
Image database build in Oracle - Is an e-commerce style interface workable?

Question Can I build a image database/library that has an e-commerce style checkout system and a powerful search in Oracle/Java? Are there existing elements out there I should be aware of? Or, is this better in another dev environment like PHP/MySQL? Overview I am working on an image database/library dev team on the UI side of things,...

SQL Server and Oracle, which one is better in terms of scalability?

MS SQL Server and Oracle, which one is better in terms of scalability? For example, if the data size reach 500 TB etc. ...

Is Oracle Coherence stable?

Has anyone used Oracle Coherence? It looks very promising at the roadshows. My concern is whether it's a stable and robust enough to implement mission-critical financial solutions. I'd be grateful for any feedback on its performance, robustness and ease of maintenance. ...

Oracle Datadiff

(Oracle) I have to return all records from last 12 months. How to do that in PL/SQL? EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to explain, I do have a column of DATA type ...

How to avoid storing credentials to connect to Oracle with JDBC?

Is it possible to setup a JDBC connection to Oracle without providing username/password information in a configuration file (or in any other standard readable location)? Typically applications have a configuration file that contains setup parameters to connect to a database. Some DBAs have problems with the fact that usernames and passw...

How to define persistent variable in SQL*PLUS

I am trying to do the following in SQL* PLUS in ORACLE. -Create a variable -Pass it as output variable to my method invocation -Print the value from output variable I get the error "undeclared variable" error. I am trying to create a variable that persists in the session till i close the SQL*PLUS window. variable subhandle number; exe...

Is there any way to have the JBoss connection pool reconnect to Oracle when connections go bad?

We have our JBoss and Oracle on separate servers. The connections seem to be dropped and is causing issues with JBoss. How can I have the JBoss reconnect to Oracle if the connection is bad while we figure out why the connections are being dropped in the first place? ...

Disable all table constraints in Oracle

How can I disable all table constrains in Oracle with a single command? This can be either for a single table, a list of tables, or for all tables. ...

Disable and later enable all table indexes in Oracle

How would I disable and later enable all indexes in a given schema/database in Oracle? Note: This is to make sqlldr run faster. ...

How to avoid storing passwords in the clear for tomcat's server.xml Resource definition of a DataSource?

The resource definition in tomcat's server.xml looks something like this... <Resource name="jdbc/tox" scope="Shareable" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" username="tox" password="toxbaby" maxIdle="3" maxActive="10" removeAba...

Oracle load spikes couple hours after startup.

We use oracle as the back-end database for our product. I have been running series of stress tests on our system and I have started noticing that oracle is much faster right after the database was restarted. Over time (a couple hours or so) the database seems to get slower and slower and I will see the database machine under more stress....

Oracle Insert via Select from multiple tables where one table may not have a row

I have a number of code value tables that contain a code and a description with a Long id. I now want to create an entry for an Account Type that references a number of codes, so I have something like this: insert into account_type_standard (account_type_Standard_id, tax_status_id, recipient_id) ( select account_type_standard_seq.nextv...

JAXB 2 in an Oracle 10g Webapp

I have a web application that uses JAXB 2. When deployed on an Oracle 10g app server I get errors as soon as I try to marshal an XML file. It turns out that Oracle includes JAXB 1 in a jar sneakily renamed "xml.jar". Does anyone know how I can force my webapp to use the version of the jaxb jars that I deployed in web-inf/lib over that...

Sybase Developer Needs To Learn Oracle

I am pretty much a Sybase expert, an experienced developer, and very comfortable learning new stuff. I need to write a bunch of SQL to run against an Oracle database. Can someone recommend a book, training course or other resource to give me what I need to know in the shortest possible time? I don't need Oracle for Dummies, but someth...

"loader constraints violated when linking javax/xml/namespace/QName class" from webapp on Oracle 10g

We have a web application that can be deployed on many application servers, including Oracle 10g. On that platform, however, we are having classpath issues. The webapp uses JAXB 2, but Oracle 10g ships with JAXB 1, and this was causing errors. To get around those we configured Oracle to prefer classes in our webapp, but now we are get...

Any performance impact in Oracle for using LIKE 'string' vs = 'string'?

This SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_FIELD LIKE '%some_value%'; is slower than this SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_FIELD = 'some_value'; but what about this? SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_FIELD LIKE 'some_value'; My testing indicates the second and third examples are exactly the same. If that's true, my question ...

Get top results for each group (in Oracle)

How would I be able to get N results for several groups in an oracle query. For example, given the following table: |--------+------------+------------| | emp_id | name | occupation | |--------+------------+------------| | 1 | John Smith | Accountant | | 2 | Jane Doe | Engineer | | 3 | Jack Black | Funnyman |...

Pass and return custom array object in ibatis and oracle in java

I've looked around for a good example of this, but I haven't run into one yet. I want to pass a custom string array from java to oracle and back, using the IBATIS framework. Does anyone have a good link to an example? I'm calling stored procs from IBATIS. Thanks ...

Fully unwrap a view

In Oracle, is there an easy way to fully unwrap a view? eg: If I have a view which is made up of selects on more views, is there some way to unwrap it to just select directly on real tables? ...

Debugging with Oracle's utl_smtp

A client of mine uses Oracle 9i's utl_smtp to send mails out notifications to managers when their employees have made travel requests and they woul like quite a few changes made to the mailouts done. We're having a lot of problems getting utl_smtp to talk to any smtp server on our network. We've even tried installing free smtp server o...