
Ora 12154 error

Hi! I recently deploy one web application in one of my development servers. I'm using oracle, and c#. When I run the application in the server everything works fine, but when I try to run the application outside of the server (using my pc, for example) i get this error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier spe...

Is there a way to get types/names of an unknown db query without executing it?

I have a web application where users enter arbitrary sql queries for later batch processing. We want to validate the syntax of the query without actually executing it. Some of the queries will take a long time, which is why we don't want to execute them. I'm using Oracle's dbms_sql.parse to do this. However, I now have a situation where...

Best Source Control Solution for Oracle/ASP.NET Environment?

I am trying to plan a way for 5 developers to use Visual Studio 2005/2008 to collaboratively develop an ASP.NET web app on a development web server against an Oracle 8i(soon to be 10g) Database. The developers are either on the local network or coming in over a vpn (not a very fast connection), I evaluated the latest Visual SourceSafe...

How to disable Oracle XE component which is listening on 8080?

After installing Oracle XE, something in Oracle is listening on port 8080. I am not sure if they have an Apache HTTPD, a Tomcat, or something else. But how can I disable it? ...

Double quotes in Oracle Alias

Hi, I am having fickle of problem in Oracle 9i select 1"FirstColumn" from dual; Oracle throwing error while executing above query. ORA-03001: unimplemented feature in my Production server. The Same query is working fine in my Validation server. Both servers are with Oracle 9i Any one have Idea what's wrong...? Is this something conf...

Oracle instant client with OraOLE DB provider?

Is it possible to use oracle instant client for application that use oraoledb driver for connecting to oracle 9i DB. ...

Separating Demo data in Live system

If we put aside the rights and wrongs of putting demo data into a live system for a minute (that's a whole separate discussion!), we are being asked to store some demo data in our live system so that it can be credibly demonstrated without the appearance of smoke + mirrors (we want to use the same login page for example) Since I'm sure ...

Oracle merge constants into single table

In Oracle, given a simple data table: create table data ( id VARCHAR2(255), key VARCHAR2(255), value VARCHAR2(511)); suppose I want to "insert or update" a value. I have something like: merge into data using dual on (id='someid' and key='testKey') when matched then update set value = 'someValue' w...

Table load via Partition Exchange (Oracle 10g)

I have a few questions about optimizing this type of load. One builds a new table of data to be loaded into a partitioned table and then builds the indexes on this new table. Should you build the index with the COMPUTE STATISTICS option or use the Cascade option of the DBMS_Stats? Should you gather stats on the table before the swap ...

What is your experience with auditing features (Oracle)?

Did you ever use Oracle auditing features on a production db? How did that impact on performances, and are there differences you noticed between different versions of Oracle? ...

How to find and tail the Oracle alert log

When you take your first look at an Oracle database, one of the first questions is often "where's the alert log?". Grid Control can tell you, but its often not available in the environment. I posted some bash and Perl scripts to find and tail the alert log on my blog some time back, and I'm surprised to see that post still getting lots ...

PL/SQL: How to execute an SP which preforms a DML and has a return value?

I have a stored procedure with the following header: FUNCTION SaveShipment (p_user_id IN INTEGER, p_transaction_id IN INTEGER, p_vehicle_code IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_seals IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN INTEGER; And I am having trouble running it from TOAD's Editor. I cannot run it as part of a select from dual statement becaus...

Oracle Cursor Issue

Anyone have any idea how to do the following? declare cursor open cursor fetch cursor << Start reading the cursor in a LOOP >> Lets say the cursor have 10 records. Read until 5th record then go to the 6th record and do some checking. Now, is it possible to go back to 5th record from 6th record ? ...

What Oracle driver should I install in my MS SQL server to be able to use DTS to copy data from the Oracle server to the MS SQL server?

Hi, I have an Oracle server (version 9, I believe) and a MS SQL server (version 2000). The MS SQL server is running MS Windows Server 2003. I would like to use DTS to extract some data from the Oracle server and pour it into the MS SQL server. I'm having problems finding out what driver I should install on my MS SQL server for it to b...

Oracle APEX access

Is Oracle Application Express suitable for Intranet client/server application? If so, what should I do to enable client access to application? ...

Oracle: ORA-00932 when converting column_expression from user_ind_expressions using to_lob

Try running these two simple statements on Oracle 10.2: CREATE TABLE mytest(table_name varchar2(30), index_name varchar2(30), column_expression clob, column_position number); INSERT INTO mytest (table_name,index_name,column_expression, column_position) SELECT table_name,index_name,to_lob(column_expression), column_position FROM user_in...

In an Oracle database, what is the difference between ROWNUM and ROW_NUMBER?

What is ROWNUM and ROW_NUMBER ? ...

Discover what process/query is using oracle temp tablespace.

Oracle FAQ defines temp table space as follows: Temporary tablespaces are used to manage space for database sort operations and for storing global temporary tables. For example, if you join two large tables, and Oracle cannot do the sort in memory, space will be allocated in a temporary tablespace for doing the sort o...

Unique vs distinct multi-column in Oracle 9i

Hi, I am a bit confused about the uses of these words. I have a table with he following columns: SITE, LAT, LONG, NAME, ...... I want results with unique (or is it distinct) LAT, LONG. How do I achieve this? ...

Error connecting to oracle. Getting an UnsatisfiedLinkError for the method t2cGetCharSet

Hi, I am running a series of JUnits using Apache ANT using JDK 1.5. All JUnits that use an Oracle JDBC driver give the UnsatisfiedLinkError shown below. What native library is it looking for and how do I solve this? What should the PATH variable contain? oracle/jdbc/driver/T2CConnection.t2cGetCharSet([CI[CI[CI[CII[SLoracle/jdbc/drive...