
Combining OpenGL renderings into one view

I have a simple solid modeling application in which I want to implement several "navigation modes", ways for the user to navigate the camera through 3d space. One of them is the ubiquitous 'drag and pan/rotate' that is used in SketchUp, Blender etc.; I also want to implement something that is more relevant to my specific application. Spe...

Ways to implement manipulation handles in 3d view

I'm building a simple solid modeling application. Users need to be able to manipulate object in both orthogonal and perspective views. For example, when there's a box in the screen and the user clicks on it to select it, it needs to get 'handles' at the corners and in the center so that the user can move the mouse over such a handle and ...

Does it make sense to use own mipmap creation algorithm for OpenGL textures?

I was wondering if the quality of texture mipmaps would be better if I used my own algorithm for pre-generating them, instead of the built-in automatic one. I'd probably use a slow but pretty algorithm, like Lanczos resampling. Does it make sense? Will I get any quality gain on modern graphics cards? ...

eraser implementation in opengl

i am required to implement eraser tool and freehand drawing tool in a graphics editor using opengl. can anyone please tell me about a simple code to implement them or where i can find the code? thanks everyone. ...

OpenGL tex-mapping: Whole object is a single texel's color.

Hi guys, I've been trying to get a HUD texture to display for a simulator for a while now, without success. First I bind the texture like this: glGenTextures(1,&hudTexObj); gHud = getPPM("textures/purplenebula/hud.ppm",&n,&m,&s); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,hudTexObj); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); glTexPa...

OpenGL to OpenGL-ES - Changing color of triangles in a strip

When using glBegin() and glEnd() in opengl you are able to set and change the color between each glVertex3f(). How can you recreate this behavior when using a vertex array and glDrawArrays(). Here it is in regular opengl. for(angle = 0.0f; angle < (2.0f*GL_PI); angle += (GL_PI/8.0f)) { // Calculate x and y position of the next v...

Smooth lines in OpenGL

I'm trying to a draw a more-or-less smooth multi-segment line in OpenGL. However I find that if the line is over a thickness about 3 then the joins between the segments are not seamless. They sometimes have gaps between them. Is there a good way of making these joins smooth and gapless? I'm looking for something like the equivalent of Ba...

Implementing Terrain destruction like Scorched Earth Game on iphone or Java

I'm looking for an example of how to implement 2D terrain destruction that you see in games like scorched earth or on the iphone iShoot. I'm looking to implement a game that needs to do destructible terrain and render it using OpenGL (LWJGL in Java) and using OpenGL ES on the iPhone. ...

Core Animation or OpenGL ES?

Hey, I want to do the following: Tap the screen and draw 3 cricles around the the tapped point. Is it better to do this with Core Animation or OpenGL ES? Where do I start? Regards ...

What is the best path for working with 3d graphics?

Right now, I think a combination of C and openGL is what I need to learn, but it seems like there is still more to it that I need. Also, I'm not sure where to start. I know some C, from reading the C Programming Language (K&R). ...

Drawing "point-like" shapes in OpenGL, indifferent to zoom

I'm working with Qt and QWt3D Plotting tools, and extending them to provide some 3-D and 2-D plotting functionality that I need, so I'm learning some OpenGL in the process. I am currently able to plot points using OpenGL, but only as circles (or "squares" by turning anti-aliasing off). These points act the way I like - i.e. they don't ...

Using ctypes.c_void_p as an input to glTexImage2D?

I'm using a 3rd party DLL to load in some raw image data, and I want to use this raw image data as a texture in openGL. However, the c function returns a void*, and I need to somehow convert this so it will work as the "pixels" parameter to glTexImage2D. Right now my code looks like something this: data = c_void_p(vdll.vlImageGetData(...

T-Mobile G1 (MSM7200) GPU Memory

Hello. I'm trying to find some information regarding the available GPU (for OpenGL) memory on the T-Mobile G1. This phone has a MSM7200 Qualcomm chip inside with ATI Imageon GPU. Unfortunately I am not able to dig any info regarding the specifics of GPU memory usage. How much memory is available in total for the textures? Is the memo...

Learning OpenGL in Ubuntu

I'm trying to learn OpenGL and improve my C++ skills by going through the Nehe guides, but all of the examples are for Windows and I'm currently on Linux. I don't really have any idea how to get things to work under Linux, and the code on the site that has been ported for Linux has way more code in it that's not explained (so far, the o...

How do I bounce a point off of a line?

I'm working on writing a Pong game for my graphics class final project (I choose to write this, I wasn't assigned Pong) and I've run across a problem that wasn't addressed in either the book or the class. I'm trying to figure out how to bounce a point off of a line. The best method I can figure out to do this with is Calculate the ...

how to implement grayscale rendering in OpenGL?

When rendering a scene of textured polygons, I'd like to be able to switch between rendering in the original colors and a "grayscale" mode. I've been trying to achieve this using blending and color matrix operations; none of it worked (with blending I couldn't find a glBlendFunc() that achieved something remotely resembling to what I wan...

How To apply a texture to QUAD_STRIP in opengl?

Well i am trying to apply a texture to 2 squares, but I only can apply to the first one. I am using the primitive QUAD__STRIP to draw the squares. Heres de code: glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); glTexCoord2f(0.0,1.0); glVertex3f(-1.0f * size, -1.0f* size, 0); //1 glTexCoord2f(0.0,0.0); glVertex3f(-1.0f* size, 1.0f* size, 0); ...

How to save the frame buffer and then retrieve it back..

hi I'm very much new to openGL and I'm trying to do a small project something like a paint tool.. so i just want to save all the things in frame buffer to be saved in a file and to retrieve them back.. ...

AMD RenderMonkey GLSG Config for Alpha Transparency

I'm trying to use RenderMonkey to design a GLSL shader that uses Alpha transparency, and the RenderState editor doesn't use the same terms I'm used to from OpenGL. Can anyone advise on how to configure it for simple Alpha transparency? ...

My app hangs while being debugged

I am using Delphi 2009 on Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I run my application from within the Delphi IDE, and after some time (a minute or 2) my application will hang. Looking at the event log, the hang is associated with a thread exiting. It is not the main thread, but a thread that has been started just after the module RSAENH.DLL has been l...