
Oracle cyclic foreign key references issues.

I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a solution to this. For a database class, I need to implement the following: Table HUSBANDS: (Name Varchar2(10)) (Wife Varchar2(10)) Table WIVES: (Name Varchar2(10)) (Husband Varchar2(10)) and using Oracle constraints, enfore the following rules: No two husbands can have the same na...

Oracle Database Character Set

Hello how do I change or alter the character set of a database for it to support nihongo characters ...

how to uninstall oracle 10g ? i dont see any uninstall tool for this

hi i want to uninstall oracle 10g (on windows 7) but i dont see any uninstall tool thank's in advance ...

Inserting new columns in the middle of a table?

When one uses "ALTER TABLE tab ADD col", the new column gets added to the end of the table. For example: TABLE: TAB COL_1 COL_2 COL_4 ALTER TABLE TAB ADD COL_3 table will become TABLE: TAB COL_1 COL_2 COL_4 COL_3 However as the naming of my example columns suggests I'd actually like the table to end up like this: TABLE: TAB COL_1...

Fix ORA-02273: this unique/primary key is referenced by some foreign keys

Trying to drop a unique constraint I've got such error: ORA-02273: this unique/primary key is referenced by some foreign keys How to find the list of foreign keys by which my unique constraint is referenced? ...

how to alter schema in Oracle BI Administration

hi, I use the oracle BI administration tool and I want to change the schema I select data from. My idea was that the user will pass a parameter in url (I use the go url option) and according to that parameter I will know which schema I need to switch. I created two initalization blocks. select the name of the schema by the given par...

Triggers in oracle

What are the condtions where triggers can enhance or hinder the performance? When to use and when not to use the triggers in the system? How triggers can be used to impose complex constraints? ...

Comparison of 3rd Party Oracle .NET Providers

I'm in the process of cleaning up an Oracle database application. In this application, performance and ease of access are paramount concerns. It has to get out of your way and let you get to the data in a free and uninhibited way. While doing that, it has to be very fast. When it can't be fast, it has to be multi-threaded so that it does...

Oracle Hierarchical Query

Using Oracle 10g. I have two tables: User Parent ------------- 1 (null) 2 1 3 1 4 3 Permission User_ID ------------------- A 1 B 3 The values in the permissions table get inherited down to the children. I would like to write a single query that could return me something like this: User P...

how can the PL/SQL datatype BINARY_INTEGER materialized as Java types?

What would be the datatype in java equivalent to the PL/SQL datatype BINARY_INTEGER? ...

update columns values with column of another table based on condition.

I have two tables... table1 ( id, item, price ) values: id | item | price ------------- 10 | book | 20 20 | copy | 30 30 | pen | 10 ....table2 ( id, item, price) values: id | item | price ------------- 10 | book | 20 20 | book | 30 Now I want to: update table1 set table1.Price = table2.price where = table2.i...

Oracle roles & privileges for trigger creation

What Oracle roles/privileges do I need to create a trigger on a table in another schema? ...

how to use = assignment operator with timestamp date column in oracle

I'm using timestamp in dat column in table r3. when I fire command select dat from r3 where dat='16-nov-09'; it shows "no rows selected" but when i fire command select dat from r3 where dat>'15-nov-09'; it shows the whole data of 16-nov-09. Tell me what is wrong in my first command or what i have to do. ...

Custom WCF binding for interacting with Oracle AQ?

Anyone aware of any good examples/resources using WCF to interact with Oracle AQ (Advanced Queueing), possibly even a custom binding? Thanks. KJQ ...

error while running a sql*plus script

Hi , i have a script which simply connect to the table in sql*plus and inserts a row in the table. it is throwing an error as below: SP2-0552: Bind variable "BIND" not declared i am not able to figure out exactly what the bind variable is in the query that it is trying to insert. ...

Oracle Unicode Spooling

How can I spool data from a table to a file which contains Unicode characters? I have a sql file which I execute from SQL*Plus screen and its content is: SET ECHO OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SET HEADING OFF SET PAGESIZE 0 SPOOL STREET_POINT_THR.BQSV SELECT GEOX||'`'||GEOY||'`'||UNICODE_DESC||'`'||ASCII_DESC FROM GEO.STREET_POINTS; SPOOL OFF ...

Commandline to modify tnsnames.ora

Is there a command line utility to modify the tnsnames.ora file for the oracle client? [EDIT] I'm looking for something similar to odbcconf.exe (for editing ODBC connection on windows) to modify the tnsnames.ora file. [EDIT2] I'm using MSBUILD from my automated build script. The MSBuild Community Tasks Project has an AddTnsName task t...

cfquery oracle stored procedure

I had to change the SQL stored procedure to ORacle stored procddure.I am able to successfully execute my modified stored procedure in oracle. But unable to obtain the query result in CF for the Oracle stored-Procedure.I have used <cfquery>. Any suggestions or tips to for using an Oracle stored proc/CF-8? ...

How to specify a variable expression list in a Pro*C query?

I have a little problem with a Pro*C query I'm trying to optimise. To explain, our application searches for rows in a huge database. These rows exist in several languages and the old code selected a row for each language in an array. Now as these queries are the most time consuming part of our app, I wanted to make only one query which ...

Making a sha1-hash of a row in Oracle

I'm having a problem with making a sha1-hash of a row in a select on an Oracle database. I've done it in MSSQL as follows: SELECT *,HASHBYTES('SHA1',CAST(ID as varchar(10)+ TextEntry1+TextEntry2+CAST(Timestamp as varchar(10)) as Hash FROM dbo.ExampleTable WHERE ID = [foo] However, I can't seem to find a similar function to use when ...