHeader it was 304Kb and 107b leak but when I changed it became to be 107 bites only.
Could You help me to find leak.
(IplImage *) nsImageToIplImage:(NSImage *)image {
// NSImage to IplImage
NSBitmapImageRep *orig = [[image representations] o...
Hi, here is a sample code. If I remove the stdafx.h file, the program wont compile.
stdafx.h file
'#pragma once
'#include "targetver.h"
'#include <stdio.h>
'#include <tchar.h>
// Capture.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
'#include "stdafx.h"
'#include "string.h"
'#include "cv.h"
'#include "...
Hi, this might be a silly question, but I need to know if for the code below, if i can extract the cvCaptureFromCAM() function from the highgui.lib and paste it in my code so that I can rename it to camcapture() and then call that within my program without just including the highgui library file at the beginning of the code file:
I have looked through all the OpenCV documentation that I could find and googled for what I'm looking for, but I think I must be using the wrong terminology.
What I want to do is something similar to template matching, but I do not need to search for instances of my image in another image. I need to compare my image to a library of othe...
I have been developing some computer vision tools with openCV, but every time that I pass a string into an openCV function, the characters ÌÌÌÌ get tagged onto the beginning. At first this was just annoying, but now I am trying to use openCV's fileStorage tools and the ÌÌÌÌ characters are making my file names unreadable.
Note: th...
I am preparing a sample by using OpenCV cvMatchTemplate(); function and I want to find all templates that's max. loc. upper than 0.40 with CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED method.
I mean I want to find all templates which match. I find only the best match template but I want to find all of them.
I hope I explained what I want.
I want to develop a program which uses the webcam to track finger tips. When tracked, the finger tip will be like an index and I will be able to get its positions even if it is moved around. If anyone has any advice for me. Thanks in advance.
HI! I'm trying to install opencv and use it with python, but when I compile it I get no errors but I can't import cv module from python:
patrick:release patrick$ python
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Hi I am trying to detect web cam in opencv using following code i am getting blank black screen though my web cam is attached to my pc via usb
my web cam is using *ICatch(VI) PC Camera * driver & i am using opencv 2.1 with VS 2008
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
cvNamedWindow( "cam", CV_WINDOW...
Hi ,
Does anyone know where i can find object detection sample code in OpenCV ?
i want to track an object with a specified clolor
I Have following source code to detect BLOB and i am using MS 2008 , OpenVC 2.1
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
/*You may change the values of the sthreshold and hlower and hupper to get different results....*/
const int sthreshold=210;
const double h...
OpenCV provides us functions that they used to train classifiers for their face detection system, called HaarTraining, so that we can create our own object classifiers using these functions.
I'm wondering how to create my own "hand classifier" using these features ?
Please help.
whenever i am trying to read out the avi file and converting into grayscal using Opencv 2.1 and VS 2008 in windows xp
i don't why i am getting following run time error at the same time i am unable to get the help on it
[NULL @ 0x37da10]Invalid and
inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames
detected fps=23 frame (w, h) =...
Hi there,
Has anyone heard a way to vector quantize vectors, using opencv ?
I need to use OpenCV with a GigE Vision Ethernet Camera, but i couldn't find much useful information on how to do this, any pointers, documents and example code?
Basically, i just need to read frames from the camera.
I'm trying to display a video file at 25fps smoothly without any lag. The code below does this, but only achieves about 10fps, taking about 0.1ms to execute. With cvWaitKey(1) I get around 0.03 to 0.04ms, which would be perfect, but the named window just stays grey and doesn't show the video!
Is this because cvShowImage() is to...
We have a web-camera and a FireWire camera attached and would like to get input from the second one. But when we use cvCaptureFromCAM(0) and change a number passed as an argument, we're getting data only from a web-camera.
We tried to use OpenCV Private Framework and then it works fine. So, most probably problem is caused by the fact t...