
Oracle SQL, concatenate multiple columns + add text

So I basically wanna display this (whole row in ONE column): I like [type column] cake with [icing column] and a [fruit column]. The result should be: Cake_Column I like chocolate cake with whipped_cream and a cherry. I like strawberry cake with vanilla_cream and a lemon_slice. etc. etc. I need some sort of TO_CHAR statement tha...

oracle Transactions

Hi All, is it possible to have only DDL statements with a transaction? and if so, is it possible to get it rollback to the original state, if any one of the DDL statement fails? Thanks & Regards, priya.R ...

Simple Query using subsonic 2.2 with Oracle.dataclient error.

I am using subsonic 2.2 with Oracle provider. I can use active record but my simple query does not work! int record = new Select(VenApplication.ApplicationidColumn).From(VenApplication)().GetRecordCount(); The error that i got is ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the ...

Altering Oracle sequence using result of expression

I have two variables MAX_TABLE_ID INTEGER; NEXT_TABLE_ID INTEGER; I'm reading values into these and then trying to alter a sequence based on them EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SEQUENCE NEXT_VALIDATED_TABLE_ID INCREMENT BY [MAX_TABLE_ID-NEXT_TABLE_ID]'; Bit I'm getting an "invalid number" error or a SQL command not ended error. This e...

Report Generation Tabbing error

I have a procedure using a util file and cursor where i have to generate a report for the table cl_masd_payments in the format given in the code I have written the procedure but its still giving errors...don know what is the problem Any help will be highly appreciated. Anand The procedure i have written is such: CREATE OR REPLACE P...

ORA-04098: Simple trigger is invalid. Why?

There is something wrong with this trigger. But what? CREATE TRIGGER MYCOOLTRIGGER AFTER INSERT ON MYCOOLTABLE REFERENCING NEW AS newRow FOR EACH ROW DECLARE BEGIN END MYCOOLTRIGGER; SQL Developer output: Warning: execution completed with warning TRIGGER MYCOOLTRIGGER Compiled. Is there any way to get more info on this Warning? ...

Bewildered student vs. ORA-00257 Error--can I fix this? How?

Of course my boss is out the day something goes wrong. It's just me, an inexperienced little student here, trying to get our website back up and running. All alone. The oracle database our site pulls data from won't let me connect (throwing the error on our site), giving me the error: ORA-00257. In full: ORA-00257: archiver error. Con...

Prevent error when dropping not existing sequences, creating existing users.

Hi, I have a bunch of sql scripts that create / drop sequences, users and other objects. I'm running these scripts through liquibase, but they fail because oracle complains when I try to drop a non existing sequence, or create an existing user. Is there an oracle way to prevent errors from happening? Something of the sort Create ...

Oracle Parameters with IN statement?

Hi Guys, Got a app which I need to modify. The query at the moment effectively does this: select * from contract where contractnum = :ContractNum (very simplified, just to show we're using an = and one parameter) That parameter is read in from the Settings.Settings file on the C# app and has one string in it. I need to modif...

Oracle Trace File Browsers?

Can anyone recommend a graphical tool to make browsing Oracle SQL Trace files easier? TKProf is great for summary info, but lately I am needing more detail on a specific run of a statement and end up going back to the trace file directly. Summarization and filtering would be pluses, but mainly looking for something with some basic dril...

PHP Oracle Ref Cursor

Okay, I am new to PHP/Oracle connectors. What I am trying to do is call a simple stored procedure which accepts a id number and returns a value. It works fine if there is a match, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to add conditional logic if there isn't a match. Basically, if there is a match, set $strategy to it, if there ...

How do I show fields in a table in oracle?

In mysql I can write show fields from <table>; What is the closest equivalent in Oracle SQL? ...

[Oracle] Tablespace after Create Table. What does it mean?

Hi, Im reading some Oracle scripts, and I found one with this Create Table XXY(...) Tablespace SOME_TABLESPACE .... NOCOMPRESS NOPARALLEL .. What does this mean? What is if for? There are many CreateTable statemsnts, but the Tablespace statement after is exactly the same. As I understand SOME_TABLESPACE must exist when this script i...

Connecting C# to Oracle

What is the best library/driver to connect C# (.NET) application to Oracle 10g and 11g. Current options that I found are: Oracle client that comes with database installation Oracle Instant Client (which is a bit confusing since it has 6-8 versions for number of operating systems) Microsoft ODBC ? (Can this be used?) ODP.Net - is this ...

TransactionScope and Error: ORA-02049

I have the following routine: For j = 1 To NumItems dbValueLookup.Load(j) Using scope As New TransactionScope() For i = firstIndex To lastIndex 'dbValueLookup is basically just a Dictionary of items already in the DB If dbValueLookup.ContainsKey(i) Then 'updateData is a subroutine that updates this row w...

How to get the values of oracle database parameters from a unix development server?

How to get the fallowing details from the unix development server? The below parameter values should be provided in the .dbc file and it should be mapped to the ETL Server . dbms:<br> db_version:<br> db_home: <br> db_name: <br> db_nodes: <br> case: <br> generate_dml_with_nulls:<br> field_type_preference:<br> treat_blanks_as_null:<br> ...

generate database & tables schema (ddl) on Oracle pl-sql

Hi, Anyone have a PL-SQL statement that i can use to generate database & tables schema for specific database on Oracle 10g? I need the schema in .sql file and if possible compatible with ANSI-92/99 sql implementation, so i can use the generated .sql directly on sql server 2005. Already heard about exp/imp, but it seems generated dump f...

Oracle date function

Hi, I am executing the below query,It returns me the blank row.However there are records in the table having upd_time = '12-MAR-08'.I don't understand why it is not returning the date '12-MAR-08'.Please help me out?? SELECT br_data.upd_time FROM BANKREC.br_data where br_data.upd_time = '12-MAR-08'; ...

ORA-00604 ORA-12705

Hi. I am having this error in my j2ee web application. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(

OC4J problem with ssl (secure-web-site.xml)

I'm working on eclipse and after making some changes in application and redeploying EAR file on OC4J server (i've added ssl support) my application binding in secure-web-site.xml ( i mean: web-app tag) disappears or rather is not adding. What do i have to do to get this done automatically ? ...