
How does Gmail do comet on Opera?

I would like to know how Gmail (or anyone else) does comet on Opera. Here is what I know so far from my experiments. It doesn't use the event-source tag which is broken in Opera 10.51. It doesn't use iframe which displays a spinning throbber and a busy mouse cursor. It doesn't use responseText on xmlhttprequest when readyState = 3 whi...

Opera: avoid wait cursor during img-src-refresh?

On a web page, I have an image continuously be refreshed by updating the src-attribute of the corresponding img-tag. This seems to work very well with a broad range of browsers. However, in Opera 10.51/WinXP/32, every time the image is updated, for a fraction of a second, the wait cursor is shown. It may confuse users. So, how do I get ...

Why does Safari/Opera not work with this javascript code?

Hi, I am working on a calendar that will show bookings. The height of containing the booking is calculated dynamically in proportion to the length of the booking. The following code works perfectly well in Firefox but not in Safari or Opera: function calculateBookingHeight(from, to) { var today = new Date; var end = new Date....

$(window).load(function(){}); problem in Opera

Hello. I need to recalculate body's main div height, than wait while all content (images) loads and only than show it to site visitor. To achieve this i used jQuery and CSS //CSS looks like body {display: none;} /* div block height calculator */ function recalculateHeight(id, add){ var height = $(id).height(); if (height < 650) hei...

Bring opera window to front!

Hi! Could you please help me to figure out how to bring Opera's window to front, using class name?! I use the following procedure to bring other applications to front and it works fine. I need to use only a class name and not window's caption. If I use window caption instead, the procedure works. Here is the procedure: procedure Switch...

CSS column height different on Opera/IE to FF

Hi all, Thanks to everyone who helped with my last question but I've got a new browser-independent problem: For some reason, the image navigator (not yet functioning) on a website I'm working on is currently not displaying in the correct place on Firefox. It appears in the right place in IE8 and Opera but Firefox seems to have a proble...

Mobile opera have background sound support?

I make browser/html/js games. One of my biggest pains in the arse is the lack of background sound support in mobile safari. This lack of support makes high value games pretty much impossible. Does anyone know if opera mini supports html5 audio, or any mobile browser for that matter. If not, what are some alternatives methods. ...

clicking title bar fires onBlur in Opera

Hi, I am closing a popup window at 'onBlur' defined for 'BODY' of an ASP webpage, so when a user clicks outside the popup the popup closes. I want the popup to be moveable around the screen and it works for all browsers but Opera. In Opera the 'onBlur' event is fired when clicking the titlebar of the popup - this seems weird for me, a...

Why does Opera parse my web page as XML?

I just tried viewing my website http://www.logmytime.de/ in Opera (version 10.50) it gives me an "xml parsing failed error" and refuses to display the web page. I can choose to "Reparse the document as HTML" and then the page works fine, but that's hardly a solution to my problem. The weird thing is that the error still occurs after s...

How to call iframe's function from this iframe

Hi, I have an iframe created in Javascript with some function f(): var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); $(iframe).attr({ width: 0, height: 0, frameborder: 0, src: this.options.url, name: id, id: id }); document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.contentWindow.f = function(data) { alert("test"); }; Document load...

Event-source in Opera - how to avoid reconnect?

Opera supports server-side events via event-source element. W3C specification says that the connection with the serwer is being auto-reconnect. Server can maitenance the connection by sending "retry: num_of_ms". It is possible in Opera to avoid reconnect? I can not find any documentation about this tag in Opera. May be there is somethin...

What's causing this background-image to display "incorrectly" in Opera and Firefox?

I know this is something I'm probably doing wrong, so please don't incinerate me for the thread title. I'm trying to put together a small personal website using HTML 5/CSS3. I've checked with the w3c validator and the site and CSS file fully conform according to the validator (However the validator has a warning attached that it might ...

jQuery in Opera User JS Doesn't Work

Hello ::- ). I'm playing with some Opera User JS. I included "1jquery.min.js" in my User JS folder (1 in front because Opera loads them alphabetically). Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be working. window.onload = OnWindowLoad; $(document).ready(function() { alert ($('#area_19')); }); function OnWindowLoad () { alert ($('#area_...

How do I stop Opera from caching a page?

I am trying to get Opera to re-request a page every time instead of just serving it from the cache. I'm sending the 'Cache-control: no-cache' and 'Pragma: no-cache' response headers but it seems as if Opera is just ignoring these headers. It works fine in other browsers - Chrome, IE, Firefox. How do I stop Opera from caching pages? Wha...

Spoofing UserAgent in Opera

I'm trying to spoof Opera (under linux) to be an other browser, in this case iPad for some testing purposes. Now I know sites can check which browser is accessing the using for example in PHP $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; and in javascript navigator.userAgent (or navigator.platform). In firefox you can use an addon to easily...

jQuery('body').text() gives different answers in different browsers

My HTML looks like this: <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function init() { var text = jQuery('body').text(); alert('length = ' + text.length); } </script> </head> <body onload="init()">0123456789</body>...

Opera Mobile for Windows + Reported Screen Size

I know this isn't a direct programming question, but's it's kinda relevant as I'm trying to get a good testing environment set up before I embark on my latest project. I'm trying to set up Opera Mobile for Windows to allow me to test a new website. The UserAgent I get is a fairly generic one, so my workaround is to tweak my mobile.brows...

x-dom-event-stream in Opera 10 Only Working on First Event

I have a python script (in the CherryPy framework) that sends Event: and data: text as this Opera blog post describes to a client browser. The javascript that recieves the x-dom-event-stream content is almost identical to what they show in the blog post. However, the browser displays only the first event sent. Anyone know what I'm missin...

Page layout breaks only in Opera which is weird?

Okay so I'm working on an admin panel, in which everything should always be only within the view port until you hit the minimum widths and heights set. The current version of it can be seen here (its still in development) : http://qwibbledesigns.co.uk/preview/Admin/ In layout terms, it works flawlessly in all browsers, even down to ie...

Running bookmarklet from a keyboard shortcut in Opera

The Opera web browser makes it very easy for users to tie keyboard shortcuts to bookmarks by editing the keyboard.ini file, e.g. F1 = http://google.com/ will allow a single keystroke (F1) to Google. I'd like to similarly tie a keyboard shortcut to a bookmarklet --- but the following doesn't work: F1 = javascript:alert('Hello, World...