
Encrypting and decrypting a small file using openssl

Duplicate of this question. Hi, I want to write a small program in C/C++ which reads a small text file, and encrypts it, using a "internal" key. Then I also want to write another small program which can decrypt the encrypted file using internally the same key. I looked at openSSL site and googled but found not simple example, has some...

How do I use OpenSSL with WinSock?

I've scoured the web and have not found anything for this... Does anyone have a simple code sample of using WinSock with OpenSSL? I am looking for a simple Visual C++ 2005 or greater code sample that creates and opens a winsock connection and applies the necessary SSL settings using OpenSSL and frees all resources appropriately. ...

Convert pem key to ssh-rsa format

Hi I have a certificate in der format, from it with this command i generate a public key: openssl x509 -inform der -in ejbcacert.cer -noout -pubkey > result is this: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7vbqajDw4o6gJy8UtmIbkcpnk O3Kwc4qsEnSZp/TR+fQi62F79RHWmwKOtFmwteURgLbj7D/WGuNLGOfa/2vse3G2...

OpenSSL encryption takes a very long time on load

Hi, My question refers to the encryption costs of OpenSSL during load, and here is the problem: When working with SSL over IMAP4 (using an application that we write, some kind of IMAP4 Proxy), we fetch messages in two different ways: 1. full fetch. 2. partial fetch (fetching chunks). The first chunk of the partial fetch and full fetch a...

Encryption / decryption using open ssl using C#

Hi, i am using VS 2005 C# i want to encrypt and decrypt the complete file using OPEN SSL, can anyone help me in this regard..... ...

how to generate a self signed and configure an SSL?

I am very new to SSL,wants to install SSL for my application on GLASSFISH,though tried to find some tutorials which can teach me from basic,but was unable to find any elaborative solution . 1)Like how to generate a self signed Certificate for the SSL? 2)How to configure this certificate with my application? 3)how to Configure only LOGIN ...

How to load dynamic library in PHP 5.2.1

Hello, I recently installed MAMP version 1.6 on my MAC OS 10.5.7. Now I am running a script to connect to a site using ssl. After some research, I added the following line to my php.ini(under the extensions part) However When I reestart my Apache server I get this Warning: [15-Jul-2009 16:30:39] PHP Warning: PH...

Python RSA Decryption Using OpenSSL Generated Keys

Does anyone know the simplest way to import an OpenSSL RSA private/public key (using a passphrase) with a Python library and use it to decrypt a message. I've taken a look at ezPyCrypto, but can't seem to get it to recognise an OpenSSL RSA key, I've tried importing a key with importKey as follows: key.importKey(myKey, passphrase='PASS...

relocation R_X86_64_32 against a local symbol' error

Hi, I am trying to install subversion with apache support. I installed apr, apr-utils, neon, and openssl with the --enable-shared flag. However, I get the following error when trying to install subversion: /usr/bin/ld: /usr0/software/openssl/ossl/lib/libssl.a(s23_clnt.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against a local symbol' can not be used w...

How to encrypt/decrypt a text using openssl ECC?

Where can I get a sample code or documentation on using the OpenSSL ECC support to encrypt or decrypt a text string ? I am able to generate ECC private/public key using openSSL API's, but I don't know how to encrypt a plain text using that key ! ...

ruby 14001 error

When trying to run a simple ruby program I wrote, I am getting this error. Just reinstalled everything the other day, before the code was working fine. ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32/ 14001: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail. ...

How do I feed OpenSSL random data for use in ECDSA signing?

I want to feed OpenSSL specific data for use as random seed during the signing of data with an EC key. I'm doing this to compare my application with another reference one (closed source). That utility takes the file with private key, file with data to sign and file with random data as parameters. I've got the generation of EC keys, and ...

RHEL/Apache ssl.conf configuration problem

We've got multiple subdomains, each with it's own virtualhost entry in httpd.conf and (for those supporting https) in ssl.conf as well. Our main www subdomain has a GoDaddy cert associated with it. The subdomain I'm configuring right now ("") has an ssl.conf virtualhost entry that looks like this: <VirtualHost 172.16....

Security.framework interoperability

I have a situation where we have some server side data that is generated with a ruby script. That data is signed using the Ruby OpenSSL module like so: def sign_string(string) Base64.encode64(@private_key.sign(, string)); end That data eventually ends up on an iPhone, where I would like to verify it using th...

SWIG OpenSSL 1.0 - Problem with STACK_OF Macros

With prior OpenSSL versions it was possible to do this in SWIG .i files: STACK *ssl_get_ciphers(SSL *ssl) { return (STACK *)SSL_get_ciphers(ssl); } With OpenSSL 1.0.0beta3 this fails because STACK seems to be no longer defined. New OpenSSL tries to do a better job at type checking, so one is supposed to use the STACK_OF macro, whi...

Which is more secure OFB or CFB?

I'm working a small project, using AES encryption and wanted to use it in streaming mode, which is considered a more "suitable" mode for socket usage? OFB or CFB? I've been reading about it and can't really decide, so any ideas are highly appreciated. I'll be using OpenSSL/C++. ...

Cross-compiling with OpenSSL for Windows

I'm trying to compile the oauth-utils for Windows from Ubuntu. I have compiled it on Windows before (a few months back), but wanted to try cross-compiling. I got openssl build using mingw32 ok, and put libssl.a and libcrypto.a in the right place. The linker is now finding the libraries (yay!) bu...

OpenSSL: JRuby only supports F_SETFL for fcntl/ioctl currently

When I attempt to use net/https with JRuby 1.3.0RC1 with the jruby-openssl-0.5.1 gem installed I get the following error: Error in JobsRequiringReportDataProcessor: JRuby only supports F_SETFL for fcntl/ioctl currently /opt/bin/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/jruby-openssl-0.5.1/lib/openssl/ssl.rb:56:in `initialize' /opt/bin/jruby/lib/ruby...

how to translate openssl s_client -starttls smtp command to c++ code?

Hello all im working on smtp secure connection with smtp i found that i can manually open secure connection with openssl but how i can translate this client operation to inline c++ code ...

OpenSSL in bash script

Hi! I'm trying to make a bash script in linux where some encrypted data is embedded and then retrieved and decrypted with openssl, like this: cat | openssl des3 -d -a -salt -pass pass:asdf > output.txt <<EOF U2FsdGVkX1/zN55FdyL5j1nbDVt5vK4V3WLQrnHPoycCJPwWO0ei3PCrrMqPaxUH.....blablablah data EOF The only problem with this, that would...