
Pass collections of data to PL/SQL Package Procedure or Function from .NET?

I have a table that I need to insert a set of records into based on user input. IE: Selection from a list of items to choose from. For this example, let's just say it's a collection of int's. Not a lot of good examples on the internet. There's only one related question here on SO, but it lends no answers either (both answers are dead en...

How can i optimize subsequent related queries by using rowid

Hi, i am using ExecuteOracleNonQuery and getting rowid as output parameter.How can i optimize subsequent related queries by using rowid? ...

How transport data between different database encoding?


Are DBMS_AQ.REGISTER callbacks functional on Oracle XE?

I'm trying to get callbacks for oracle streams to work on ORACLE XE. I'd like to be able to perform a demo of using JMS to fire a pl/sql procedure. There are a million other ways of doing this, I'm sure. The idea is to enqueue a message and have the callback fire off. The call back is created using DBMS_AQ.REGISTER All I seem to get is...

PLW-06002 unreachable code when using NULL;

I occasionally do something like.... IF very-likely-condition THEN NULL; ELSE <<code to deal with the unlikely condition>> END IF; Which gives a PLW-06002 unreachable code warning from the PL/SQL compiler on the NULL line atfer the IF. Now whilst I can clearly ignore the warning and/or refactor the IF statement to be a NOT, I...

How to store selection result in to variable in Oracle procedure

I write a simple procedure. I try to store selection result in variable. I use "SELECT INTO" query but I can not doing this. Example: DECLARE v_employeeRecord employee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO v_employeeRecord FROM Employee WHERE Salary > 10; END; ...

Checking if a collection element exists in Oracle

I create a simple type: create or replace TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE AS OBJECT (ID NUMBER(38), NAME VARCHAR2(20)); Simple test: DECLARE TYPE ObjectList IS TABLE OF SIMPLE_TYPE; tmp SIMPLE_TYPE := SIMPLE_TYPE(1, 'a'); o ObjectList := new ObjectList(SIMPLE_TYPE(2, 'a'), SIMPLE_TYPE(3, 'a')); BEGIN IF tmp.EXISTS(tmp) THEN dbms_out...

Oracle: Using Pseudo column value in the same Select statement

I have a scenario in oracle where i need to be able to reuse the value of a pseudo column which was calculated previously within the same select statement something like: select 'output1' process, process || '-Output2' from Table1 I don't want to the repeat the first columns logic again in the second column for maintenance purposes, c...

Regular Expressions _# at end of string

I am using the REGEXP_LIKE function in Oracle 10g to find values in a column with a suffix of _#(like _1, _2 etc). I can find _# in any part of the value with the query below but can I return only values with _# at the end ? SELECT * FROM Table WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (COLUMN,'_[[:digit:]]') ...

default value of a variable at the time of declaration in PL SQL

what is the default value of a variable (VARCHAR2) at the time of declaration in PL SQL? Can i check it against NULL once after i declare a variable? ...

Disadvantages of mysql versus other databases

Every single book that teaches programming (or almost anything else) starts off with a whole bunch of spiel on why what it's about (C++, mysql, waterskiing, skydiving, dentistry, whatever) is the greatest thing in the world. So I open the MySQL O'Reilly book, and read the intro, and get the traditional sermon. The main points that the bo...

Problem when select'ing by ROWID inside procedure

Hello, I've spent hours trying to find a fix to this problem, but since I'm unable to find I've decided to ask here. I'm doing a procedure to retrieve information from a table based on the row's ROWID and with the results I'm doing some custom query using execute immediate. I've reduced the problem to the following lines, which I'm exec...

Should network DTC be enabled for oracle transactions

I have a WCF based web service hosted in windows sever 2003 machine. The database is Oracle 10G on solaris. The web service uses transactionscope extensively and transactions in some places. Most of the transactions involve only one resource (multiple oracle stored proc calls). Some of them are two resources (MSMQ and oracle stor...

plsql block to get the dynmaic sql query result

we have created following anonymous block........... DECLARE sql_str long(32000); where_str long(32000); counter NUMBER(3):=0; BEGIN sql_str:='SELECT '||' A.bio_id ,'; where_str:=' where '||'A.bio_id=B.bio_id AND'||' A.bio_id<>0 and rownum<25 AND (' ; LOOP counter:=counter+1; sql_str:=sql_str||'decode(A.wk_unit...

Are triggers executed with the current transaction isolation level?

Consider a table with 3 columns: ID (unique, taken from an Oracle sequence), CATEGORY and CODE (no constraints on these last two). Each category has multiple codes attached to it, but the codes must be unique within that category. Example: ID CATEGORY CODE 1 1 X 2 1 Y 3 1 Y //wrong The ...

Error when comparing values in Oracle

I write simple procedure. DECLARE connection_id LINE.CONNECTION_ID%TYPE := 11009; tmp_integer INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO tmp_integer FROM LINE WHERE LINE.CONNECTION_ID = 11009; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(connection_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(tmp_integer); END; Result of the launch: 11009 3 It is good result. I have only...

easier way to get the result as shown by following sql query (oracle database)

Can anybody let us know an easier way to get the result as shown by following query? We need to find a way that can show us the same result as the following query: SELECT DISTINCT A.bio_id , DECODE(A.wk_units2 - B.wk_units1,0,NULL,A.wk_units2) prev, DECODE(A.wk_units2 - B.wk_units1,0,NULL,B.wk_units1) curr, DECODE(A.wk_uni...

How can i pass parameters to a web page using oracle forms?

Hi, I'm trying to send parameters to a web site, with no success. Can anyone please show me a way of how to do it? an example of one way of doing it in ASP for instance is like that: Response.Write(;Firstname="AAA"&amp;Exfield1="BBB"&amp;"&amp;phone="321321321"&a...

Embed .net user control in JSP(Tomcat - Oracle BPM)

Hi I am trying to use my .net user control inside jsp page. The jsp is served by Tomcat in Oracle BPM 10g. I tried: adding mime tags for dll in web.xml Adding address to iexplore trusted zones. Using server generated adresses instead of fuego calls like: classid="..//webRoot/webResources/ImageEditor.dll#ImageEditor.Editor" The dll...

Launch Oracle stored-procedure in Java code.

I wrote a stored-procedure in Oracle and now, I want to launch it in Java code. I will describe a problem. I have a object type: TYPE PERSON_TYPE AS OBJECT (ID NUMBER(38), NAME VARCHAR2(20)); And table type: TYPE PERSON_TYPE_TABLE AS TABLE OF PERSON_TYPE; My procedure looks like this: PROCEDURE EVALUATE_PERSON_PROC(P_PERSON_ID IN ...