
Requiring SSL for the database connection for MediaWiki/Apache/PHP/MySQL with OpenSSL

Hi, For a school project, I have installed MediaWiki on my local machine, and am required to have any database connection to the local MySQL database use SSL. I am unsure of how to connect all the dots. Here's what I have done so far: I have installed OpenSSL, and created a self-signed certificate, and associated keys. phpinfo() sho...

How do I create a .p12 file in Ruby?

I've looked at the Ruby OpenSSL documentation, but I can't quite figure out the pieces I need to put together to make a .p12 file. There's also this tutorial, but the comments belie an ambivalence about its correctness. ...

How do I install nano-hmac on Mac OS X?

"nano-hmac" is a Haskell package which can normally be installed using Cabal. However, Mac OS X has a different OpenSSL library than the one it expects, so it fails to compile bindings. I can install the version of openssl from, but I'm not sure how to instruct Cabal to use this instead of the Mac OS X version. ...

ssl impact on web server

Many of us have web and application servers that use plain TCP. Some of us have web and other servers that use a secure layer such as SSL. My understanding of SSL is that the handshaking is very computationally intensive, and the encryption of an ongoing connection is (relatively) cheap. My assumption for you to correct: an average ho...

Digitally sign in PHP using private key, verify in C#

I am working on a feature that needs me to digitally sign a short string in PHP, and verify the string's signature in C#. I would really like to use openssl_sign in PHP, because of its simplicity, but all the information I can find on Google indicates that this will not work. There are some external libraries that claim to do this well...

how can i build the latest openssl 098k on sun?

how can i build the latest openssl 098k on sun? The h version compiled correctly. I have asked the question on the relevant mailing list but got no reply. When I remove all offending parameters (-xtarget=ultra -xarch=v8plus -xO5 -xstrconst -xdepend -Xa ) I end up with : /usr/ccs/bin/as: "/var/tmp//ccvst5kT.s", line 108: error: ca...

is it possible to find out if a ruby socket is in state ESTABLISHED or CLOSE_WAIT without actually sending or reading data?

s =, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) s.connect(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in('port', 'hostname')) ssl =, sslcert) ssl.connect from here on i would like to check in a thread if the ssl connection and the underlying socket is still ESTABLISHED or if it went into CLOSE_WAIT after the default of ...

Installing/registering win32 OpenSSL libraries (distributed with my app)

My application depends on OpenSSL libraries (through Qt networking modules; you can't compile it into Qt statically, because of legal issues) There's this project - Win32 OpenSSL Seems like all I need is to copy the two dlls into System32 and register them. copy ssleay32.dll %WINDIR%\System32\ssleay32.dll copy libeay32.dll %WINDIR%\S...

Problem with getting error description after SSL_CTX_new returned NULL

I am very new to SSL , Actually I would say I know nothing about it. I am using the method "SSL_CTX_new" to create an SSL_CTX object. The method returns null.The documentation says I can check the error stack in order to get the cause for this. So I have the function "int SSL_get_error(SSL *s,int ret_code)" which (as I understand) I ...

Extracting private key from .cer to .pem with openssl

How can I export the private key embedded in an .cer file and convert it to .pem using openssl. Update: If I download a .cer file from Apple and import it into KeyChain, I can export the private key as a .p12 file. How can I do this using openssl? ...

Generate certificates, public and private keys with Java

Hi, i'm looking for a java library or code to generate certificates, public and private keys on the fly without to use third party programs (such as openssl). I think something that is doeing keytool+openssl but from Java code. Consider a java servlet based web application secured with ssl and client authentification. I want the se...

Symmetric encryption key vs. Asymmetric keys - ssl

I am developing a client server app that uses ssl (openssl) to establish a secure communication channel between the client and the server. I believe I have two options now for secure data transfer between the client and the server. One option is to continue with the data transfer on the established secure ssl channel between the client a...

How to generate a client certificate using a third party CA-NOT Self Signed CA

I am trying to trying to export a client certificate for use with a web browser. The goal is to restrict access using the <Location> directive to the admin area. I have seen numerous tutorials on using self signed CAs. How would you do this using a third party? 1) Do I need to include the CA in the client pfx if it is a trusted root ...

How to convert a .pem cert to SSL?

"Finally got it completely working. I had to convert the cert to SSL. Was able to do this using OpenSSL" I am also trying to get push notifications working and am facing the same problems you outlined in a separate post. Could you please let me know the command used to convert the cert to SSL? Id really appreciate any help on this. ...

Upgrading individual libraries within LAMPP (specifically, openssl)

Does anyone have any experience in upgrading individual chunks of the XAMPP LAMP stack without installing an upgrade from XAMPP? We have several production servers which require an update to the openssl lib but the upgrade from XAMPP would take us into newer versions of MySQL and PHP which we haven't tested against yet. Otherwise, I wo...

Should one use Cryptographic message syntax (CMS) for this task?

Hello, I've the task to transfer small binary messages (1 or 2 kb long) between a desktop application and mobile devices. The messages should be encrypted asymmetrically (RSA for instance). From what I've learned one should use a hybrid cryptosystem for this kind of task: Generate random symmetric key Encrypt plain text with symmetric...

Adding SSL support to Python 2.6

I tried using the ssl module in Python 2.6 but I was told that it wasn't available. After installing OpenSSL, I recompiled 2.6 but the problem persists. Any suggestions? ...

how to define a crypto library for xmlsec..

I want to write XML signature verification code in C using any available open source libraries.I am trying to use xmlsec. I installed the dependency libraries mentioned in but when I try to compile the example code given in , I am get...

openssl .pem key

hello every one. How can I create a PEM file from a ssl certificate? These are the files I have available: .crt, server.csr and server.key. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Assistance with openssl blowfish simple example inserting garbage characters.

If you have a good example of simply encrypting a file using openssl that is better than this one that I am having issues with I would be very grateful. Update: Myabe the author was correct. Using memset on something I did not allocate reminds me of strtok choking on non-stack variables. Update2: Got the core dump to stop by using m...