
Access database - links to SQL Server and Oracle

The application part of my database is in Access 2003, and I use tables that are linked from SQL server. Now, I have some tables that I have to link from an Oracle database. I link them through and ODBC connection and it works fine. Is it possible to link that Oracle link in SQL and then link that table as it is already linked in Acces...

Problem connecting to database using Oracle.DataAccess

The DBA at my company created a new user/password for an application I am working on. I tested the login using SQL Developer and can connect to the database just fine - all the tables I have access to are there. However, in my application, when I try to use the same credentials to connect using Oracle.DataAccess.dll, the connection fai...

OC4J orion-application.xml - elements and attributes mapped to deployment plan properties

Hi. i read in oracle docs sentense like this: "Each property maps to an element attribute in the orion-application.xml descriptor." These properties are from deployment plan and i need to know what is the name of the element in orion-application.xml wich is mapped to webSiteBinding property (from deployment plan). ...

In Oracle, how do I make an external table that has the exact same structure as an existing table?

I know that you can create a table for export like this: create table bulk_mbr organization external( type ORACLE_DATAPUMP default directory jason_home location ('mbr.dat')) as SELECT * FROM mbr; But I'd like to do something like this for imports so I can create an external import table with the same structure as an existing table,...

ORA-22054 Underflow Error

I am trying to get my stored procedure working in Oracle and am getting an Underflow error. I am trying to delete related information from six different tables. I can run the delete statements separately in SQL Developer without error. When I try and run the procedure from my C# codebehind I get an exception returned with the Underflo...

Unexpected empty query results

Ok, This is a dumb one . . . . Select * from <table> where <col1> is null and <col2> = 1; <col1> is varchar2(5byte) no defalut value <col2> is number default of -1 Why will my above query not return any records. I know for a fact that the query SHOULD return a result set, but I'm getting nothing. If I do: Select * from <table> wher...

What's the easiest way to parse multi-line SQL statements in Java?

I'm pretty new to Java, but I'm looking for Java code that can take multi-line SQL statements, say something like this from a flat file: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER REQ.TR_INPT_STAY_DETAI_SQ_BI BEFORE INSERT ON REQ.INPT_STAY_DETAIL FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT REQ.SQ_INPT_DETAIL.nextval INTO :new.INPT_STAY_DETAIL_PID from DUAL; END; ...

UPDATE before INSERT (Oracle)

hello, I have two schemas S1 and S2 with identical table structure. I`ll start with example: on S1.table1 I have: ID DATA1 DATA2 01 data1 test1 02 data1 test1 on S2.table1 I have: ID DATA1 DATA2 01 data2 test2 02 data2 test2 Is it possible to select one row (from S1.table...

Oracle - natural sort rows on multiple levels

Using Oracle 10.2.0. I have a table that consists of a line number, an indent level, and text. I need to write a routine to 'natural' sort the text within an indent level [that is a child of a lower indent level]. I have limited experience with analytic routines and connect by/prior, but from what I've read here and elsewhere, it seems ...

v$Instance permission errors

Hi all, I wanted to create a view that looked something like the following but i keep getting an ORA-01031 - insufficient permission error create view v_dbinfo as Select INSTANCE_NAME,HOST_NAME from v$instance; I can select from v$instance, and create a view from an existing table without any problems. Any idea on why this is occurri...

Execute Oracle Query (DML) from Excel

I can link the results of an existing table/view to an Excel spreadsheet (by choosing the table from the "Select Database and Table" window of the ODBC Wizard, however I'd like to execute a raw query instead. I would like to generate a query (as a string) based on cell values. Then, the user could manually "refresh" the data table whic...

Joining 3 tables with similar structure

Hello all, I'm executing sql queries in oracle 10g. I want to join 3 tables into a single new table containing all the records from the 3 individual tables. The balance should be Summed up wherever the reg_id is duplicated between the 3 tables, such that there is just one entry per reg_id with the summed balance in my new table. Sampl...

Does this SQL statement needs to be refactored?

SELECT DISTINCT group_id , supplier_id , supplier_name , site_division_id , site_division_name FROM view_supplier_site WHERE supplier_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT supplier_id FROM view_supplier WHERE YEAR IN (2008, 2009) AND received_quantity > 0...

replicating data between sites in a j2ee app

we have a J2EE app on which we're still working. It runs on Oracle DB. and the business tier is coded with EJB 2.0 with a rich client interface. now, the application is going to be deployed on multiple sites. and each site will be creating new items (new contracts, etc.). what we want to realize is to duplicate all new items added to a...

Oracle OCI Change Notification -- should HOST= be the client machine?

I have an example program that works fine with one database and doesn't get a callback invocation on another database. I noticed that in the working case SELECT CALLBACK FROM USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS returns a string that references the client IP address, which seems to intuitively match what the callback needs. (46, 4, 'net8:...

Call Oracle Oracle Procedure with inputs and output

Hello, I'm trying to call an Oracle stored procedure. This procedure, has 2 input paramters (first is decimal, second is DateTime), the third is an output cursor. I tried several code but no way, impossible to get data .... one parameter si missing (the output) I tried this : OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.Connect...

Copying metadata over a database link in Oracle 10g

Thanks in advance for your help experts. I want to be able to copy over database objects from database A into database B with a procedure created on database B. I created a database link between the two and have tweaked the get_ddl function of the dbms_metadata to look like this: create or replace function GetDDL ( p_name in ...

Oracle. Convert varchar value "40.00" to numerical.

For example, a have varchar value "40.00" and want to use it with operators ">" or "<" in where clause. How can I use it? ...

Encoding strings in XML from Oracle query

I'm producing XML right from PL/SQL in Oracle. What is the preferred way of ensuring that outputted strings are XML-conformant, with regards to special characters and character encoding ? Most of the XML file is static, we only need to output data for a few fields. Example of what I consider bad practice: DECLARE @s AS NVARCHAR(100...

Oracle data warehouse design - fact table acting as a dimension?

THANKS: Both answers here are very helpful, but I could only pick one. I really appreciate the advice! our datawarehouse will be used more for workflow reports than traditional analytical reports. Our users care about "current picture" far more than history. (though history matters, too.) We are a government entity that does not hav...