
How to access Subversion from Oracle PL/SQL ?

For a governmental agency, we build a release management system developped in PHP and Oracle. The data for this application is stored in database tables and is processed with PL/SQL packages and procedures. The release management process is extensively based on metadata coming from Subversion repositories. We access the repositories fr...

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when selecting view

When I try to execute a view that includes tables from different schemas an ORA-001031 Insufficient privileges is thrown. These tables have execute permission for the schema where the view was created. If I execute the view's SQL Statement it works. What am I missing? ...

How many database indexes is too many?

I'm working on a project with a rather large Oracle database (although my question applies equally well to other databases). We have a web interface which allows users to search on almost any possible combination of fields. To make these searches go fast, we're adding indexes to the fields and combinations of fields on which we believe...

.NET unable to connect to Oracle DB using Oracle proxy user

I am setting up a test version of my website against a new schema. I am trying to connect using the proxy connection and am getting the following error: ORA-28150: proxy not authorized to connect as client my connect string has the following form: Data Source=Instance; User Id=user; Proxy User Id=prxy_usr;Proxy Password=prxy_p...

oracle on port 8080

how do I change oracle from port 8080? my eclipse is using 8080? ...

What is the fastest way to insert data into an Oracle table?

I am writing a data conversion in PL/SQL that processes data and loads it into a table. According to the PL/SQL Profiler, one of the slowest parts of the conversion is the actual insert into the target table. The table has a single index. To prepare the data for load, I populate a variable using the rowtype of the table, then insert it ...

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when creating package

I'm getting ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when creating a package my own schema. Shouldn't I have complete control over my schema. If this is not the case, what privileges does my schema need? Thanks in advance. ...

How to format Oracle SQL text-only select output.

I am using Oracle SQL (in SQLDeveloper, so I don't have access to SQLPLUS commands such as COLUMN) to execute a query that looks something like this: select assigner_staff_id as staff_id, active_flag, assign_date, complete_date, mod_date from work where assigner_staff_id = '2096'; The results it give me look something like this: S...

User Privileges

Why does a user needs privileges over his own schema to create packages and triggers? ...

How do I deploy an ADF Business Component?

I wish to deploy an ADF business component to the middle tier and call it using RMI. I just cannot find any good documentation on this! Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

How to use SQLab Xpert Tuning to tune SQL for better performance?

Anyone have any idea? And any open source sofware which also seens to perform this kind of functionality? ...

Oracle sql query, concatenate fileds with CASE section

Hi, I'm currently generating SQL insert statements from more than one tables, and in the generated data I need to use a CASE statement, like this: select 'INSERT INTO TABLE1 (f1, f2, f3, f4 ...) values (' ||t.f1||',' ||CASE WHEN t.f2 > 0 THEN '1' ELSE '0' END CASE from table2 t , table...

Oracle database startup problems

In Oracle, I have set the log_archive_dest1='D:\app\administrator\orcl\archive' parameter and shutdown the database. When I tried to start up the db, I got the following error: SQL> startup mount; ORA-16032: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 destination string cannot be translated ORA-09291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive de...

Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?

Hello all. i work with sql server, but i must migrate to an application with Oracle DB. for trace my application queries, in Sql Server i use wonderful Profiler tool. is there something of equivalent for Oracle? Thank you for any Advice. ...

Can Multiple Indexes Work Together?

Suppose I have a database table with two fields, "foo" and "bar". Neither of them are unique, but each of them are indexed. However, rather than being indexed together, they each have a separate index. Now suppose I perform a query such as SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE foo='hello' AND bar='world'; My table a huge number of rows for w...

transaction isolation problem or wrong approach?

I was helping out some colleagues of mine with an SQL problem. Mainly they wanted to move all the rows from table A to table B (both tables having the same columns (names and types)). Although this was done in Oracle 11g I don't think it really matters. Their initial naive implementation was something like BEGIN INSERT INTO B SELECT...

pl/sql dollar operator?

I encountered the following ddl in a pl/sql script this morning: create index genuser.idx$$_0bdd0011 ... My initial thought was that the index name was generated by a tool...but I'm also not a pl/sql superstar so I could very well be incorrect. Does the double dollar sign have any special significance in this statement? ...

Code coverage for PL/SQL

Does anyone have tools or experience with code coverage for PL/SQL. I believe this is possible using DBMS_PROFILER? ...

Unit testing for PL/SQL

Anyone have any experience or tools for unit testing PL/SQL. The best looking tool I've seen for this seems to be Quests Code Tester, but i'm not sure how well that would integration with continuous integration tools or command line testing? ...

What is the best way to select string fields based on character ranges?

I need to add the ability for users of my software to select records by character ranges. How can I write a query that returns all widgets from a table whose name falls in the range Ba-Bi for example? Currently I'm using greater than and less than operators, so the above example would become: select * from widget where name >= 'ba' and...