Hi guys,
I'm working on a Rails site that connects to an Oracle database, and though I didn't build the site from scratch, I'm doing maintenance work. The site uses the delayed_jobs plugin to handle some background tasks and I'd like to be able to run rake jobs:work on the development server to periodically process all jobs in the queu...
I have a select query which takes 10 min to complete as it runs thru 10M records. When I run thru TOAD or program using normal JDBC connection I get the results back, but while running a Job which uses Hibernate as ORM does not return any results. It just hangs up ...even after 45 min? Please help
In the middle of an automated test run last night, one of my twenty worker threads blew out; the application was attempting an INSERT. Springframework reports ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
Connecting to the database ( through the enterprise manager, I pull up a SQL worksheet and query the table, discovering (a) th...
My SAMPLE table has the following five columns:
sample_id (PK) (NUMBER)
sampled_on (DATE)
received_on (DATE)
completed_on (DATE)
authorized_on (DATE)
I would like a query with one row per hour (constrained by a given date range) and five columns:
The hour YYYY-MM-DD HH24
Number of samples sampled during that hour
Number of samples r...
I need to convert my query to classic Oracle join syntax because I need to put it in a materialized view. However, I'm not quite sure how to do it:
SELECT * FROM transactions t
LEFT JOIN transac_detail td1 ON (t.id = t1.trans_id AND t.ttype = 'VOICE')
LEFT JOIN transac_detail td2 ON (t.id = t2.trans_id AND t.ttype = 'BROADBAND')...
Can someone help me correct the Trigger below? I am assigned this problem but my technical skill is limited.
My script hit the error below (ORA 4091):
Processing STANDARD PO Number: 27179
Updating PO Status..
Done Approval Processing.
dist id 611294gl amount 10000.88 bill_del_amount 0 l_amoun...
Hello :)
What is the best data structure to store an oracle table that's about 140 rows by 3 columns. I was thinking about a multi dimensional array.
By best I do not necessarily mean most efficient (but i'd be curious to know your opinions) since the program will run as a job with plenty of time to run but I do have some restrictions...
When connecting to Oracle the JDBC driver identifies itself as "JDBC Thin Client" to Oracle (in v$session as the 'program'). There is also a 'ClientInfo' column in v$session that might be used for this, but it's always empty.
We have a need to identify different applications connecting to Oracle (which are running on the same host, so t...
I am running Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release in a dev environment with the following NLS settings:
Used clients are either PHP with oci8 extension or the Oracle SQL Developer, using both ended up in this behaviour which I don't understand:
I had rece...
Database is OracleXE and here is the problem:
data gets entered in tables
UPS does not survive power shock
Oracle server reboots after power failure
everything seems normal
after some time we realize that some data is missing from few tables (this is ok, because all inserts happened in one transaction), and some data seems like half-c...
I develop against Oracle databases. When I need to manually write (not use an ORM like hibernate), I put join statements in the where clause sections.
for example (this is simplistic just to illustrate the style):
Select *
from customers c, invoices i, shipment_info si
where c.customer_id = i.customer_id
and i.amount > 99...
I would like to create some PL/SQL procedures that return XML as CLOB parameters. I want to just do this (which works fine with simple tests):
create or replace procedure p_xml_test_1(
p_xml out nocopy clob
) is
p_xml := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8" ?>' ||
'<test><something>some value</something></test>';
end p_xml...
Hi, Im using the sqlFile to include an sql script that creates tables using oracle specific commands (NOCACHE, NO PARALLEL, stuff like that). My master.xml file includes all sql scripts and executes them. However, when it detects a tag, it fails and prints this error message.
C:\update.bat master.xml
Migration Failed: cvc-complex-type....
Is there a way to create a timestamp column in Oracle that automatically stores a timestamp of when the record has changed ?
I have the following query which is inside a loop and is breaking
SELECT COALESCE(v_user_grade || ', ', '') || user_grade
INTO v_user_grade
WHERE hist_id = v_test;
So basically in each iteration of the loop we get a new value for v_test. In some cases this query would return...
I'm currently getting the error: "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01843: not a valid month" which I assume is to do with the way I am setting a timestamp...
So I have a query like this :
select * from A_TABLE where A_TIMESTAMP_COL < '1252944840000'
But it doesn't work...and I don't want to have to convert it to a date ideally. Is the...
Why wont this work in oracle?
is there a way to make this work?
FROM table1 a,
table2 b,
table3 c
WHERE a.some_id = '10'
AND a.other_id (+)= b.other_id
AND a.other_id (+)= c.other_id
I want table1 to be left outer joined on multiple tables...
If I try to change it to ANSI join I get compilation errors. I did the following:...
Hello all,
This is my use case: Input is a string representing an Oracle PL/SQL statement of arbitray complexity. We may assume it's a single statement (not a script).
Now, several bits of this input string have to be rewritten.
E.g. table names need to be prefixed, aggregate functions in the selection list that don't use a column ali...
I am looking at converting an application from Oracle to Postrges that has all the business logic in the database. Currently there is a very large package that has about 200 public constant variables. Postgres does not support package level variables so I am debating how to convert it. I see two possibilities but need some opinions about...
Hi all,
i need good sample code C# or VB.NET , frk 3.5 for this tasks:
Read SQL (Oracle) File from Resources RESX and do: create TAbles, Insert Rows
using Oracle ODP.NET
Thanks in advance